Crostic-Word Parole Crociate

Crostic-Word Parole Crociate

Cruciverba-Giochi di Logica

开发者: Severex

  • 2天4小时


  • 9


  • 2022-09-15


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  • 版本: 5.5



    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate

    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate

    Cruciverba-Giochi di Logica


    Ciao! Abbiamo aggiornato il nostro gioco per renderlo ancora più divertente per voi!
    In questo aggiornamento:
    1. Correzioni di bug
    Il nostro team legge tutti i feedback per migliorare il gioco. Non esitate a condividere con noi i vostri commenti o a suggerirci eventuali miglioramenti.
    Divertitevi e allenate il vostro cervello con Crostic!


    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图


    Avete voglia di allenare il cervello? Abbiamo qui la macchina per allenare il cervello perfetta per voi! Il nostro gioco di parole Crostic vi farà allenare immediatamente i muscoli del cervello e vi regalerà un sacco di divertimento. Questo fantastico gioco di parole ha molti enigmi logici da risolvere e decifrare, proverbi nascosti, citazioni famose e molto altro ancora!

    Crostic non è il tipico gioco di parole crociate della vecchia scuola, che dopo un po' può diventare noioso. Qui non c'è nulla di tutto questo. Tutti i nostri puzzle logici sono stati creati con la grafica e gli effetti speciali più belli. Vi lasceranno a bocca aperta! Volete sapere cos'altro ha da offrire il nostro gioco?

    Caratteristiche del gioco:

    - Incredibili puzzle di parole da risolvere e indovinare.
    - Proverbi nascosti, citazioni, fatti storici da indovinare, ecc.
    - Infiniti rompicapi stimolanti e sorprendenti da risolvere per divertimento
    - Tutti i livelli di difficoltà del gioco, da facile a complesso
    - Accattivanti enigmi logici e rompicapo
    - Interfaccia di gioco incredibilmente intuitiva e facile da usare
    - 4 NUOVI obiettivi giornalieri per ogni nuovo gioco
    - I punti vincenti vengono accreditati se si porta a termine con successo ogni obiettivo
    - I punti guadagnati permettono di superare gli altri giocatori in classifica
    - Livelli unici ogni giorno nella sezione Livelli giornalieri con una collezione di Trofei

    I rompicapo Crostic sono perfetti per imparare a seguire gli indizi e a decifrare tanti crittogrammi di parole sorprendenti. Non avete mai provato prima? Nessun problema! Il gioco vi permetterà di scegliere un livello per prepararvi al meglio.

    Alcuni semplici passi da seguire per decifrare gli enigmi come un professionista:

    - Abbinare le lettere ai numeri
    - Spostare le lettere nei trattini della soluzione
    - Assicurarsi che ogni lettera corrisponda al numero corretto
    - Riempire i trattini della lista di parole
    - Risolvi il maggior numero possibile di enigmi con le definizioni
    - Completa facilmente ogni livello!
    - Completa 4 obiettivi giornalieri, poi completa altri argomenti
    e raggiungere la testa della classifica!

    Gioca a Crostic puzzle e alimenta il tuo cervello con energia, allena la logica e aumenta il livello di dopamina. Più giochi, più il tuo QI salirà alle stelle!
    Solleticate e stuzzicate il vostro cervello con un'esperienza di gioco avvincente. È divertente! Siete pronti a scatenarvi?


    *Il prezzo si riferisce ai clienti statunitensi. I prezzi in altri Paesi possono variare e le spese effettive possono essere convertite nella valuta locale a seconda del Paese di residenza.
    *Il pagamento sarà addebitato sull'account iTunes alla conferma dell'acquisto.
    *L'abbonamento sarà rinnovato automaticamente allo stesso prezzo e per la stessa durata; il rinnovo automatico può essere disattivato almeno 24 ore prima della fine del periodo corrente.
    *Il costo dell'abbonamento sarà addebitato sul vostro conto entro le 24 ore precedenti la fine del periodo in corso al prezzo inizialmente selezionato.
    *Gli abbonamenti possono essere gestiti dall'utente e il rinnovo automatico può essere disattivato accedendo alle Impostazioni dell'Account iTunes dell'utente.
    *La parte non utilizzata di un periodo di prova gratuito sarà persa quando l'utente decide di abbonarsi.

    Informativa sulla privacy:
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  • 版本: 4.7



    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate

    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate

    Cruciverba-Giochi di Logica


    Ciao! Abbiamo aggiornato il nostro gioco per renderlo ancora più divertente per voi!
    In questo aggiornamento:
    1. Nuove lingue aggiunte: tedesco e italiano!
    2. Aggiornamenti al design
    3. Correzioni di bug
    Il nostro team legge tutti i feedback per migliorare il gioco. Non esitate a condividere con noi i vostri commenti o a suggerirci eventuali miglioramenti.
    Divertitevi e allenate il vostro cervello con Crostic!



  • 版本: 4.5



    Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles

    Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles


    Hello! We have updated our game to make it even more enjoyable for you!
    In this update:
    1. Design update
    2. Colorful illustrations for themes
    3. Bug fixes
    Our team reads all feedback to make the game better. Please feel free to share your feedback with us or suggest any improvements.
    Have fun and train your brain with Crostic!


    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图


    Are you up for some brain workout? We’ve got a perfect brain-training machine for you here! Our Crostic puzzle word game will instantly train your brain muscles and award you with lots of fun. This awesome puzzle word game has many many dazzling logic puzzles to solve and decipher, hidden proverbs, famous quotes, and more!

    Crostic is not your typical old school crossword game which can get kind of boring after a while. None of it here. All our logic puzzles have been created with the cutest graphics and special effects. They will blow your mind! Want to know what else our game has to offer?

    Awesome game’s features:

    - Amazing word puzzles to solve and guess the words
    - Hidden proverbs, quotes, historical facts to guess, etc.
    - Endless challenging & dazzling puzzles to solve for fun
    - All kinds of game’s difficulty levels from easy to complex
    - Mind-captivating logic word puzzles & brain teasers
    - Awesomely user friendly & intuitive game’s interface
    - 4 NEW daily goals with every new gameplay
    - Winning points are credited if you accomplish each goal successfully
    - Scoring points get you ahead of other players on the leaderboard
    - Unique levels every day in the Daily levels section with a collection of Trophies

    Crostic puzzles work perfectly for learning how to follow clues and decrypt lots of mind-dazzling word cryptograms. Never tried it before? Not a problem! The game will let you pick a level to get you all set.

    Some easy steps to follow and decipher puzzles like a pro:

    - Match letters with numbers
    - Move letters right into solution dashes
    - Make sure each letter matches the correct number
    - Fill the dashes in the wordlist
    - Solve as many puzzles as you can with definitions
    - Complete each level easily!
    - Complete 4 daily goals, then complete additional topics
    and break into the lead!

    Play Crostic puzzles and fuel your brain with power, train logic, and boost your dopamine level. The more you play, the more your IQ is going to skyrocket!
    Get your brain tickled and teased with the addicting gaming experience. This is fun! Are you ready to rock?


    *The price is for US customers. Pricing in other countries may vary and actual charges may be converted to your local currency depending on the country of residence.
    *Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.
    *Subscription will be automatically renewed for the same price and duration period, auto-renew can be turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period.
    *Your account will be charged for the subscription fee within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period for the price initially selected.
    *Subscriptions may be managed by you and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's iTunes Account Settings.
    *Unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when a user decides to subscribe.

    Privacy Policy:
    Terms of Use:
  • 版本: 4.2



    Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles

    Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles


    Hello! We have updated our game to make it even more enjoyable for you!
    In this update:
    1. Bug fixes
    Our team reads all feedback to make the game better. Please feel free to share your feedback with us or suggest any improvements.
    Have fun and train your brain with Crostic!



  • 版本: 4.1



    Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles

    Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles


    Hello! We have updated our game to make it even more enjoyable for you!
    In this update:
    1. Bug fixes
    Our team reads all feedback to make the game better. Please feel free to share your feedback with us or suggest any improvements. Have fun and train your brain with Crostic!


    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图


    Are you up for some brain workout? We’ve got a perfect brain-training machine for you here! Our Crostic puzzle word game will instantly train your brain muscles and award you with lots of fun. This awesome puzzle word game has many many dazzling logic puzzles to solve and decipher, hidden proverbs, famous quotes, and more!

    Crostic is not your typical old school crossword game which can get kind of boring after a while. None of it here. All our logic puzzles have been created with the cutest graphics and special effects. They will blow your mind! Want to know what else our game has to offer?

    Awesome game’s features:

    - Amazing word puzzles to solve and guess the words
    - Hidden proverbs, quotes, historical facts to guess, etc.
    - Endless challenging & dazzling puzzles to solve for fun
    - All kinds of game’s difficulty levels from easy to complex
    - Mind-captivating logic word puzzles & brain teasers
    - Awesomely user friendly & intuitive game’s interface
    - 4 NEW daily goals with every new gameplay
    - Winning points are credited if you accomplish each goal successfully
    - Scoring points get you ahead of other players on the leaderboard
    - Unique levels every day in the Daily levels section with a collection of Trophies

    Crostic puzzles work perfectly for learning how to follow clues and decrypt lots of mind-dazzling word cryptograms. Never tried it before? Not a problem! The game will let you pick a level to get you all set.

    Some easy steps to follow and decipher puzzles like a pro:

    - Match letters with numbers
    - Move letters right into solution dashes
    - Make sure each letter matches the correct number
    - Fill the dashes in the wordlist
    - Solve as many puzzles as you can with definitions
    - Complete each level easily!
    - Complete 4 daily goals, then complete additional topics
    and break into the lead!

    Play Crostic puzzles and fuel your brain with power, train logic, and boost your dopamine level. The more you play, the more your IQ is going to skyrocket!
    Get your brain tickled and teased with the addicting gaming experience. This is fun! Are you ready to rock?


    *The price is for US customers. Pricing in other countries may vary and actual charges may be converted to your local currency depending on the country of residence.
    *Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.
    *Subscription will be automatically renewed for the same price and duration period, auto-renew can be turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period.
    *Your account will be charged for the subscription fee within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period for the price initially selected.
    *Subscriptions may be managed by you and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's iTunes Account Settings.
    *Unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when a user decides to subscribe.

    Privacy Policy:
    Terms of Use:
  • 版本: 4.0



    Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles

    Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles


    Hello! We have updated our game to make it even more enjoyable for you!
    In this update:
    1. New levels added
    2. Bug fixes
    Our team reads all feedback to make the game better. Please feel free to share your feedback with us or suggest any improvements.
    Have fun and train your brain with Crostic!


    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图


    Are you up for some brain workout? We’ve got a perfect brain-training machine for you here! Our Crostic puzzle word game will instantly train your brain muscles and award you with lots of fun. This awesome puzzle word game has many many dazzling logic puzzles to solve and decipher, hidden proverbs, famous quotes, and more!

    Crostic is not your typical old school crossword game which can get kind of boring after a while. None of it here. All our logic puzzles have been created with the cutest graphics and special effects. They will blow your mind! Want to know what else our game has to offer?

    Awesome game’s features:

    - Amazing word puzzles to solve and guess the words
    - Hidden proverbs, quotes, historical facts to guess, etc.
    - Endless challenging & dazzling puzzles to solve for fun
    - All kinds of game’s difficulty levels from easy to complex
    - Mind-captivating logic word puzzles & brain teasers
    - Awesomely user friendly & intuitive game’s interface
    - 4 NEW daily goals with every new gameplay
    - Winning points are credited if you accomplish each goal successfully
    - Scoring points get you ahead of other players on the leaderboard
    - Unique levels every day in the Daily levels section with a collection of Trophies

    Crostic puzzles work perfectly for learning how to follow clues and decrypt lots of mind-dazzling word cryptograms. Never tried it before? Not a problem! The game will let you pick a level to get you all set.

    Some easy steps to follow and decipher puzzles like a pro:

    - Match letters with numbers
    - Move letters right into solution dashes
    - Make sure each letter matches the correct number
    - Fill the dashes in the wordlist
    - Solve as many puzzles as you can with definitions
    - Complete each level easily!
    - Complete 4 daily goals, then complete additional topics
    and break into the lead!

    Play Crostic puzzles and fuel your brain with power, train logic, and boost your dopamine level. The more you play, the more your IQ is going to skyrocket!
    Get your brain tickled and teased with the addicting gaming experience. This is fun! Are you ready to rock?


    *The price is for US customers. Pricing in other countries may vary and actual charges may be converted to your local currency depending on the country of residence.
    *Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.
    *Subscription will be automatically renewed for the same price and duration period, auto-renew can be turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period.
    *Your account will be charged for the subscription fee within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period for the price initially selected.
    *Subscriptions may be managed by you and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's iTunes Account Settings.
    *Unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when a user decides to subscribe.

    Privacy Policy:
    Terms of Use:
  • 版本: 3.9



    Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles

    Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles


    Hello! We have updated our game to make it even more enjoyable for you!
    In this update:
    1. Colorful Christmas Event
    2. Bug fixes
    Our team reads all feedback to make the game better. Please feel free to share your feedback with us or suggest any improvements.
    Have fun and train your brain with Crostic!



  • 版本: 3.8



    Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles

    Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles


    Hello! We have updated our game to make it even more enjoyable for you!
    In this update:
    1. Introducing Turkish levels
    2. Game design has been improved
    3. Bug fixes and performance enhancements
    Our team reads all feedback to make the game better. Please feel free to share your feedback with us or suggest any improvements.
    Have fun and train your brain with Crostic!


    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图


    Are you up for some brain workout? We’ve got a perfect brain-training machine for you here! Our Crostic puzzle word game will instantly train your brain muscles and award you with lots of fun. This awesome puzzle word game has many many dazzling logic puzzles to solve and decipher, hidden proverbs, famous quotes, and more!

    Crostic is not your typical old school crossword game which can get kind of boring after a while. None of it here. All our logic puzzles have been created with the cutest graphics and special effects. They will blow your mind! Want to know what else our game has to offer?

    Awesome game’s features:

    - Amazing word puzzles to solve and guess the words
    - Hidden proverbs, quotes, historical facts to guess, etc.
    - Endless challenging & dazzling puzzles to solve for fun
    - All kinds of game’s difficulty levels from easy to complex
    - Mind-captivating logic word puzzles & brain teasers
    - Awesomely user friendly & intuitive game’s interface
    - 4 NEW daily goals with every new gameplay
    - Winning points are credited if you accomplish each goal successfully
    - Scoring points get you ahead of other players on the leaderboard
    - Unique levels every day in the Daily levels section with a collection of Trophies

    Crostic puzzles work perfectly for learning how to follow clues and decrypt lots of mind-dazzling word cryptograms. Never tried it before? Not a problem! The game will let you pick a level to get you all set.

    Some easy steps to follow and decipher puzzles like a pro:

    - Match letters with numbers
    - Move letters right into solution dashes
    - Make sure each letter matches the correct number
    - Fill the dashes in the wordlist
    - Solve as many puzzles as you can with definitions
    - Complete each level easily!
    - Complete 4 daily goals, then complete additional topics
    and break into the lead!

    Play Crostic puzzles and fuel your brain with power, train logic, and boost your dopamine level. The more you play, the more your IQ is going to skyrocket!
    Get your brain tickled and teased with the addicting gaming experience. This is fun! Are you ready to rock?


    *The price is for US customers. Pricing in other countries may vary and actual charges may be converted to your local currency depending on the country of residence.
    *Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.
    *Subscription will be automatically renewed for the same price and duration period, auto-renew can be turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period.
    *Your account will be charged for the subscription fee within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period for the price initially selected.
    *Subscriptions may be managed by you and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's iTunes Account Settings.
    *Unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when a user decides to subscribe.

    Privacy Policy:
    Terms of Use:
  • 版本: 3.7



    Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles

    Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles


    Hello! We have updated our game to make it even more enjoyable for you!
    In this update:
    - Bug fixes and performance improvements
    Our team reads all feedback to make the game better. Please feel free to share your feedback with us or suggest any improvements.
    Have fun and train your brain with Crostic!


    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图
    Crostic-Word Parole Crociate App 截图


    Are you up for some brain workout? We’ve got a perfect brain-training machine for you here! Our Crostic puzzle word game will instantly train your brain muscles and award you with lots of fun. This awesome puzzle word game has many many dazzling logic puzzles to solve and decipher, hidden proverbs, famous quotes, and more!

    Crostic is not your typical old school crossword game which can get kind of boring after a while. None of it here. All our logic puzzles have been created with the cutest graphics and special effects. They will blow your mind! Want to know what else our game has to offer?

    Awesome game’s features:

    - Amazing word puzzles to solve and guess the words
    - Hidden proverbs, quotes, historical facts to guess, etc.
    - Endless challenging & dazzling puzzles to solve for fun
    - All kinds of game’s difficulty levels from easy to complex
    - Mind-captivating logic word puzzles & brain teasers
    - Awesomely user friendly & intuitive game’s interface
    - 4 NEW daily goals with every new gameplay
    - Winning points are credited if you accomplish each goal successfully
    - Scoring points get you ahead of other players on the leaderboard
    - Unique levels every day in the Daily levels section with a collection of Trophies

    Crostic puzzles work perfectly for learning how to follow clues and decrypt lots of mind-dazzling word cryptograms. Never tried it before? Not a problem! The game will let you pick a level to get you all set.

    Some easy steps to follow and decipher puzzles like a pro:

    - Match letters with numbers
    - Move letters right into solution dashes
    - Make sure each letter matches the correct number
    - Fill the dashes in the wordlist
    - Solve as many puzzles as you can with definitions
    - Complete each level easily!
    - Complete 4 daily goals, then complete additional topics
    and break into the lead!

    Play Crostic puzzles and fuel your brain with power, train logic, and boost your dopamine level. The more you play, the more your IQ is going to skyrocket!
    Get your brain tickled and teased with the addicting gaming experience. This is fun! Are you ready to rock?


    *The price is for US customers. Pricing in other countries may vary and actual charges may be converted to your local currency depending on the country of residence.
    *Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.
    *Subscription will be automatically renewed for the same price and duration period, auto-renew can be turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period.
    *Your account will be charged for the subscription fee within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period for the price initially selected.
    *Subscriptions may be managed by you and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's iTunes Account Settings.
    *Unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when a user decides to subscribe.

    Privacy Policy:
    Terms of Use:
  • 版本: 3.6



    Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles

    Crostic Crossword-Word Puzzles


    Hello! We have updated our game to make it even more enjoyable for you!
    In this update:
    1. New challenging levels
    2. Bug fixes and performance improvements
    Our team reads all feedback to make the game better. Please feel free to share your feedback with us or suggest any improvements.
    Have fun and train your brain with Crostic!

