JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare

JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare

Flirts & Dates in deiner Nähe

开发者: F&P GmbH

  • 1789天7小时


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  • 2018-01-16


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  • 版本: 2.5.1



    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare

    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare

    Flirts & Dates in deiner Nähe


    Hier kommt dein Update. Ungeniert und außergewöhnlich.

    Diesmal haben wir eine Überraschung im Pinnwandbereich, insbesondere "in der Nähe" für dich. Schau doch gleich mal rein!

    Du hast Fragen, Anmerkungen oder Verbesserungen zu unserer App?
    Sag es uns unter – Danke :-)


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    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图


    Mit JOYCE werden aus zufälligen Begegnungen echte, sinnliche Erlebnisse. Frauen, Männer und Paare finden in der JOYCE Community unkompliziertes Dating und intensives Kennenlernen mit neuen Leuten aus ihrer Umgebung. Vom lustvollen Abenteuer bis zur Partnersuche – JOYCE ist deine Eintrittskarte in die geheimnisvolle Welt der Erwachsenen!

    Aktiviere unsere neue LIVE-Funktion und finde spontane Treffen so leicht wie nie. Ob auf Balkonien oder am Mittelmeer - schau dir an, worauf andere Mitglieder in deiner unmittelbaren Nähe Lust haben. Mit deiner eigenen Botschaft zeigst du, wonach dir der Sinn steht und machst auf dich selbst aufmerksam. Dir fehlen die Worte? Wähle einfach eine unserer spritzigen Vorlagen. Deine Daten werden von uns dabei wie immer mit höchster Sorgfalt behandelt: Alle Nachrichten verschwinden nach 48 Stunden, können nur von Mitgliedern die ebenfalls Live aktiviert haben gesehen werden und zeigen niemals deine genaue Position. Wenn du die Funktion beendest, bist du auch nicht mehr sichtbar - so einfach ist das.

    Worauf wartest du noch? Mit LIVE wird dies dein Sommer!

    • Intelligente Suche: Entdecke aufgeschlossene Singles und Paare in unserem Netzwerk und lasse dich von Frauen und Männern in deiner aktuellen Umgebung finden.
    • Diskreter Chat: Flirte mit alten und neuen Bekanntschaften per Pseudonym in unserem Club-Messenger, sende Bilder und einzigartige Smileys, verabrede dich zum Date und hab vor allem Spaß!
    • Gruppenchats: Organisiere spannende Treffen in privater Unterhaltung.
    • Live-Funktion: Suche aktive Mitglieder in deiner Nähe oder lass dich finden. Mit Statusnachrichten und Icons lässt du jeden wissen, auf was du gerade aus bist.
    • Unsichtbar-Modus: Durchstöbere ganz unentdeckt andere Nutzerprofile.
    • Events: Erfahre von heißen Partys und weiteren Veranstaltungen in deiner Nähe.
    • 200+ virtuelle Geschenke: Zaubere deinen Freunden ein Lächeln auf die Lippen!
    • Überraschungen: Regelmäßig halten wir ganz besondere Angebote für unsere treue Community bereit.

    Bitte beachte! Die App kann kostenlos heruntergeladen und benutzt werden, einige Funktionen setzen jedoch eine Premium-Mitgliedschaft voraus, die für echtes Geld per In-App Kauf erworben werden kann.

    Wir respektieren deine Privatsphäre mit unserem zertifizierten, deutschen Datenschutzstandard. Das JOYCE Netzwerk ist komplett werbefrei und wir geben keine Informationen an Dritte weiter. Außerdem kannst du jederzeit so anonym bleiben, wie du möchtest.

    Du hast Fragen oder Verbesserungsvorschläge zu JOYCE? Unser Support-Team steht dir unter jederzeit zur Verfügung. Wir freuen uns auf dein Feedback.
  • 版本: 2.5.0



    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare

    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare

    Flirts & Dates in deiner Nähe


    Hier kommt dein Update. Ungeniert und außergewöhnlich.

    - wir haben kleinere Darstellungsprobleme unter iOS13 behoben -

    Du hast Fragen, Anmerkungen oder Verbesserungen zu unserer App?
    Sag es uns unter – Danke :-)



  • 版本: 2.4.8



    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare

    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare

    Flirts & Dates in deiner Nähe


    Hier kommt dein Update. Ungeniert und außergewöhnlich.

    Für noch mehr Komfort bei der Registrierung und dem Login haben wir die Account-Aktivierung und die "Login vergessen"-Funktion komplett überarbeitet.

    Du hast Fragen, Anmerkungen oder Verbesserungen zu unserer App?
    Sag es uns unter – Danke :-)



  • 版本: 2.4.7



    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare

    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare

    Flirts & Dates in deiner Nähe


    Hier kommt dein Update. Ungeniert und außergewöhnlich.

    * Fingerabdruck- / Gesichtserkennung können optional zum PIN aktiviert werden
    * Weniger blockierende Dialoge. Erfolgsmeldungen nach erfolgreichem Bildupload verschwinden nach kurzer Zeit nun automatisch und müssen nicht weggeklickt werden.
    * Vereinzelt gab es Probleme beim Schreiben oder Öffnen von ClubMails - FIXED.

    Du hast Fragen, Anmerkungen oder Verbesserungen zu unserer App?
    Sag es uns unter – Danke :-)



  • 版本: 2.4.5



    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare

    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare

    Flirts & Dates in deiner Nähe


    Hier kommt dein Update. Ungeniert und außergewöhnlich.

    * kleines Update der Kacheln im Bereich Pinnwand
    * diverse kleinere Bugfixes

    Du hast Fragen, Anmerkungen oder Verbesserungen zu unserer App?
    Sag es uns unter – Danke :-)



  • 版本: 2.4.4



    JOYCE Dating Singles & Couples

    JOYCE Dating Singles & Couples

    Flirt & Chat with Local People


    Here's your update. Ungenious and extraordinary.
    * Occasional problems with very long passwords. Fixed.
    * Sporadic connection errors in the Live feature. Fixed.
    * Occasional problems in group conversations. Fixed.
    * minor bug fixes

    You have questions, comments or improvements to our app?
    Tell us at - Thank you :-)


    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 视频
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    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图


    JOYCE turns casual encounters into real experiences. Girls, men and couples - straight, gay or lesbian - appreciate the uncomplicated dating and intensive relationships with new people in their area that evolve from the JOYCE community. From sensual adventures to serious dates - JOYCE is your ticket to the mysterious world of adults!

    A Pocketful of Adventure - Introducing LIVE

    Activate our new LIVE feature and discover active couples, girls and men nearby. Whether you’re at home or on vacation - post your own status message to be found by other members. No worries, your details will be handled with our certified privacy standard: All messages are visible for a maximum of 12 hours, can only be viewed by members who have shared their location and never show your exact position.

    Don’t wait for your chance, try LIVE and find your next adventure for the summer!

    • Intelligent Search: Discover our open-minded singles and couples in your area.
    • Discreet Chat: Flirt with old and new acquaintances via pseudonym in our Club Messenger, send pictures and unique smileys, arrange a date and have fun!
    • Group Chats: Organize exciting meetings in private conversation.
    • Live feature: Search for active members near you or let them find you. With status messages and icons, you let everyone know what you're up to.
    • Invisible Mode: Browse other member profiles completely undetected.
    • Events: Learn about hot parties and other events in your area.
    • Over 200 Virtual Gifts: Make your friends smile!
    • Surprises: We regularly have special offers for our loyal community.

    Please note! The app is free to download and use, but some features require premium membership, which can be purchased for real money via in-app purchase.

    We respect your privacy with our certified, German privacy standard. The JOYCE network is completely adfree and we do not share information with third parties. In addition, you can always be as anonymous as you want.

    Do you have any questions or suggestions for improving JOYCE? Our support team is always available at We are looking forward to your feedback.
  • 版本: 2.4.3



    JOYCE Dating Singles & Couples

    JOYCE Dating Singles & Couples

    Flirt & Chat with Local People


    Here's your update. Ungenious and extraordinary.

    * See immediately if there is a match near you, thanks to voting status in Live.
    * New status icon for JOYCE live.
    * some bug fixes
    You have questions, comments or improvements to our app?
    Tell us at - Thank you :-)


    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 视频
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    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图


    JOYCE turns casual encounters into real experiences. Girls, men and couples - straight, gay or lesbian - appreciate the uncomplicated dating and intensive relationships with new people in their area that evolve from the JOYCE community. From sensual adventures to serious dates - JOYCE is your ticket to the mysterious world of adults!

    A Pocketful of Adventure - Introducing LIVE

    Activate our new LIVE feature and discover active couples, girls and men nearby. Whether you’re at home or on vacation - post your own status message to be found by other members. No worries, your details will be handled with our certified privacy standard: All messages are visible for a maximum of 12 hours, can only be viewed by members who have shared their location and never show your exact position.

    Don’t wait for your chance, try LIVE and find your next adventure for the summer!

    • Intelligent Search: Discover our open-minded singles and couples in your area.
    • Discreet Chat: Flirt with old and new acquaintances via pseudonym in our Club Messenger, send pictures and unique smileys, arrange a date and have fun!
    • Group Chats: Organize exciting meetings in private conversation.
    • Live feature: Search for active members near you or let them find you. With status messages and icons, you let everyone know what you're up to.
    • Invisible Mode: Browse other member profiles completely undetected.
    • Events: Learn about hot parties and other events in your area.
    • Over 200 Virtual Gifts: Make your friends smile!
    • Surprises: We regularly have special offers for our loyal community.

    Please note! The app is free to download and use, but some features require premium membership, which can be purchased for real money via in-app purchase.

    We respect your privacy with our certified, German privacy standard. The JOYCE network is completely adfree and we do not share information with third parties. In addition, you can always be as anonymous as you want.

    Do you have any questions or suggestions for improving JOYCE? Our support team is always available at We are looking forward to your feedback.
  • 版本: 2.4.1



    JOYCE Dating Singles & Couples

    JOYCE Dating Singles & Couples

    Flirt & Chat with Local People


    Here's your update. Ungenious and extraordinary.

    If you feel at home in the world of groups, you should have a look at the pinboard. There is always something exciting to discover.

    The following bugs have been fixed:
    - Back button in galleries sometimes led back to wrong profiles. Fixed.
    - Display error of the main navigation on iPhone X. Fixed.

    You have questions, comments or improvements to our app?
    Tell us at - Thank you :-)



  • 版本: 2.4.0



    JOYCE Dating Singles & Couples

    JOYCE Dating Singles & Couples

    Flirt & Chat with Local People


    Here's your update. Ungenious and extraordinary.

    If you feel at home in the world of groups, you should have a look at the pinboard. There is always something exciting to discover.

    You have questions, comments or improvements to our app?
    Tell us at - Thank you :-)


    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 视频
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图


    JOYCE turns casual encounters into real experiences. Girls, men and couples - straight, gay or lesbian - appreciate the uncomplicated dating and intensive relationships with new people in their area that evolve from the JOYCE community. From sensual adventures to serious dates - JOYCE is your ticket to the mysterious world of adults!

    A Pocketful of Adventure - Introducing LIVE

    Activate our new LIVE feature and discover active couples, girls and men nearby. Whether you’re at home or on vacation - post your own status message to be found by other members. No worries, your details will be handled with our certified privacy standard: All messages are visible for a maximum of 12 hours, can only be viewed by members who have shared their location and never show your exact position.

    Don’t wait for your chance, try LIVE and find your next adventure for the summer!

    • Intelligent Search: Discover our open-minded singles and couples in your area.
    • Discreet Chat: Flirt with old and new acquaintances via pseudonym in our Club Messenger, send pictures and unique smileys, arrange a date and have fun!
    • Group Chats: Organize exciting meetings in private conversation.
    • Live feature: Search for active members near you or let them find you. With status messages and icons, you let everyone know what you're up to.
    • Invisible Mode: Browse other member profiles completely undetected.
    • Events: Learn about hot parties and other events in your area.
    • Over 200 Virtual Gifts: Make your friends smile!
    • Surprises: We regularly have special offers for our loyal community.

    Please note! The app is free to download and use, but some features require premium membership, which can be purchased for real money via in-app purchase.

    We respect your privacy with our certified, German privacy standard. The JOYCE network is completely adfree and we do not share information with third parties. In addition, you can always be as anonymous as you want.

    Do you have any questions or suggestions for improving JOYCE? Our support team is always available at We are looking forward to your feedback.
  • 版本: 2.3.9



    JOYCE Dating Singles & Couples

    JOYCE Dating Singles & Couples

    Flirt & Chat with Local People


    Here's your update. Ungenious and extraordinary.

    we fixed a few bugs, among others:
    * Occasional crashes when opening a gallery image - fixed.
    * Occasional crashes when opening Live - fixed.
    * When commenting images, the size of the input field didn't change - fixed.

    Questions, comments or improvements? Tell us in the beta tester group or at - Thank you!


    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 视频
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    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图
    JOYCE Dating Singles & Paare App 截图


    JOYCE turns casual encounters into real experiences. Girls, men and couples - straight, gay or lesbian - appreciate the uncomplicated dating and intensive relationships with new people in their area that evolve from the JOYCE community. From sensual adventures to serious dates - JOYCE is your ticket to the mysterious world of adults!

    A Pocketful of Adventure - Introducing LIVE

    Activate our new LIVE feature and discover active couples, girls and men nearby. Whether you’re at home or on vacation - post your own status message to be found by other members. No worries, your details will be handled with our certified privacy standard: All messages are visible for a maximum of 12 hours, can only be viewed by members who have shared their location and never show your exact position.

    Don’t wait for your chance, try LIVE and find your next adventure for the summer!

    • Intelligent Search: Discover our open-minded singles and couples in your area.
    • Discreet Chat: Flirt with old and new acquaintances via pseudonym in our Club Messenger, send pictures and unique smileys, arrange a date and have fun!
    • Group Chats: Organize exciting meetings in private conversation.
    • Live feature: Search for active members near you or let them find you. With status messages and icons, you let everyone know what you're up to.
    • Invisible Mode: Browse other member profiles completely undetected.
    • Events: Learn about hot parties and other events in your area.
    • Over 200 Virtual Gifts: Make your friends smile!
    • Surprises: We regularly have special offers for our loyal community.

    Please note! The app is free to download and use, but some features require premium membership, which can be purchased for real money via in-app purchase.

    We respect your privacy with our certified, German privacy standard. The JOYCE network is completely adfree and we do not share information with third parties. In addition, you can always be as anonymous as you want.

    Do you have any questions or suggestions for improving JOYCE? Our support team is always available at We are looking forward to your feedback.