A way to pay with your phone

开发者: NLB d.d.

  • 53天1小时


  • 5


  • 2020-06-10


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  • 版本: 8.17.0



    NLB Pay

    NLB Pay

    A way to pay with your phone


    Minor updates and improvements.


    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图


    ENG: NLB Pay is a mobile wallet app that facilitates secure, quick, and contactless payments. It allows financial management, card security options, transaction tracking, and making payments from your smartphone. The app features Flik instant payments for immediate money transfer using phone numbers or email addresses, and QR code payments in stores. It integrates seamlessly with Apple Wallet for NLB cards and provides instant transaction updates via push notifications.

    SLO: NLB Pay je mobilna denarnica, ki omogoča varna, hitra in brezstična plačila s pametnimi telefoni in napravami. Omogoča tudi dvigovanje gotovine na brezstičnih bančnih avtomatih, varnostno upravljanje kartic in sledenje transakcijam. Aplikacija vključuje Flik takojšnja plačila za takojšnji prenos denarja s pomočjo telefonskih številk ali e-poštnih naslovov ter plačila s QR kodo v trgovinah. Brezhibno se integrira z Apple Walletom za NLB kartice in omogoča takojšnje obveščanje o transakcijah preko potisnih sporočil.
    Uporabniki lahko povežejo račune NLB bank, trenutno podprto za banki NLB Slovenija in NLB Črna Gora. NLB kartice je sedaj mogoče dodati neposredno v Apple Wallet prek aplikacije.
  • 版本: 8.9.0



    NLB Pay

    NLB Pay

    A way to pay with your phone


    ENG: Minor bug fixes. Expanded the range of characters for the identification number that can be entered during registration. Updates to multitenant functionality and in-app provisioning for Apple Pay.

    SLO: Manjše izboljšave. Digitalizacija kartic v Apple Pay. Aplikacija je nadgrajena za uporabo na več trgih.

    MNE: Proširen opseg karaktera za matični broj koji se mogu unijeti prilikom registracije. Ažuriranje multitenant funkcionalnosti i in-app digitalizacija za Apple pay.


    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图


    ENG: NLB Pay is a mobile wallet app that facilitates secure, quick, and contactless payments. It allows financial management, card security options, transaction tracking, and making payments from your smartphone. The app features Flik instant payments for immediate money transfer using phone numbers or email addresses, and QR code payments in stores. It integrates seamlessly with Apple Wallet for NLB cards and provides instant transaction updates via push notifications.

    SLO: NLB Pay je mobilna denarnica, ki omogoča varna, hitra in brezstična plačila s pametnimi telefoni in napravami. Omogoča tudi dvigovanje gotovine na brezstičnih bančnih avtomatih, varnostno upravljanje kartic in sledenje transakcijam. Aplikacija vključuje Flik takojšnja plačila za takojšnji prenos denarja s pomočjo telefonskih številk ali e-poštnih naslovov ter plačila s QR kodo v trgovinah. Brezhibno se integrira z Apple Walletom za NLB kartice in omogoča takojšnje obveščanje o transakcijah preko potisnih sporočil.
    Uporabniki lahko povežejo račune NLB bank, trenutno podprto za banki NLB Slovenija in NLB Črna Gora. NLB kartice je sedaj mogoče dodati neposredno v Apple Wallet prek aplikacije.
  • 版本: 8.8.0



    NLB Pay

    NLB Pay

    A way to pay with your phone


    minor fixes and improvements


    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图


    NLB Pay is a mobile wallet app that facilitates secure, quick, and contactless payments. It allows financial management, card security options, transaction tracking, and making payments from your smartphone. The app features Flik instant payments for immediate money transfer using phone numbers or email addresses, and QR code payments in stores. It integrates seamlessly with Apple Wallet for NLB cards and provides instant transaction updates via push notifications.
  • 版本: 8.7.0



    NLB Pay

    NLB Pay

    A way to pay with your phone


    •The app’s name is now unified as NLB Pay across all group members. Users can link accounts from multiple NLB Group banks, currently supported for NLB Slovenia and NLB Montenegro.
    •NLB cards can now be added directly to Apple Wallet via the app.
    •Users will receive immediate notifications for transactions.
    •The experience for Slovenian customers using Kranj prepaid cards has been improved.
    •Lastly, various updates and security enhancements have been made for a smoother user experience.



  • 版本: 3.5.0



    NLB Pay Slovenija

    NLB Pay Slovenija

    A way to pay with your phone


    Minor fixes and improvements


    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图


    NLB Pay enables easy, fast and secure contactless payments.

    With Flik Instant Payments, you can send money to a friend right away, without entering the payee's bank account number and without filling any special forms. Simply select his phone number or email address and send the money.

    You can also receive the money from other users of Flik Instant Payments and the money that others will send to you is available within seconds. This service is available 24 hours a day, all days of the week, even on weekends and public holidays.

    Instead of using a physical card when paying in store, simply use your phone and use the QR code to pay.
  • 版本: 3.2.0



    NLB Pay Slovenija

    NLB Pay Slovenija

    A way to pay with your phone


    minor fixes and improvements


    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图


    NLB Pay enables easy, fast and secure contactless payments.

    With Flik Instant Payments, you can send money to a friend right away, without entering the payee's bank account number and without filling any special forms. Simply select his phone number or email address and send the money.

    You can also receive the money from other users of Flik Instant Payments and the money that others will send to you is available within seconds. This service is available 24 hours a day, all days of the week, even on weekends and public holidays.

    Instead of using a physical card when paying in store, simply use your phone and use the QR code to pay.
  • 版本: 3.0.6



    NLB Pay Slovenija

    NLB Pay Slovenija

    A way to pay with your phone


    minor fixes and improvements


    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图


    NLB Pay enables easy, fast and secure contactless payments.

    With Flik Instant Payments, you can send money to a friend right away, without entering the payee's bank account number and without filling any special forms. Simply select his phone number or email address and send the money.

    You can also receive the money from other users of Flik Instant Payments and the money that others will send to you is available within seconds. This service is available 24 hours a day, all days of the week, even on weekends and public holidays.

    Instead of using a physical card when paying in store, simply use your phone and use the QR code to pay.
  • 版本: 3.0.4



    NLB Pay Slovenija

    NLB Pay Slovenija

    A way to pay with your phone


    - popolna vizualna prenova aplikacije NLB Pay
    - vključitev kartice zvestobe trgovcev
    - varnostne izboljšave


    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图


    NLB Pay enables easy, fast and secure contactless payments.

    With Flik Instant Payments, you can send money to a friend right away, without entering the payee's bank account number and without filling any special forms. Simply select his phone number or email address and send the money.

    You can also receive the money from other users of Flik Instant Payments and the money that others will send to you is available within seconds. This service is available 24 hours a day, all days of the week, even on weekends and public holidays.

    Instead of using a physical card when paying in store, simply use your phone and use the QR code to pay.
  • 版本: 2.7.16



    NLB Pay Slovenija

    NLB Pay Slovenija

    A way to pay with your phone


    Minor fixes.


    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图


    NLB Pay enables easy, fast and secure contactless payments.

    With Flik Instant Payments, you can send money to a friend right away, without entering the payee's bank account number and without filling any special forms. Simply select his phone number or email address and send the money.

    You can also receive the money from other users of Flik Instant Payments and the money that others will send to you is available within seconds. This service is available 24 hours a day, all days of the week, even on weekends and public holidays.

    Instead of using a physical card when paying in store, simply use your phone and use the QR code to pay.
  • 版本: 2.7.15



    NLB Pay Slovenija

    NLB Pay Slovenija

    A way to pay with your phone


    Manjši popravki in dopolnitve.


    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图
    NLB Pay App 截图


    NLB Pay enables easy, fast and secure contactless payments.

    With Flik Instant Payments, you can send money to a friend right away, without entering the payee's bank account number and without filling any special forms. Simply select his phone number or email address and send the money.

    You can also receive the money from other users of Flik Instant Payments and the money that others will send to you is available within seconds. This service is available 24 hours a day, all days of the week, even on weekends and public holidays.

    Instead of using a physical card when paying in store, simply use your phone and use the QR code to pay.