X for Telegram Messenger

X for Telegram Messenger

Premium Chat Plus Channel App


  • 99天11小时


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  • 2022-05-01


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  • 版本: 2.9



    X for Telegram Messenger

    X for Telegram Messenger

    Premium Chat Plus Channel App


    Corrections de bugs.


    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图


    X pour Telegram Messenger propose plusieurs outils utiles pour les utilisateurs de Telegram.
    Il améliore vos capacités Telegram et vous permet de faire bien plus avec Telegram.

    Liste des fonctionnalités :
    1. Dual Telegram : vous permet d'utiliser 2 comptes différents sur le même appareil : l'un personnel, l'autre professionnel.
    2. Deuxième numéro : ajoutez un numéro de téléphone supplémentaire à votre compte Telegram.
    3. AI ChatBot : vous aide dans des tâches telles que la rédaction de messages, de textes, d'histoires, d'e-mails et plus encore.
    4. Verrouiller le chat : protège votre compte Telegram et empêche l'accès aux données personnelles.
    5. Chaînes : répertoire n°1 des meilleures chaînes et groupes Telegram.
    6. Polices fantaisie : impressionnez vos amis avec des polices créatives pour améliorer vos messages.
    7. Convertissez les messages vocaux en texte : idéal lorsque l’écoute n’est pas pratique.
    8. Planificateur de messages : planifiez facilement les messages Telegram et augmentez votre productivité.
    9. Actualités : suivez l'actualité récente, y compris l'alerte sur les nouvelles fonctionnalités.
    10. Envoi rapide : envoyez un message à n'importe quel numéro de téléphone sans avoir à l'enregistrer dans vos contacts.
    11. Changeur de voix : amusez-vous et amusez vos amis avec des voix surprenantes.
    12 Traduire des messages : utile pour envoyer des messages à des amis et des entreprises étrangers.
    13. Citations de statut : découvrez des citations inspirantes et célèbres et partagez-les avec vos amis.
    14. Watch App : lisez les actualités récentes depuis votre Apple Watch.

    De nombreuses autres fonctionnalités seront bientôt disponibles.
    Nous serons heureux d’entendre vos commentaires.
    Veuillez nous contacter à : ceuktmoaate@gmail.com

    Conditions d'utilisation:

    Politique de confidentialité:
  • 版本: 2.8



    X for Telegram Messenger

    X for Telegram Messenger


    Bug fixes.


    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图


    X for Telegram Messenger offers multiple useful tools for Telegram users.
    It enhances your Telegram capabilities and allows you to do much more with Telegram.

    List of features:
    1. Dual Telegram: enables you to use 2 different accounts on the same device: one of them personal, the other for business.
    2. Second number: add extra phone number to your Telegram account.
    3. AI ChatBot: assist you with tasks, such as composing messages, text, story, emails & more.
    4. Lock chat: protects your Telegram account and prevents access to personal data.
    5. Channels: #1 directory of the best Telegram channels & groups.
    6. Fancy Fonts: impress your friends with creative fonts to enhance your messages.
    7. Convert voice messages to text: ideal for use when listening is not convenient.
    8. Message scheduler: schedule Telegram messages easily and boost your productivity.
    9. News: follow up on the recent news, including new features alert.
    10. Quick send: send a message to any phone number without having to save it to your contacts.
    11. Voice changer: have fun and amuse your friends with surprising voices.
    12 Translate messages: useful for messaging foreign friends & business.
    13. Status quotes: discover inspiring & famous quotes and share them with your friends.
    14. Watch App: read recent news from your Apple Watch.

    Many more features coming soon.
    We’ll be happy to hear your feedback.
    Please contact us at: ceuktmoaate@gmail.com

    Terms of Use:

    Privacy Policy:
  • 版本: 2.7



    X for Telegram Messenger

    X for Telegram Messenger


    Bug fixes.



  • 版本: 2.6



    Telegram Tools

    Telegram Tools


    Bug fixes.


    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图


    Telegram Tools offers multiple useful tools for Telegram users.
    It enhances your Telegram capabilities and allows you to do much more with Telegram.

    List of features:
    1. Dual Telegram: enables you to use 2 different accounts on the same device: one of them personal, the other for business.
    2. Second number: add extra phone number to your Telegram account.
    3. AI ChatBot: assist you with tasks, such as composing messages, text, story, emails & more.
    4. Lock chat: protects your Telegram account and prevents access to personal data.
    5. Channels: #1 directory of the best Telegram channels & groups.
    6. Fancy Fonts: impress your friends with creative fonts to enhance your messages.
    7. Convert voice messages to text: ideal for use when listening is not convenient.
    8. Message scheduler: schedule Telegram messages easily and boost your productivity.
    9. News: follow up on the recent news, including new features alert.
    10. Quick send: send a message to any phone number without having to save it to your contacts.
    11. Voice changer: have fun and amuse your friends with surprising voices.
    12 Translate messages: useful for messaging foreign friends & business.
    13. Status quotes: discover inspiring & famous quotes and share them with your friends.
    14. Watch App: read recent news from your Apple Watch.

    Many more features coming soon.
    We’ll be happy to hear your feedback.
    Please contact us at: ceuktmoaate@gmail.com

    Terms of Use:

    Privacy Policy:
  • 版本: 2.3



    Telegram Tools

    Telegram Tools


    Bug fixes.


    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
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    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图


    Telegram Tools offers multiple useful tools for Telegram users.
    It enhances your Telegram capabilities and allows you to do much more with Telegram.

    List of features:
    1. Dual Telegram: enables you to use 2 different accounts on the same device: one of them personal, the other for business.
    2. Lock chat: protects your Telegram account and prevents access to personal data.
    3. Convert voice messages to text: ideal for use when listening is not convenient.
    4. Fancy Fonts: impress your friends with creative fonts to enhance your messages.
    5. Channels: #1 directory of the best Telegram channels & groups.
    6. Stickers: 1,000,000 Sticker sets in all categories. You can sort stickers by newest or rating.
    7. Translate messages: useful for messaging foreign friends & business.
    8. Voice changer: have fun and amuse your friends with surprising voices.
    9. Quick send: send a message to any phone number without having to save it to your contacts.
    10. Status quotes: discover inspiring & famous quotes and share them with your friends.
    11. Bots: a list of the best Telegram bots you should know and use.
    12. Message scheduler: schedule Telegram messages easily and boost your productivity.
    13. News: follow up on the recent news, including new features alert.
    14. Sticker maker: create your own unique stickers.
    15. Watch App: read recent news from your Apple Watch.

    Many more features coming soon.
    We’ll be happy to hear your feedback.
    Please contact us at: ceuktmoaate@gmail.com
  • 版本: 2.2



    Telegram Tools

    Telegram Tools


    Bug fixes.


    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图


    Telegram Tools offers multiple useful tools for Telegram users.
    It enhances your Telegram capabilities and allows you to do much more with Telegram.

    List of features:
    1. Dual Telegram: enables you to use 2 different accounts on the same device: one of them personal, the other for business.
    2. Lock chat: protects your Telegram account and prevents access to personal data.
    3. Convert voice messages to text: ideal for use when listening is not convenient.
    4. Fancy Fonts: impress your friends with creative fonts to enhance your messages.
    5. Translate messages: useful for messaging foreign friends & business.
    6. Voice changer: have fun and amuse your friends with surprising voices.
    7. Status quotes: discover inspiring & famous quotes and share them with your friends.
    8. News: follow up on the recent news, including new features alert.
    9. Sticker maker: create your own unique stickers.
    10. Watch App: read recent news from your Apple Watch.

    Many more features coming soon.
    We’ll be happy to hear your feedback.
    Please contact us at: ceuktmoaate@gmail.com
  • 版本: 2.1



    Telegram Tools

    Telegram Tools


    bug fixes


    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图


    Telegram Tools offers multiple useful tools for Telegram users.
    It enhances your Telegram capabilities and allows you to do much more with Telegram.

    List of features:
    1. Dual Telegram: enables you to use 2 different accounts on the same device: one of them personal, the other for business.
    2. Lock chat: protects your Telegram account and prevents access to personal data.
    3. Convert voice messages to text: ideal for use when listening is not convenient.
    4. Fancy Fonts: impress your friends with creative fonts to enhance your messages.
    5. Translate messages: useful for messaging foreign friends & business.
    6. Voice changer: have fun and amuse your friends with surprising voices.
    7. Status quotes: discover inspiring & famous quotes and share them with your friends.
    8. News: follow up on the recent news, including new features alert.
    9. Sticker maker: create your own unique stickers.
    10. Watch App: read recent news from your Apple Watch.

    Many more features coming soon.
    We’ll be happy to hear your feedback.
    Please contact us at: ceuktmoaate@gmail.com
  • 版本: 2.0



    Telegram Tools

    Telegram Tools


    New! Groups & Channels.
    Top Telegram Groups & Channels.


    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图


    Telegram Tools offers multiple useful tools for Telegram users.
    It enhances your Telegram capabilities and allows you to do much more with Telegram.

    List of features:
    1. Dual Telegram: enables you to use 2 different accounts on the same device: one of them personal, the other for business.
    2. Lock chat: protects your Telegram account and prevents access to personal data.
    3. Convert voice messages to text: ideal for use when listening is not convenient.
    4. Fancy Fonts: impress your friends with creative fonts to enhance your messages.
    5. Translate messages: useful for messaging foreign friends & business.
    6. Voice changer: have fun and amuse your friends with surprising voices.
    7. Status quotes: discover inspiring & famous quotes and share them with your friends.
    8. News: follow up on the recent news, including new features alert.
    9. Sticker maker: create your own unique stickers.
    10. Watch App: read recent news from your Apple Watch.

    Many more features coming soon.
    We’ll be happy to hear your feedback.
    Please contact us at: ceuktmoaate@gmail.com
  • 版本: 1.9



    Telegram Tools

    Telegram Tools


    New! Groups & Channels.
    Top Telegram Groups & Channels.


    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图


    Telegram Tools offers multiple useful tools for Telegram users.
    It enhances your Telegram capabilities and allows you to do much more with Telegram.

    List of features:
    1. Dual Telegram: enables you to use 2 different accounts on the same device: one of them personal, the other for business.
    2. Lock chat: protects your Telegram account and prevents access to personal data.
    3. Convert voice messages to text: ideal for use when listening is not convenient.
    4. Fancy Fonts: impress your friends with creative fonts to enhance your messages.
    5. Translate messages: useful for messaging foreign friends & business.
    6. Voice changer: have fun and amuse your friends with surprising voices.
    7. Status quotes: discover inspiring & famous quotes and share them with your friends.
    8. News: follow up on the recent news, including new features alert.
    9. Sticker maker: create your own unique stickers.
    10. Watch App: read recent news from your Apple Watch.

    Many more features coming soon.
    We’ll be happy to hear your feedback.
    Please contact us at: ceuktmoaate@gmail.com
  • 版本: 1.8



    Telegram Tools

    Telegram Tools


    New! Groups & Channels.
    Top Telegram Groups & Channels.


    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图
    X for Telegram Messenger App 截图


    Telegram Tools offers multiple useful tools for Telegram users.
    It enhances your Telegram capabilities and allows you to do much more with Telegram.

    List of features:
    1. Dual Telegram: enables you to use 2 different accounts on the same device: one of them personal, the other for business.
    2. Lock chat: protects your Telegram account and prevents access to personal data.
    3. Convert voice messages to text: ideal for use when listening is not convenient.
    4. Fancy Fonts: impress your friends with creative fonts to enhance your messages.
    5. Translate messages: useful for messaging foreign friends & business.
    6. Voice changer: have fun and amuse your friends with surprising voices.
    7. Status quotes: discover inspiring & famous quotes and share them with your friends.
    8. News: follow up on the recent news, including new features alert.
    9. Sticker maker: create your own unique stickers.
    10. Watch App: read recent news from your Apple Watch.

    Many more features coming soon.
    We’ll be happy to hear your feedback.
    Please contact us at: ceuktmoaate@gmail.com