Web Messenger per WhatsApp

Web Messenger per WhatsApp

Doppio Messaggero


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  • 2022-09-01


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  • 版本: 1.4



    Web Messenger per WhatsApp

    Web Messenger per WhatsApp

    Doppio Messaggero


    - Aggiungere nuove lingue
    - Modifiche alla strategia di marketing
    - Correggi bug minori


    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图
    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图
    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图


    Utilizzando l'applicazione Web Messenger è possibile accedere e beneficiare della versione Web delle applicazioni di messaggistica più popolari, come WhatsApp e Telegram.

    Web Messenger è un browser avanzato con alcune funzionalità essenziali, come la Visualizzazione desktop. Dual Web ti consente di navigare sul Web nella visualizzazione desktop, utile per l'utilizzo/il debug di siti Web disponibili solo per desktop.

    La modifica dell'agente utente consente inoltre agli utenti di accedere alle offerte Web di applicazioni di terze parti, come Web Whatsapp e Telegram Web. Che normalmente non sono utilizzabili su iPad Safari, semplicemente abilitando la visualizzazione desktop (abilitata di default) puoi semplicemente usarli come se fossi in un Desktop!

    Dual Web è un browser Safari in-app che consente agli utenti di accedere ad alcune funzionalità per sviluppatori. Come cambiare le intestazioni e i cookie che vengono inviati ai siti web con ogni richiesta. E direttamente per gestire la funzionalità di archiviazione dei browser sia i cookie che l'archiviazione locale degli stessi. Inoltre ti consente di cambiare il tuo agente utente, in realtà per impostazione predefinita viene modificato in agente utente desktop in modo che durante la navigazione, sei visto come un desktop e il sito Web ti offre la visualizzazione desktop anziché quella mobile.

    Modificando anche intestazioni e cookie, puoi trasferire le tue sessioni o testare le funzionalità dei tuoi siti web/webAPI in diversi casi d'uso. Sia per i cookie che per le intestazioni, è supportato disattivarli anziché eliminarli e ricrearli tra i casi di test.

    Diverse funzionalità avanzate come la manipolazione della porta di visualizzazione sono disponibili anche tramite le impostazioni. Per qualsiasi cosa ti venga in mente, contattaci utilizzando il pulsante Contattaci nella pagina Impostazioni. E non dimenticare di condividere i tuoi pensieri sull'App Store.

    L'informativa sulla privacy e le condizioni d'uso sono accessibili dalla pagina Impostazioni anche durante un acquisto. Se sei già abbonato, tocca il pulsante Ripristina acquisti nella pagina Impostazioni. Premium rimuove tutti i limiti e consente un utilizzo illimitato. Per annullarlo, vai all'app App Store, tocca l'icona del tuo profilo in alto a destra, vai agli abbonamenti e trova quello per questa app e tocca Annulla.

    DISCLAIMER LEGALE: Questa applicazione non è approvata o affiliata a WhatsApp Inc. WhatsApp Messenger, WhatsApp Web, Meta Inc., Telegram LLC. Telegram, il suo nome, il marchio e altri aspetti dell'app sono marchi registrati e appartengono ai rispettivi proprietari.

    Leggi di più sui nostri termini, condizioni e privacy qui:

    • Visita la nostra Informativa sulla privacy all'indirizzo: https://dualbrowser.iosapp.mobi/dualbrowser/privacy.html
    • Visualizza i nostri Termini di servizio all'indirizzo: https://dualbrowser.iosapp.mobi/dualbrowser/terms.html
  • 版本: 1.3



    Dual Web for WhatsApp Web

    Dual Web for WhatsApp Web


    - ASO
    - Small Bugfixes
    * Purchase page now auto-closes after a purchase or restoration is made.
    * Add rate our application
    * Enhancements on help page; First time helper, text corrections


    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图
    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图
    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图


    Dual Web is an advanced browser with some most essential capabilities, such as Desktop View. Dual Web allows you to browse web in desktop view, which comes handy for using/debugging websites that are only available for desktops.

    Changing user agent also allow users to access third-party applications web offerings, such as Web Whatsapp and Telegram Web. Which are normally not usable on iPad Safari, by just enabling the desktop view (enabled in default) you may simply use them as you are in a Desktop!

    Dual Web is an in-app Safari browser that allows users to access some developer features. Such as changing the headers and cookies that are being sent to the websites with each request. And directly to manage the browsers storage functionality both cookies and the local storage of it. Also it allows you to change your User-Agent, actually in default it is changed to Desktop user agent so that when you are browsing, you are seen as a Desktop and the website gives you it's desktop view rather than the mobile one.

    By also altering the Headers and Cookies, you may transfer your sessions, or test your websites/webAPI's functionalities in different use cases. For both cookies and headers, it is supported to Deactivate them rather than Deleting and Re-creating between your test cases.

    Several advanced features such as View Port manipulation also available over the settings. For anything you can think of please approach us using the Contact Us button in the Settings Page. And don't forget to share your thoughts on the App Store.

    Privacy Policy and Terms of Use are accessible over the Settings page also during a purchase. If you have already subscribed, please tap the Restore Purchases button in the Settings Page. Premium removes all the limits and allows unlimited usage. To cancel it please go to the App Store App, Tap Your Profile Icon at the top-right, go to subscriptions and find the one for this app and tap Cancel.

    LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This application is not endorsed by or affiliated with WhatsApp Inc. WhatsApp Messenger, WhatsApp Web, Meta Inc., Telegram LLC. Telegram, its name, trademark, and other aspects of the app are trademarked and owned by their respective owners.

    Read more about our terms, conditions, and privacy here:

    • Visit our Privacy Policy at: https://dualbrowser.iosapp.mobi/dualbrowser/privacy.html
    • View our Terms of Service at: https://dualbrowser.iosapp.mobi/dualbrowser/terms.html

  • 版本: 1.2



    Dual Web for WhatsApp

    Dual Web for WhatsApp


    - App Store Optimization
    - Small bug fixes


    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图
    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图
    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图
    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图
    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图


    Dual Web is an advanced browser with some most essential capabilities, such as Desktop View. Dual Web allows you to browse web in desktop view, which comes handy for using/debugging websites that are only available for desktops.

    Changing user agent also allow users to access third-party applications web offerings, such as Web Whatsapp and Telegram Web. Which are normally not usable on iPad Safari, by just enabling the desktop view (enabled in default) you may simply use them as you are in a Desktop!

    Dual Web is an in-app Safari browser that allows users to access some developer features. Such as changing the headers and cookies that are being sent to the websites with each request. And directly to manage the browsers storage functionality both cookies and the local storage of it. Also it allows you to change your User-Agent, actually in default it is changed to Desktop user agent so that when you are browsing, you are seen as a Desktop and the website gives you it's desktop view rather than the mobile one.

    By also altering the Headers and Cookies, you may transfer your sessions, or test your websites/webAPI's functionalities in different use cases. For both cookies and headers, it is supported to Deactivate them rather than Deleting and Re-creating between your test cases.

    Several advanced features such as View Port manipulation also available over the settings. For anything you can think of please approach us using the Contact Us button in the Settings Page. And don't forget to share your thoughts on the App Store.

    Privacy Policy and Terms of Use are accessible over the Settings page also during a purchase. If you have already subscribed, please tap the Restore Purchases button in the Settings Page. Premium removes all the limits and allows unlimited usage. To cancel it please go to the App Store App, Tap Your Profile Icon at the top-right, go to subscriptions and find the one for this app and tap Cancel.

    This application is not endorsed by or affiliated with WhatsApp Inc. WhatsApp Messenger, Meta Inc., Telegram LLC. Telegram, its name, trademark, and other aspects of the app are trademarked and owned by their respective owners.

    Read more about our terms, conditions, and privacy here:

    • Visit our Privacy Policy at: https://dualbrowser.iosapp.mobi/dualbrowser/privacy.html
    • View our Terms of Service at: https://dualbrowser.iosapp.mobi/dualbrowser/terms.html

  • 版本: 1.1



    Dual Web for WA

    Dual Web for WA


    - App Store Optimization
    - Fixed Small Bugs


    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图
    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图
    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图
    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图
    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图


    Dual Web is an advanced browser with some most essential capabilities, such as Desktop View. Dual Web allows you to browse web in desktop view, which comes handy for using/debugging websites that are only available for desktops.

    Changing user agent also allow users to access third-party applications web offerings, such as Web Whatsapp and Telegram Web. Which are normally not usable on iPad Safari, by just enabling the desktop view (enabled in default) you may simply use them as you are in a Desktop!

    Dual Web is an in-app Safari browser that allows users to access some developer features. Such as changing the headers and cookies that are being sent to the websites with each request. And directly to manage the browsers storage functionality both cookies and the local storage of it. Also it allows you to change your User-Agent, actually in default it is changed to Desktop user agent so that when you are browsing, you are seen as a Desktop and the website gives you it's desktop view rather than the mobile one.

    By also altering the Headers and Cookies, you may transfer your sessions, or test your websites/webAPI's functionalities in different use cases. For both cookies and headers, it is supported to Deactivate them rather than Deleting and Re-creating between your test cases.

    Several advanced features such as View Port manipulation also available over the settings. For anything you can think of please approach us using the Contact Us button in the Settings Page. And don't forget to share your thoughts on the App Store.

    Privacy Policy and Terms of Use are accessible over the Settings page also during a purchase. If you have already subscribed, please tap the Restore Purchases button in the Settings Page. Premium removes all the limits and allows unlimited usage. To cancel it please go to the App Store App, Tap Your Profile Icon at the top-right, go to subscriptions and find the one for this app and tap Cancel.

    This application is not endorsed by or affiliated with WhatsApp Inc. WhatsApp Messenger, Meta Inc., Telegram LLC. Telegram, its name, trademark, and other aspects of the app are trademarked and owned by their respective owners.

    Read more about our terms, conditions, and privacy here:

    • Visit our Privacy Policy at: https://dualbrowser.iosapp.mobi/dualbrowser/privacy.html
    • View our Terms of Service at: https://dualbrowser.iosapp.mobi/dualbrowser/terms.html

  • 预订版本: 1.0




    Dual Web: Dev Browser

    Dual Web: Dev Browser




    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图
    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图
    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图
    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图
    Web Messenger per WhatsApp App 截图


    Dual Web is an advanced browser with some most essential capabilities, such as Desktop View. Dual Web allows you to browse web in desktop view, which comes handy for using/debugging websites that are only available for desktops.

    Dual Web is an in-app Safari browser that allows users to access some developer features. Such as changing the headers and cookies that are being sent to the websites with each request. And directly to manage the browsers storage functionality both cookies and the local storage of it. Also it allows you to change your User-Agent, actually in default it is changed to Desktop user agent so that when you are browsing, you are seen as a Desktop and the website gives you it's desktop view rather than the mobile one.

    Changing user agent also allow users to access third-party applications web offerings, such as Web Whatsapp and Telegram Web. Which are normally not usable on iPad Safari, by just enabling the desktop view (enabled in default) you may simply use them as you are in a Desktop!

    By also altering the Headers and Cookies, you may transfer your sessions, or test your websites/webAPI's functionalities in different use cases. For both cookies and headers, it is supported to Deactivate them rather than Deleting and Re-creating between your test cases.

    Several advanced features such as View Port manipulation also available over the settings. For anything you can think of please approach us using the Contact Us button in the Settings Page. And don't forget to share your thoughts on the App Store.

    Privacy Policy and Terms of Use are accessible over the Settings page also during a purchase. If you have already subscribed, please tap the Restore Purchases button in the Settings Page. Premium removes all the limits and allows unlimited usage. To cancel it please go to the App Store App, Tap Your Profile Icon at the top-right, go to subscriptions and find the one for this app and tap Cancel.

    This application is not endorsed by or affiliated with WhatsApp Inc. WhatsApp Messenger, Meta Inc., Telegram LLC. Telegram, its name, trademark, and other aspects of the app are trademarked and owned by their respective owners.

    Read more about our terms, conditions, and privacy here:

    • Visit our Privacy Policy at: https://dualbrowser.iosapp.mobi/dualbrowser/privacy.html
    • View our Terms of Service at: https://dualbrowser.iosapp.mobi/dualbrowser/terms.html