Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop

Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop

开发者: Matthias Gansrigler

  • 917天5小时


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  • 2017-10-12


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  • 版本: 2.4.2



    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop

    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop


    Yoink v2.4.2 brings the following improvements:
    - When renaming a file, the current filename is displayed as a starting point
    - Fixes a bug where Yoink could end up in an infinite loop when put into the background with Picture-in-Picture running, potentially causing battery drain


    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图


    Yoink for iPad and iPhone lets you easily and quickly store items you drag, copy, share or download for later use.

    This way, you can collect items in a central place without having to constantly move back and forth between your source- and destination applications.
    The app accepts virtually any file type, for example app-content like images from websites, text snippets, web urls, eMails and documents - no matter if you drag, copy, share or download them.

    Here's what users say about Yoink:
    "The best shelf app on iOS" - Igloouk, UK App Store
    "Most useful app in the iOS store. What a gem." - noway170, Austrian App Store
    "A godsend. Get this. Now." - mr chairboy, US App Store

    As a Slide-Over or Side-by-Side app on iPad, Yoink is always ready for you to drag something to it, no matter what app you're in. Just slide Yoink into view and conclude your drag operation.
    On iPhone, use Yoink's Share extension, or copy-paste items into Yoink.
    Items are stored in Yoink for later use, featuring rich previews for easy identification and full previews for most file types.
    Drags containing multiple items are combined into a Stack.

    Yoink comes with deep system integration:
    - Clipboard Monitor:
    Yoink's clipboard monitor saves everything you copy or cut, even when Yoink itself is in the background.
    Use the Picture-in-Picture overlay to select what type of data Yoink should save, as well as to pause or stop it at any time.

    - Picture-in-Picture for more than just videos:
    Among others, Yoink can show pictures, PDFs, eMails and even websites in the Picture-in-Picture overlay, and lets you scroll through pages of documents right there.

    - iCloud Sync
    Synchronize Yoink's items across your devices using iCloud

    - Handoff
    Transfer files between iPhones, iPads and Macs (separate Mac Yoink app required) using Handoff

    - Action/Share Extension
    Almost any item you can share via the system-wide Share sheet, you can send directly to Yoink from there

    - Keyboard
    Yoink has its own keyboard so that inserting items you've stored in Yoink is easy and quick, without having to launch Yoink.

    - Spotlight Integration
    Any item in Yoink can be found via Spotlight - and the search-results are draggable.

    - Today Widget
    Access Yoink's items and save the contents from your clipboard in Yoink from Notification Center

    - Shortcuts / Siri Suggestions
    Yoink offers you Siri Shortcuts and Suggestions so you can automate processes, like adding items from the clipboard to Yoink, or copying items from Yoink, as well as starting downloads in Yoink.

    - Files Integration
    Access Yoink's files from any app that supports iOS 11's document browser

    Here's what the press says about Yoink:
    "Yoink is the shelf app Apple should have made." - Federico Viticci, MacStories.net
    "Yoink is a must-have app" - Jeff Benjamin; 9to5mac.com
    "Indispensable for power users." - Craig Grannell; techradar.com
  • 版本: 2.4.1



    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop

    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop


    Yoink v2.4.1 brings the following improvements and fixes:

    Improvements for Yoink's Clipboard Monitor:
    - New Siri Shortcuts for starting, pausing, ending Yoink's Clipboard Monitor, as well as changing the data type and timeout
    - In Settings.app > Yoink > Clipboard Monitor, enable Display Last Saved Item so that the most recent copied item saved in Yoink is displayed in the Picture-in-Picture overlay
    - In Settings.app > Yoink > Clipboard Monitor, disable Confirm Monitoring if you'd like to more quickly start a Clipboard Monitor session from Yoink
    - The Clipboard Monitor can now be started by long-pressing Yoink's App icon on your Home screen
    - The Clipboard Monitor now pauses upon timeout, instead of closing down entirely

    Improvements for Downloads:
    - A download's progress is now shown in Yoink if in Settings.app > Yoink > Appearance, Use Small Previews is enabled
    - Downloads now show the size of the file being downloaded in addition to their progress

    General Improvements:
    - Renaming a file now has a larger UI
    - Editing a URL now refreshes its icon
    - Shortens Yoink's Share extension's loading times
    - Maps/Location items are now a separate option from URLs in Yoink's filter (tap Showing All at the bottom to access it)

    Bug Fixes:
    - Fixes a bug where, after syncing, deleted items would on occasion reappear
    - Fixes a bug in the Share extension where, when syncing, the iCloud icon wouldn't appear, indicating a sync operation
    - Fixes a bug where tapping Quick Look for a data type in the Info panel didn't work
    - Fixes a bug where websites would no longer correctly load in Picture-in-Picture mode
    - Fixes a bug where Yoink would sometimes crash when dragging files around while Yoink would refresh its list
    - Fixes a crash when creating a preview for websites that request microphone or camera access (which Yoink doesn't allow)
    - Fixes a couple of memory leaks
    - Fixes a crash that could occur during Handoff

    If you enjoy Yoink, please consider leaving a rating or a review on the App Stores - it would help me out a lot!
    If you'd like to learn more about me, my apps and their development, I'd like to invite you to follow me on my blog (https://blog.eternalstorms.at), on twitter (@eternalstorms), instagram (@eternalstorms) or Facebook (https://facebook.com/eternalstorms). I'm looking forward to connecting with you!
    - Matthias


    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图


    Yoink for iPad and iPhone lets you easily and quickly store items you drag, copy, share or download for later use.

    This way, you can collect items in a central place without having to constantly move back and forth between your source- and destination applications.
    The app accepts virtually any file type, for example app-content like images from websites, text snippets, web urls, eMails and documents - no matter if you drag, copy, share or download them.

    Here's what users say about Yoink:
    "The best shelf app on iOS" - Igloouk, UK App Store
    "Most useful app in the iOS store. What a gem." - noway170, Austrian App Store
    "A godsend. Get this. Now." - mr chairboy, US App Store

    As a Slide-Over or Side-by-Side app on iPad, Yoink is always ready for you to drag something to it, no matter what app you're in. Just slide Yoink into view and conclude your drag operation.
    On iPhone, use Yoink's Share extension, or copy-paste items into Yoink.
    Items are stored in Yoink for later use, featuring rich previews for easy identification and full previews for most file types.
    Drags containing multiple items are combined into a Stack.

    Yoink comes with deep system integration:
    - iCloud Sync
    Synchronize Yoink's items across your devices using iCloud

    - Handoff
    Transfer files between iPhones, iPads and Macs (separate Mac Yoink app required) using Handoff

    - Action/Share Extension
    Almost any item you can share via the system-wide Share sheet, you can send directly to Yoink from there

    - Keyboard
    Yoink has its own keyboard so that inserting items you've stored in Yoink is easy and quick, without having to launch Yoink.

    - Spotlight Integration
    Any item in Yoink can be found via Spotlight - and the search-results are draggable.

    - Today Widget
    Access Yoink's items and save the contents from your clipboard in Yoink from Notification Center

    - Shortcuts / Siri Suggestions
    Yoink offers you Siri Shortcuts and Suggestions so you can automate processes, like adding items from the clipboard to Yoink, or copying items from Yoink, as well as starting downloads in Yoink.

    - Files Integration
    Access Yoink's files from any app that supports iOS 11's document browser

    Here's what the press says about Yoink:
    "Yoink is the shelf app Apple should have made." - Federico Viticci, MacStories.net
    "Yoink is a must-have app" - Jeff Benjamin; 9to5mac.com
    "Indispensable for power users." - Craig Grannell; techradar.com
  • 版本: 2.4



    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop

    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop


    Yoink v2.4 brings the following new features and improvements:
    - The Clipboard Monitor introduced in v2.3.5 has been improved. With it enabled, Yoink stores anything you copy in other apps, even if the Yoink is in the background.
    Now you can quickly pause and restart the monitoring via Picture-in-Picture's Play/Pause button.
    You can also restrict which data type the monitor should be exclusively looking for (any, texts, URLs and images).
    - Improved compatibility with GarageBand
    - Improves the display of Map-Locations in Picture-in-Picture
    - Fixes a memory leak
    - Fixes a crash that could occur when dragging out a file representation from the Info-Popover from within a Stack
    - Fixes two other, rarer crashes

    Version 2.4 also includes the following new features and improvements from version 2.3:
    - [iOS 15] Play not only movies in Picture-in-Picture, but also texts, images, PDFs and even websites (scroll through PDFs, websites and more with the play/pause button, advance to the next file using the skip buttons)
    - [iOS 15] Reference Yoink's files in Quick Notes: Select files in Yoink and start a Quick Note
    - [iOS 15] On iPad, Band selection with our mouse or trackpad is now supported to select files even quicker
    - [iOS 15] On iPhone, you can now drag and drop files between Yoink and other apps, and you can drag files from Yoink's keyboard into the text area
    - [iOS 15] The info panel has been redesigned in certain cases
    - Audio will now continue playing if the app is moved into the background
    - The info panel is now more useful for Stacks and will show you all the contained files for quick access
    - Yoink now appears in "Open In" dialogs

    Smaller improvements and bug fixes:
    - Yoink now requires iOS 14 or newer
    - Improved compatibility with Firefox, Brave, Edge and Opera
    - Improved sync reliability
    - Performance improvements for loading website- and eMail preview-icons
    - eMail preview icons and previews now render more nicely and accurately
    - Yoink no longer loads images for preview-icons of eMails to ensure your privacy
    - Fixed Yoink's Splash Screen
    - Fixed a crash when attempting to print
    - Fixed a crash that could occur when sharing locations from Maps to Yoink
    - Fixed a crash that occurred when tapping the "More" button of a Stack while files were still loading
    - Fixed wrong text in Yoink's Settings in Settings.app
    - Fixed a bug where on some iOS devices the space bar of Yoink's keyboard was missing
    - Fixed a bug where rarely, after handing off a file, the receiving device would lose the file
    - Fixed a crash when checking a URL's scheme
    - Fixed a rare crash when using Quick Look for creating previews
    - Fixed a rare crash that could occur when invoking the Get Items Siri Shortcut

    If you enjoy Yoink, please consider leaving a rating or a review on the App Stores - it would help me out a lot!
    If you'd like to learn more about me, my apps and their development, I'd like to invite you to follow me on my blog (https://blog.eternalstorms.at), on twitter (@eternalstorms), instagram (@eternalstorms) or Facebook (https://facebook.com/eternalstorms). I'm looking forward to connecting with you!
    - Matthias


    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图


    Yoink for iPad and iPhone lets you easily and quickly store items you drag, copy, share or download for later use.

    This way, you can collect items in a central place without having to constantly move back and forth between your source- and destination applications.
    The app accepts virtually any file type, for example app-content like images from websites, text snippets, web urls, eMails and documents - no matter if you drag, copy, share or download them.

    Here's what users say about Yoink:
    "The best shelf app on iOS" - Igloouk, UK App Store
    "Most useful app in the iOS store. What a gem." - noway170, Austrian App Store
    "A godsend. Get this. Now." - mr chairboy, US App Store

    As a Slide-Over or Side-by-Side app on iPad, Yoink is always ready for you to drag something to it, no matter what app you're in. Just slide Yoink into view and conclude your drag operation.
    On iPhone, use Yoink's Share extension, or copy-paste items into Yoink.
    Items are stored in Yoink for later use, featuring rich previews for easy identification and full previews for most file types.
    Drags containing multiple items are combined into a Stack.

    Yoink comes with deep system integration:
    - iCloud Sync
    Synchronize Yoink's items across your devices using iCloud

    - Handoff
    Transfer files between iPhones, iPads and Macs (separate Mac Yoink app required) using Handoff

    - Action/Share Extension
    Almost any item you can share via the system-wide Share sheet, you can send directly to Yoink from there

    - Keyboard
    Yoink has its own keyboard so that inserting items you've stored in Yoink is easy and quick, without having to launch Yoink.

    - Spotlight Integration
    Any item in Yoink can be found via Spotlight - and the search-results are draggable.

    - Today Widget
    Access Yoink's items and save the contents from your clipboard in Yoink from Notification Center

    - Shortcuts / Siri Suggestions
    Yoink offers you Siri Shortcuts and Suggestions so you can automate processes, like adding items from the clipboard to Yoink, or copying items from Yoink, as well as starting downloads in Yoink.

    - Files Integration
    Access Yoink's files from any app that supports iOS 11's document browser

    Here's what the press says about Yoink:
    "Yoink is the shelf app Apple should have made." - Federico Viticci, MacStories.net
    "Yoink is a must-have app" - Jeff Benjamin; 9to5mac.com
    "Indispensable for power users." - Craig Grannell; techradar.com
  • 版本: 2.3.5



    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop

    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop


    Yoink v2.3.5 adds optional background clipboard monitoring to automatically save almost anything you cut or copy while that feature is active.
    Rendering of eMails has also been improved some more.

    New Features in Yoink v2.3:
    - [iOS 15] Play not only movies in Picture-in-Picture, but also texts, images, PDFs and even websites (scroll through PDFs, websites and more with the play/pause button, advance to the next file using the skip buttons)
    - [iOS 15] Reference Yoink's files in Quick Notes: Select files in Yoink and start a Quick Note
    - [iOS 15] On iPad, Band selection with our mouse or trackpad is now supported to select files even quicker
    - [iOS 15] On iPhone, you can now drag and drop files between Yoink and other apps, and you can drag files from Yoink's keyboard into the text area
    - [iOS 15] The info panel has been redesigned in certain cases
    - Audio will now continue playing if the app is moved into the background
    - The info panel is now more useful for Stacks and will show you all the contained files for quick access
    - Yoink now appears in "Open In" dialogs

    Smaller improvements and bug fixes:
    - Yoink now requires iOS 14 or newer
    - Improved compatibility with Firefox, Brave, Edge and Opera
    - Improved sync reliability
    - Performance improvements for loading website- and eMail preview-icons
    - eMail preview icons and previews now render more nicely and accurately
    - Yoink no longer loads images for preview-icons of eMails to ensure your privacy
    - Fixed Yoink's Splash Screen
    - Fixed a crash when attempting to print
    - Fixed a crash that could occur when sharing locations from Maps to Yoink
    - Fixed a crash that occurred when tapping the "More" button of a Stack while files were still loading
    - Fixed wrong text in Yoink's Settings in Settings.app
    - Fixed a bug where on some iOS devices the space bar of Yoink's keyboard was missing
    - Fixed a bug where rarely, after handing off a file, the receiving device would lose the file
    - Fixed a crash when checking a URL's scheme
    - Fixed a rare crash when using Quick Look for creating previews
    - Fixed a rare crash that could occur when invoking the Get Items Siri Shortcut

    If you enjoy Yoink, please consider leaving a rating or a review on the App Stores - it would help me out a lot!
    If you'd like to learn more about me, my apps and their development, I'd like to invite you to follow me on my blog (https://blog.eternalstorms.at), on twitter (@eternalstorms), instagram (@eternalstorms) or Facebook (https://facebook.com/eternalstorms). I'm looking forward to connecting with you!
    - Matthias


    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图


    Yoink for iPad and iPhone lets you easily and quickly store items you drag, copy, share or download for later use.

    This way, you can collect items in a central place without having to constantly move back and forth between your source- and destination applications.
    The app accepts virtually any file type, for example app-content like images from websites, text snippets, web urls, eMails and documents - no matter if you drag, copy, share or download them.

    Here's what users say about Yoink:
    "The best shelf app on iOS" - Igloouk, UK App Store
    "Most useful app in the iOS store. What a gem." - noway170, Austrian App Store
    "A godsend. Get this. Now." - mr chairboy, US App Store

    As a Slide-Over or Side-by-Side app on iPad, Yoink is always ready for you to drag something to it, no matter what app you're in. Just slide Yoink into view and conclude your drag operation.
    On iPhone, use Yoink's Share extension, or copy-paste items into Yoink.
    Items are stored in Yoink for later use, featuring rich previews for easy identification and full previews for most file types.
    Drags containing multiple items are combined into a Stack.

    Yoink comes with deep system integration:
    - iCloud Sync
    Synchronize Yoink's items across your devices using iCloud

    - Handoff
    Transfer files between iPhones, iPads and Macs (separate Mac Yoink app required) using Handoff

    - Action/Share Extension
    Almost any item you can share via the system-wide Share sheet, you can send directly to Yoink from there

    - Keyboard
    Yoink has its own keyboard so that inserting items you've stored in Yoink is easy and quick, without having to launch Yoink.

    - Spotlight Integration
    Any item in Yoink can be found via Spotlight - and the search-results are draggable.

    - Today Widget
    Access Yoink's items and save the contents from your clipboard in Yoink from Notification Center

    - Shortcuts / Siri Suggestions
    Yoink offers you Siri Shortcuts and Suggestions so you can automate processes, like adding items from the clipboard to Yoink, or copying items from Yoink, as well as starting downloads in Yoink.

    - Files Integration
    Access Yoink's files from any app that supports iOS 11's document browser

    Here's what the press says about Yoink:
    "Yoink is the shelf app Apple should have made." - Federico Viticci, MacStories.net
    "Yoink is a must-have app" - Jeff Benjamin; 9to5mac.com
    "Indispensable for power users." - Craig Grannell; techradar.com
  • 版本: 2.3.2



    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop

    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop


    Yoink v2.3.2 improves Picture-in-Picture on iOS 15 in that it now allows for going through all files stored in Yoink using Picture-in-Picture's controls.
    It also improves the stability of the app.

    New Features in Yoink v2.3:
    - [iOS 15] Play not only movies in Picture-in-Picture, but also texts, images, PDFs and even websites
    - [iOS 15] Reference Yoink's files in Quick Notes: Select files in Yoink and start a Quick Note
    - [iOS 15] On iPad, Band selection with our mouse or trackpad is now supported to select files even quicker
    - [iOS 15] On iPhone, you can now drag and drop files between Yoink and other apps, and you can drag files from Yoink's keyboard into the text area
    - [iOS 15] The info panel has been redesigned in certain cases
    - Audio will now continue playing if the app is moved into the background
    - The info panel is now more useful for Stacks and will show you all the contained files for quick access
    - Yoink now appears in "Open In" dialogs

    Smaller improvements and bug fixes:
    - Yoink now requires iOS 14 or newer
    - Improved compatibility with Firefox, Brave, Edge and Opera
    - Improved sync reliability
    - Performance improvements for loading website- and eMail preview-icons
    - eMail preview icons and previews now render more nicely and accurately
    - Yoink no longer loads images for preview-icons of eMails to ensure your privacy
    - Fixed Yoink's Splash Screen
    - Fixed a crash when attempting to print
    - Fixed a crash that could occur when sharing locations from Maps to Yoink
    - Fixed a crash that occurred when tapping the "More" button of a Stack while files were still loading
    - Fixed wrong text in Yoink's Settings in Settings.app
    - Fixed a bug where on some iOS devices the space bar of Yoink's keyboard was missing
    - Fixed a bug where rarely, after handing off a file, the receiving device would lose the file
    - Fixed a crash when checking a URL's scheme
    - Fixed a rare crash when using Quick Look for creating previews
    - Fixed a rare crash that could occur when invoking the Get Items Siri Shortcut

    If you enjoy Yoink, please consider leaving a rating or a review on the App Stores - it would help me out a lot!
    If you'd like to learn more about me, my apps and their development, I'd like to invite you to follow me on my blog (https://blog.eternalstorms.at), on twitter (@eternalstorms), instagram (@eternalstorms) or Facebook (https://facebook.com/eternalstorms). I'm looking forward to connecting with you!
    - Matthias


    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图


    Yoink for iPad and iPhone lets you easily and quickly store items you drag, copy, share or download for later use.

    This way, you can collect items in a central place without having to constantly move back and forth between your source- and destination applications.
    The app accepts virtually any file type, for example app-content like images from websites, text snippets, web urls, eMails and documents - no matter if you drag, copy, share or download them.

    Here's what users say about Yoink:
    "The best shelf app on iOS" - Igloouk, UK App Store
    "Most useful app in the iOS store. What a gem." - noway170, Austrian App Store
    "A godsend. Get this. Now." - mr chairboy, US App Store

    As a Slide-Over or Side-by-Side app on iPad, Yoink is always ready for you to drag something to it, no matter what app you're in. Just slide Yoink into view and conclude your drag operation.
    On iPhone, use Yoink's Share extension, or copy-paste items into Yoink.
    Items are stored in Yoink for later use, featuring rich previews for easy identification and full previews for most file types.
    Drags containing multiple items are combined into a Stack.

    Yoink comes with deep system integration:
    - iCloud Sync
    Synchronize Yoink's items across your devices using iCloud

    - Handoff
    Transfer files between iPhones, iPads and Macs (separate Mac Yoink app required) using Handoff

    - Action/Share Extension
    Almost any item you can share via the system-wide Share sheet, you can send directly to Yoink from there

    - Keyboard
    Yoink has its own keyboard so that inserting items you've stored in Yoink is easy and quick, without having to launch Yoink.

    - Spotlight Integration
    Any item in Yoink can be found via Spotlight - and the search-results are draggable.

    - Today Widget
    Access Yoink's items and save the contents from your clipboard in Yoink from Notification Center

    - Shortcuts / Siri Suggestions
    Yoink offers you Siri Shortcuts and Suggestions so you can automate processes, like adding items from the clipboard to Yoink, or copying items from Yoink, as well as starting downloads in Yoink.

    - Files Integration
    Access Yoink's files from any app that supports iOS 11's document browser

    Here's what the press says about Yoink:
    "Yoink is the shelf app Apple should have made." - Federico Viticci, MacStories.net
    "Yoink is a must-have app" - Jeff Benjamin; 9to5mac.com
    "Indispensable for power users." - Craig Grannell; techradar.com
  • 版本: 2.3.1



    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop

    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop


    Yoink v2.3.1 improves Picture-in-Picture for websites on iOS 15.

    New Features in Yoink v2.3:
    - [iOS 15] Play not only movies in Picture-in-Picture, but also texts, images, PDFs and even websites
    - [iOS 15] Reference Yoink's files in Quick Notes: Select files in Yoink and start a Quick Note
    - [iOS 15] On iPad, Band selection with our mouse or trackpad is now supported to select files even quicker
    - [iOS 15] On iPhone, you can now drag and drop files between Yoink and other apps, and you can drag files from Yoink's keyboard into the text area
    - [iOS 15] The info panel has been redesigned in certain cases
    - Audio will now continue playing if the app is moved into the background
    - The info panel is now more useful for Stacks and will show you all the contained files for quick access
    - Yoink now appears in "Open In" dialogs

    Smaller improvements and bug fixes:
    - Yoink now requires iOS 14 or newer
    - Improved compatibility with Firefox, Brave, Edge and Opera
    - Improved sync reliability
    - Performance improvements for loading website- and eMail preview-icons
    - eMail preview icons and previews now render more nicely and accurately
    - Yoink no longer loads images for preview-icons of eMails to ensure your privacy
    - Fixed Yoink's Splash Screen
    - Fixed a crash when attempting to print
    - Fixed a crash that could occur when sharing locations from Maps to Yoink
    - Fixed a crash that occurred when tapping the "More" button of a Stack while files were still loading
    - Fixed wrong text in Yoink's Settings in Settings.app
    - Fixed a bug where on some iOS devices the space bar of Yoink's keyboard was missing
    - Fixed a bug where rarely, after handing off a file, the receiving device would lose the file
    - Fixed a crash when checking a URL's scheme
    - Fixed a rare crash when using Quick Look for creating previews
    - Fixed a rare crash that could occur when invoking the Get Items Siri Shortcut

    If you enjoy Yoink, please consider leaving a rating or a review on the App Stores - it would help me out a lot!
    If you'd like to learn more about me, my apps and their development, I'd like to invite you to follow me on my blog (https://blog.eternalstorms.at), on twitter (@eternalstorms), instagram (@eternalstorms) or Facebook (https://facebook.com/eternalstorms). I'm looking forward to connecting with you!
    - Matthias


    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
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    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图


    Yoink for iPad and iPhone lets you easily and quickly store items you drag, copy, share or download for later use.

    This way, you can collect items in a central place without having to constantly move back and forth between your source- and destination applications.
    The app accepts virtually any file type, for example app-content like images from websites, text snippets, web urls, eMails and documents - no matter if you drag, copy, share or download them.

    Here's what users say about Yoink:
    "The best shelf app on iOS" - Igloouk, UK App Store
    "Most useful app in the iOS store. What a gem." - noway170, Austrian App Store
    "A godsend. Get this. Now." - mr chairboy, US App Store

    As a Slide-Over or Side-by-Side app on iPad, Yoink is always ready for you to drag something to it, no matter what app you're in. Just slide Yoink into view and conclude your drag operation.
    On iPhone, use Yoink's Share extension, or copy-paste items into Yoink.
    Items are stored in Yoink for later use, featuring rich previews for easy identification and full previews for most file types.
    Drags containing multiple items are combined into a Stack.

    Yoink comes with deep system integration:
    - iCloud Sync
    Synchronize Yoink's items across your devices using iCloud

    - Handoff
    Transfer files between iPhones, iPads and Macs (separate Mac Yoink app required) using Handoff

    - Action/Share Extension
    Almost any item you can share via the system-wide Share sheet, you can send directly to Yoink from there

    - Keyboard
    Yoink has its own keyboard so that inserting items you've stored in Yoink is easy and quick, without having to launch Yoink.

    - Spotlight Integration
    Any item in Yoink can be found via Spotlight - and the search-results are draggable.

    - Today Widget
    Access Yoink's items and save the contents from your clipboard in Yoink from Notification Center

    - Shortcuts / Siri Suggestions
    Yoink offers you Siri Shortcuts and Suggestions so you can automate processes, like adding items from the clipboard to Yoink, or copying items from Yoink, as well as starting downloads in Yoink.

    - Files Integration
    Access Yoink's files from any app that supports iOS 11's document browser

    Here's what the press says about Yoink:
    "Yoink is the shelf app Apple should have made." - Federico Viticci, MacStories.net
    "Yoink is a must-have app" - Jeff Benjamin; 9to5mac.com
    "Indispensable for power users." - Craig Grannell; techradar.com
  • 版本: 2.3



    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop

    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop


    New Features in Yoink v2.3:
    - [iOS 15] Play not only movies in Picture-in-Picture, but also texts, images, PDFs and even websites
    - [iOS 15] Reference Yoink's files in Quick Notes: Select files in Yoink and start a Quick Note
    - [iOS 15] On iPad, Band selection with our mouse or trackpad is now supported to select files even quicker
    - [iOS 15] On iPhone, you can now drag and drop files between Yoink and other apps, and you can drag files from Yoink's keyboard into the text area
    - [iOS 15] The info panel has been redesigned in certain cases
    - Audio will now continue playing if the app is moved into the background
    - The info panel is now more useful for Stacks and will show you all the contained files for quick access
    - Yoink now appears in "Open In" dialogs

    Smaller improvements and bug fixes:
    - Yoink now requires iOS 14 or newer
    - Improved compatibility with Firefox, Brave, Edge and Opera
    - Improved sync reliability
    - Performance improvements for loading website- and eMail preview-icons
    - eMail preview icons and previews now render more nicely and accurately
    - Yoink no longer loads images for preview-icons of eMails to ensure your privacy
    - Fixed Yoink's Splash Screen
    - Fixed a crash when attempting to print
    - Fixed a crash that could occur when sharing locations from Maps to Yoink
    - Fixed a crash that occurred when tapping the "More" button of a Stack while files were still loading
    - Fixed wrong text in Yoink's Settings in Settings.app
    - Fixed a bug where on some iOS devices the space bar of Yoink's keyboard was missing
    - Fixed a bug where rarely, after handing off a file, the receiving device would lose the file
    - Fixed a crash when checking a URL's scheme
    - Fixed a rare crash when using Quick Look for creating previews
    - Fixed a rare crash that could occur when invoking the Get Items Siri Shortcut

    If you enjoy Yoink, please consider leaving a rating or a review on the App Stores - it would help me out a lot!
    If you'd like to learn more about me, my apps and their development, I'd like to invite you to follow me on my blog (https://blog.eternalstorms.at), on twitter (@eternalstorms), instagram (@eternalstorms) or Facebook (https://facebook.com/eternalstorms). I'm looking forward to connecting with you!
    - Matthias


    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
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    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图


    Yoink for iPad and iPhone lets you easily and quickly store items you drag, copy, share or download for later use.

    This way, you can collect items in a central place without having to constantly move back and forth between your source- and destination applications.
    The app accepts virtually any file type, for example app-content like images from websites, text snippets, web urls, eMails and documents - no matter if you drag, copy, share or download them.

    Here's what users say about Yoink:
    "The best shelf app on iOS" - Igloouk, UK App Store
    "Most useful app in the iOS store. What a gem." - noway170, Austrian App Store
    "A godsend. Get this. Now." - mr chairboy, US App Store

    As a Slide-Over or Side-by-Side app on iPad, Yoink is always ready for you to drag something to it, no matter what app you're in. Just slide Yoink into view and conclude your drag operation.
    On iPhone, use Yoink's Share extension, or copy-paste items into Yoink.
    Items are stored in Yoink for later use, featuring rich previews for easy identification and full previews for most file types.
    Drags containing multiple items are combined into a Stack.

    Yoink comes with deep system integration:
    - iCloud Sync
    Synchronize Yoink's items across your devices using iCloud

    - Handoff
    Transfer files between iPhones, iPads and Macs (separate Mac Yoink app required) using Handoff

    - Action/Share Extension
    Almost any item you can share via the system-wide Share sheet, you can send directly to Yoink from there

    - Keyboard
    Yoink has its own keyboard so that inserting items you've stored in Yoink is easy and quick, without having to launch Yoink.

    - Spotlight Integration
    Any item in Yoink can be found via Spotlight - and the search-results are draggable.

    - Today Widget
    Access Yoink's items and save the contents from your clipboard in Yoink from Notification Center

    - Shortcuts / Siri Suggestions
    Yoink offers you Siri Shortcuts and Suggestions so you can automate processes, like adding items from the clipboard to Yoink, or copying items from Yoink, as well as starting downloads in Yoink.

    - Files Integration
    Access Yoink's files from any app that supports iOS 11's document browser

    Here's what the press says about Yoink:
    "Yoink is the shelf app Apple should have made." - Federico Viticci, MacStories.net
    "Yoink is a must-have app" - Jeff Benjamin; 9to5mac.com
    "Indispensable for power users." - Craig Grannell; techradar.com
  • 版本: 2.2.5



    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop

    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop


    - Improves the Shortcut "Get Item from list" by providing an icon and subtitles
    - Fixes a crash in the Share extension
    - Fixes a crash on an upcoming version of iOS


    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
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    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图


    Yoink for iPad and iPhone lets you easily and quickly store items you drag, copy, share or download for later use.

    This way, you can collect items in a central place without having to constantly move back and forth between your source- and destination applications.
    The app accepts virtually any file type, for example app-content like images from websites, text snippets, web urls, eMails and documents - no matter if you drag, copy, share or download them.

    Here's what users say about Yoink:
    "The best shelf app on iOS" - Igloouk, UK App Store
    "Most useful app in the iOS store. What a gem." - noway170, Austrian App Store
    "A godsend. Get this. Now." - mr chairboy, US App Store

    As a Slide-Over or Side-by-Side app on iPad, Yoink is always ready for you to drag something to it, no matter what app you're in. Just slide Yoink into view and conclude your drag operation.
    On iPhone, use Yoink's Share extension, or copy-paste items into Yoink.
    Items are stored in Yoink for later use, featuring rich previews for easy identification and full previews for most file types.
    Drags containing multiple items are combined into a Stack.

    Yoink comes with deep system integration:
    - iCloud Sync
    Synchronize Yoink's items across your devices using iCloud

    - Handoff
    Transfer files between iPhones, iPads and Macs (separate Mac Yoink app required) using Handoff

    - Action/Share Extension
    Almost any item you can share via the system-wide Share sheet, you can send directly to Yoink from there

    - Keyboard
    Yoink has its own keyboard so that inserting items you've stored in Yoink is easy and quick, without having to launch Yoink.

    - Spotlight Integration
    Any item in Yoink can be found via Spotlight - and the search-results are draggable.

    - Today Widget
    Access Yoink's items and save the contents from your clipboard in Yoink from Notification Center

    - Shortcuts / Siri Suggestions
    Yoink offers you Siri Shortcuts and Suggestions so you can automate processes, like adding items from the clipboard to Yoink, or copying items from Yoink, as well as starting downloads in Yoink.

    - Files Integration
    Access Yoink's files from any app that supports iOS 11's document browser

    Here's what the press says about Yoink:
    "Yoink is the shelf app Apple should have made." - Federico Viticci, MacStories.net
    "Yoink is a must-have app" - Jeff Benjamin; 9to5mac.com
    "Indispensable for power users." - Craig Grannell; techradar.com
  • 版本: 2.2.3



    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop

    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop


    Yoink v2.2.1-v2.2.3 fix a few smaller issues.

    New in Yoink v2.2:
    - Yoink has been made more accessible
    - iCloud sync is now more performant and reliable
    - Instead of multiple lists based on the devices you're syncing, Yoink now shows one unified list
    - Uses iOS 14's new image picker
    - The iCloud button now gives feedback (sync disabled, sync enabled, syncing, error)
    - Sync can now be turned off directly in the app
    - Yoink and its extensions have been fine- tuned for performance and reliability
    - The improved keyboard lets you more easily select, insert, copy, and now, filter, items
    - Filter search results by file type, and use search results directly by previewing, copying or dragging them
    - Swipe between files in Quick Look
    - Support for iPadOS' cursor has been improved
    - URLs can now be opened in your default browser instead of Yoink's in- app one (see Settings.app > Yoink)
    - Start downloads from URLs you've stored in Yoink (that don't point to text or html data)
    - "Un- stack" individual files
    - Add Sketches using Apple Pencil or your finger
    - Smarter filters

    - Performance improvements when loading, saving, adding, selecting, copying, dragging, filtering, searching and creating icons
    - The Clipboard Bar now asks for your preference upon first use
    - Improved Shortcuts.app shortcuts
    - Reorder items in Yoink without having to tap Edit first
    - Zoom in and out of text you're editing
    - Various UI improvements in Yoink and its extensions
    - Icons are now created for previously unsupported file types
    - Passwords and transient data is now more reliably ignored, based on recommendations and conventions established by nspasteboard.org
    - The Trash now displays the most recently deleted items at the top
    - Improves compatibility with Evernote.app, Mail.app, Palettes.app, and various data types

    - 3-finger-shortcuts now work correctly
    - UI issues
    - Downloads finished in an extensions sometimes are not recognized
    - Unwanted file duplications
    - Various app crashes
    - Spotlight indexes aren't updated correctly when adding or updating a file
    - Dragging an item onto another to create a Stack is sometimes not persisted to disk
    - Other items in Yoink can be selected while already dragging files

    In the File Provider:
    - Various fixes for handling plain text data types and txt files
    - Various fixes when renaming a file
    - Splitting up / creating Stacks is sometimes not correctly reflected
    - Multiple (mostly rare) extension crashes
    - Various fixes for handling complete and incomplete downloads
    - Tags are sometimes not applied correctly
    - Metadata is not always cleaned up

    In the Action / Share extension:
    - Files added from the extension sometimes disappear from the main app

    In the Today Widget:
    - Finished downloads are sometimes not displayed

    In the Keyboard:
    - Scrolling back and forth results in blank, unusable items
    - The keyboard sometimes comes up blank, even though it should show Yoink's items
    - With a hardware keyboard attached / connected, it can be difficult to consistently activate the keyboard

    I hope you enjoy Yoink :) If you do, please consider leaving a rating or a review of the app - it would mean a lot to me and help me out quite a bit. Thank you.
    If you're interested in my apps and their development, or my life as an indie developer, I'd like to invite you to follow me on my blog (https://blog.eternalstorms.at), twitter (https://twitter.com/eternalstorms), facebook (https://facebook.com/eternalstorms) or instagram (https://instagram.com/eternalstorms).
    Should you experience issues with Yoink or have any feedback or questions, please don't hesitate to write me at support@eternalstorms.at
    Thank you kindly,
    Matthias Gansrigler


    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图


    Yoink for iPad and iPhone lets you easily and quickly store items you drag, copy, share or download for later use.

    This way, you can collect items in a central place without having to constantly move back and forth between your source- and destination applications.
    The app accepts virtually any file type, for example app-content like images from websites, text snippets, web urls, eMails and documents - no matter if you drag, copy, share or download them.

    Here's what users say about Yoink:
    "The best shelf app on iOS" - Igloouk, UK App Store
    "Most useful app in the iOS store. What a gem." - noway170, Austrian App Store
    "A godsend. Get this. Now." - mr chairboy, US App Store

    As a Slide-Over or Side-by-Side app on iPad, Yoink is always ready for you to drag something to it, no matter what app you're in. Just slide Yoink into view and conclude your drag operation.
    On iPhone, use Yoink's Share extension, or copy-paste items into Yoink.
    Items are stored in Yoink for later use, featuring rich previews for easy identification and full previews for most file types.
    Drags containing multiple items are combined into a Stack.

    Yoink comes with deep system integration:
    - iCloud Sync
    Synchronize Yoink's items across your devices using iCloud

    - Handoff
    Transfer files between iPhones, iPads and Macs (separate Mac Yoink app required) using Handoff

    - Action/Share Extension
    Almost any item you can share via the system-wide Share sheet, you can send directly to Yoink from there

    - Keyboard
    Yoink has its own keyboard so that inserting items you've stored in Yoink is easy and quick, without having to launch Yoink.

    - Spotlight Integration
    Any item in Yoink can be found via Spotlight - and the search-results are draggable.

    - Today Widget
    Access Yoink's items and save the contents from your clipboard in Yoink from Notification Center

    - Shortcuts / Siri Suggestions
    Yoink offers you Siri Shortcuts and Suggestions so you can automate processes, like adding items from the clipboard to Yoink, or copying items from Yoink, as well as starting downloads in Yoink.

    - Files Integration
    Access Yoink's files from any app that supports iOS 11's document browser

    Here's what the press says about Yoink:
    "Yoink is the shelf app Apple should have made." - Federico Viticci, MacStories.net
    "Yoink is a must-have app" - Jeff Benjamin; 9to5mac.com
    "Indispensable for power users." - Craig Grannell; techradar.com
  • 版本: 2.2.2



    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop

    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop


    Yoink v2.2.2 fixes a rare issue that could lead to a crash on launch.
    Yoink v2.2.1 fixes a bug with one of its Shortcuts.

    New in Yoink v2.2:
    - Yoink has been made more accessible
    - iCloud sync is now more performant and reliable
    - Instead of multiple lists based on the devices you're syncing, Yoink now shows one unified list
    - Uses iOS 14's new image picker
    - The iCloud button now gives feedback (sync disabled, sync enabled, syncing, error)
    - Sync can now be turned off directly in the app
    - Yoink and its extensions have been fine- tuned for performance and reliability
    - The improved keyboard lets you more easily select, insert, copy, and now, filter, items
    - Filter search results by file type, and use search results directly by previewing, copying or dragging them
    - Swipe between files in Quick Look
    - Support for iPadOS' cursor has been improved
    - URLs can now be opened in your default browser instead of Yoink's in- app one (see Settings.app > Yoink)
    - Start downloads from URLs you've stored in Yoink (that don't point to text or html data)
    - "Un- stack" individual files
    - Add Sketches using Apple Pencil or your finger
    - Smarter filters

    - Performance improvements when loading, saving, adding, selecting, copying, dragging, filtering, searching and creating icons
    - The Clipboard Bar now asks for your preference upon first use
    - Improved Shortcuts.app shortcuts
    - Reorder items in Yoink without having to tap Edit first
    - Zoom in and out of text you're editing
    - Various UI improvements in Yoink and its extensions
    - Icons are now created for previously unsupported file types
    - Passwords and transient data is now more reliably ignored, based on recommendations and conventions established by nspasteboard.org
    - The Trash now displays the most recently deleted items at the top
    - Improves compatibility with Evernote.app, Mail.app, Palettes.app, and various data types

    - 3-finger-shortcuts now work correctly
    - UI issues
    - Downloads finished in an extensions sometimes are not recognized
    - Unwanted file duplications
    - Various app crashes
    - Spotlight indexes aren't updated correctly when adding or updating a file
    - Dragging an item onto another to create a Stack is sometimes not persisted to disk
    - Other items in Yoink can be selected while already dragging files

    In the File Provider:
    - Various fixes for handling plain text data types and txt files
    - Various fixes when renaming a file
    - Splitting up / creating Stacks is sometimes not correctly reflected
    - Multiple (mostly rare) extension crashes
    - Various fixes for handling complete and incomplete downloads
    - Tags are sometimes not applied correctly
    - Metadata is not always cleaned up

    In the Action / Share extension:
    - Files added from the extension sometimes disappear from the main app

    In the Today Widget:
    - Finished downloads are sometimes not displayed

    In the Keyboard:
    - Scrolling back and forth results in blank, unusable items
    - The keyboard sometimes comes up blank, even though it should show Yoink's items
    - With a hardware keyboard attached / connected, it can be difficult to consistently activate the keyboard

    I hope you enjoy Yoink :) If you do, please consider leaving a rating or a review of the app - it would mean a lot to me and help me out quite a bit. Thank you.
    If you're interested in my apps and their development, or my life as an indie developer, I'd like to invite you to follow me on my blog (https://blog.eternalstorms.at), twitter (https://twitter.com/eternalstorms), facebook (https://facebook.com/eternalstorms) or instagram (https://instagram.com/eternalstorms).
    Should you experience issues with Yoink or have any feedback or questions, please don't hesitate to write me at support@eternalstorms.at
    Thank you kindly,
    Matthias Gansrigler


    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 视频
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图
    Yoink - Improved Drag and Drop App 截图


    Yoink for iPad and iPhone lets you easily and quickly store items you drag, copy, share or download for later use.

    This way, you can collect items in a central place without having to constantly move back and forth between your source- and destination applications.
    The app accepts virtually any file type, for example app-content like images from websites, text snippets, web urls, eMails and documents - no matter if you drag, copy, share or download them.

    Here's what users say about Yoink:
    "The best shelf app on iOS" - Igloouk, UK App Store
    "Most useful app in the iOS store. What a gem." - noway170, Austrian App Store
    "A godsend. Get this. Now." - mr chairboy, US App Store

    As a Slide-Over or Side-by-Side app on iPad, Yoink is always ready for you to drag something to it, no matter what app you're in. Just slide Yoink into view and conclude your drag operation.
    On iPhone, use Yoink's Share extension, or copy-paste items into Yoink.
    Items are stored in Yoink for later use, featuring rich previews for easy identification and full previews for most file types.
    Drags containing multiple items are combined into a Stack.

    Yoink comes with deep system integration:
    - iCloud Sync
    Synchronize Yoink's items across your devices using iCloud

    - Handoff
    Transfer files between iPhones, iPads and Macs (separate Mac Yoink app required) using Handoff

    - Action/Share Extension
    Almost any item you can share via the system-wide Share sheet, you can send directly to Yoink from there

    - Keyboard
    Yoink has its own keyboard so that inserting items you've stored in Yoink is easy and quick, without having to launch Yoink.

    - Spotlight Integration
    Any item in Yoink can be found via Spotlight - and the search-results are draggable.

    - Today Widget
    Access Yoink's items and save the contents from your clipboard in Yoink from Notification Center

    - Shortcuts / Siri Suggestions
    Yoink offers you Siri Shortcuts and Suggestions so you can automate processes, like adding items from the clipboard to Yoink, or copying items from Yoink, as well as starting downloads in Yoink.

    - Files Integration
    Access Yoink's files from any app that supports iOS 11's document browser

    Here's what the press says about Yoink:
    "Yoink is the shelf app Apple should have made." - Federico Viticci, MacStories.net
    "Yoink is a must-have app" - Jeff Benjamin; 9to5mac.com
    "Indispensable for power users." - Craig Grannell; techradar.com