TAKE CARE: For increasing motor max. support speed an additional license key is necessary! See also www.eMax-Tuning.com.
TAKE CARE: This version is not able to increase max. motor support with the latest motor firmware versions from Shimano!
Please have a look on the news section of www.eMax-Tuning.com/home-en#news for possibilities or contact us via info@eMax-Tuning.com.
This version 1.74 for STEPS drive units is capable to communicate with the SC-EM800, SC-E8000, SC-E7000, SC-E6100 display types, EW-EN100 cockpit as well as the SW-EN600-L unit.
Additionally to DU-E80X0 motors, now DU-EP800, DU-E7000, DU-E6XXX and DU-E50X0 drive units are supported too.
The new generation drive units DU-EP801 and DU-E600 as well as its variants RS and CRG are partially supported now
All "motor performance settings" and "special settings" (change of gear type, chainring & smallest rear sprocket size, remaining light time) could be used in the license free version.
Special to DU-E80X0 drive units:
With motor firmware equal or above 4.7.0 it is only possible to set the motor performance settings up to 300% assist ratio and torque to 70Nm.
(with motor firmware 4.2.7 - 4.6.1, the max. assist ratio value could be set 500%)
(with motor firmware 4.2.7 - 4.6.1 AND a valid license key the max. torque could be increased to 75Nm, max. peak power also would be increased then to 550W instead of standard 500W)
new in version 1.74 (20.05.24):
- partial compatibility for DUEP800 (DUEP800, DUEP800-CRG) FW 4.2.0
- partial compatibility for DUE80X0 (DUE8000, DUE8080) FW 4.10.0
- partial compatibility for DUE7000 FW 4.8.0
- partial compatibility for DUE61X0 (DUE6100, DUE6100-CRG, DUE6110, DUE6180) & FW 4.8.0
- partial compatibility for DUE50X0 (DUE5000, DUE5080) FW 4.5.0
See also https://www.emax-tuning.com/eMax-possibilities.pdf
new in version 1.73 (15.04.24):
- partial compatibility for EP801/EP motor firmware 4.2.2
new in version 1.72 (26.03.24):
- partial compatibility for EP801/EP motor firmware 4.2.1
new in version 1.71 (09.02.24):
- partial compatibility for EP801/EP motor firmware 4.2.0
- minor optimizations
new in version 1.70 (23.10.23):
- minor bug fix
new in version 1.69 (09.10.23):
- minor improvements, change of EP801/EP6 message dialog texts
new in version 1.68 (29.09.23):
- adaption to DUE50X0 (DUE5000, DUE5080) FW 4.4.10
new in version 1.67 (11.09.23):
- bugfix for EP8 (DU-EP800) and new motor firmware 4.1.11
new in version 1.66 (07.09.23):
- adaption to DUEP801 (DUEP801, DUEP801-CRG) FW 4.1.1
- adaption to DUEP600 (DUEP600, DUEP600-CRG) FW 4.1.1
- adaption to DUEP800 (DUEP800, DUEP800-CRG) FW 4.1.11
- adaption to DUE80X0 (DUE8000, DUE8080) FW 4.9.5
- adaption to DUE7000 FW 4.7.7
- adaption to DUE61X0 (DUE6100, DUE6100-CRG, DUE6110, DUE6180) & FW 4.7.7
new in version 1.65 (02.09.23):
- EP801/EP6 change of max. peak power and max. torque range added
- EP801/EP6 "reduced max. speed setting" enabled and enhanced
- EP801/EP6 "motor angle setting" enabled
- SC-EN500 display added
- new cassette types added (just for reading)
- correction in EP8xx performance view site with jump to next edit field
- bugfix: display speed adjustment value was unintentionally jumping from max. value +5,0 back to -5,0 when pressing forward button
new in version 1.63 (31.03.23):
- update to newest firmware version 4.4.9 for DUE50X0
- update to newest firmware version 4.7.6 for DUE61X0 & DUE7000
- update to newest firmware version 4.1.10 for DUEP800 (EP8, EP8-CRG. EP8-RS)
new in version 1.62 (21.03.23):
- minor optimizations and bug fixes
new in version 1.61 (02.03.23):
- minor optimizations and bug fixes
new in version 1.59 (26.02.23):
- new battery types, Shimano STePS components and destination settings added
new in version 1.58 (28.10.22):
- corrections for display speed adjustment (special settings)