1 hour to complete 60 sample exam questions selected according to the official syllabus.
Over 1,250 possible questions and over 62 million answer combinations guarantee a different exam each time.
18 categories of tests to help you focus on specific sections of the syllabus:
PRINCE2 - Key concepts
1. Project Definition and Character
2. Six Aspects of Project Performance
3. Four Integrated Elements of PRINCE2
4. What makes a PRINCE2 Project
5. PRINCE2 - Features and Benefits
6. Customer / Supplier Context
Time available proportional to the number of questions in the test: 1 minute per question (e.g. 30 minutes to complete 30 questions or half of the official exam).
If you get a question wrong in a topic set the app will display the question along with the correct answer and your (incorrect) answer.
Over 1,250 possible questions and over 62 million answer combinations guarantee a different test each time.