Split smarter. One friend can pay for tickets in advance and get money back, while another can cover the tip, and each can pay for their personal items. With bills itemized by the app, you'll get paid sooner via iMessage and email. Try SplitBuddy for free now.
There are two suites in SplitBuddy:
FREE SUITE with Extra Features free for 14 days.
Perfect for splitting expenses evenly or fairly and paying back on the spot. All without having to set up group sharing.
* In iMessage
• If an even-split isn’t equitable, set up a fair split on one expense. As you enter each split amount by participant, the math checker will verify the numbers in dollar and percentages side by side. So, you can split like a pro.
• Make changes anytime. The app will update the individual splits and total shares in front of your eyes.
• Use the budget checker to monitor your total spending.
• Split other expenses all-evenly, all-fairly, or individually.
• Switch to another set of expense labels with a handy menu.
• Add titles, notes, and groups so you can easily find the bills you want.
• Personalize your calculator to motivate yourself.
• Get started quickly with the online help.
* In iOS
• Access to Sync Contacts, Help, Personalize, and In-App Purchase features.
Perfect for record keepers who want to edit, share, and pay bills in one place, while splitting expenses in affordable ways. Plus, it's easy to find bills to email and to print, and to backup your app data.
* In iMessage
• The organizer can message bills to friends on the app or email them to the group with PDF attachment. For seamless experience in iMessage, go for the Extra Features.
• More doable with less checks? Simply use fair split to pay by group.
• Get your money back. Your prepayment can be evenly or fairly shared while it's been deducted from your share. Perfect for buying tickets in advance.
• Feeling generous? Contribute to one or more expenses in full, and the app will add them to your share.
• No need to subsidize! Let each pay for their personal items in the Personal Expenses popup.
• Deduct a coupon value evenly, fairly, or singly.
• Want to check out the math? The Amount Due summary comes with every bill for fact check.
• Never miss a bill or an invite. iMessage will sync messages across devices with your privacy in mind. And, you can tap on each message to save them to the app.
• Not ready to send the bill? Just save it to your Recent 25 list, then edit it or finish up with photo receipts before sharing it.
• Oh, no! I added a bill to a wrong group? Simply copy it to the group you want.
• Want to do your bills at once? You can switch groups to edit or pay the bills you want. Be sure to align the group with the current iMessage thread.
• Photo receipts for expense report? Pick one from your camera roll or snap one at the moment, which will be sent as a second message for easy download.
* In iOS
• Sync your contacts to support group sharing with iMessage and to email via Apple Mail.
• Search the full history across groups, by keyword, or with month filter to email or print to PDF with photo receipts.
• Access bills from iOS for browsing details on the Calculator, Other Expenses, Notes, and Amount Due summary.
• Backup and restore your app data with the flexibility to schedule a today's reminder. Scrub you app data anytime.
All your app data is on your devices, iMessage accounts, and Apple Mail server, with data privacy & security warranted by Apple. Your one-time setup data is used for sending and receiving bills and invites.
Love SplitBuddy? Write us an App Store review while giving your calculator a new look. Have questions? Contact us by email at splitbuddies@gmail.com, on Instagram at @SplitBuddy, on Twitter at @SplitBuddy, or on YouTube at https://youtu.be/wMp6_m5t2VA.