Lista de compras OurGroceries

Lista de compras OurGroceries

Comparte listas con la familia

开发者: OurGroceries, Inc.

  • 71天18小时


  • 7


  • 2009-08-13


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  • 版本: 5.7.0



    Lista de compras OurGroceries

    Lista de compras OurGroceries

    Comparte listas con la familia


    • ¡Nuestra app para Apple Watch es aún mejor! Pruébala mientras compras.
    • Usa los widgets de la pantalla de bloqueo para acceder a la lista al instante.


    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图


    La forma más fácil de gestionar la lista de la compra de la familia ¡y GRATIS!

    "Me encanta la tecnología, pero también la sencillez. Con OurGroceries encontré lo mejor de ambos". —Reseña de The Kitchn
    "Después de más de un año de usar OurGroceries, estamos muy satisfechos". —Reseña de Anne vs. Home

    OurGroceries mantiene la lista de compras de tu familia actualizada automáticamente con los últimos cambios, en el teléfono celular de cada miembro de la familia y en nuestro sitio web. ¿Casi sin leche? Agrégala ahora en tu teléfono y tu pareja podrá recogerla en su próxima visita a la tienda.

    Cada cambio en tu lista de compras compartida es visible en cuestión de segundos en cualquier otro iPhone, Apple Watch, iPod Touch, iPad u otro teléfono inteligente asociado con el tuyo. ¡Ve los artículos tachados de la lista mientras tu pareja hace las compras!

    También puedes hacer un seguimiento de los ingredientes clave de tus recetas favoritas y añadirlos todos a la vez a tu lista de compras.


    • Lleva tus listas de compras a donde quiera que vayas.

    • Comparte listas de compras con todos los miembros de tu hogar. Simplemente ingresa la misma dirección de correo electrónico en cada copia de la aplicación OurGroceries.

    • Agrega artículos rápidamente: el autollenado sobre la marcha busca artículos de listas de compras previas a medida que escribes.

    • Tacha artículos de la lista de compras con un solo toque.

    • Crea tantas listas de compras por separado como desees o simplifica y usa solo una.

    • Organiza tus artículos por categoría o pasillo para que las compras sean más rápidas y fáciles. (Se incluyen sugerencias de categorías automáticas opcionales para artículos nuevos).

    • Agrega una foto a un artículo para asegurarte de que tu pareja consiga exactamente el correcto.

    • Agrega artículos escaneando códigos de barras.

    • Explora tus ideas de comidas favoritas en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar.

    • Agrega todos los ingredientes de una receta a tu lista de compras con un solo toque.

    • Todos tus artículos, listas y recetas se respaldan en Internet en automático. Actualiza, reemplaza o reformatea tu teléfono sin preocuparte por perder tus datos. (Se requiere una cuenta gratuita de OurGroceries).

    • Prácticas compras con manos libres con tu Apple Watch.

    • Ve y edita tus listas y recetas desde cualquier navegador web.

    • Agrega elementos con tu voz usando Siri en tu iPhone, Apple Watch o HomePod. También es compatible con otros asistentes de voz populares.

    • Además, hay versiones disponibles para otros teléfonos móviles populares, en caso de que tu pareja no tenga un iPhone, iPod Touch o iPad.

    Visita para obtener más información.

    Condiciones de uso:
  • 版本: 5.6.3



    Lista de compras OurGroceries

    Lista de compras OurGroceries

    Comparte listas con la familia


    Ahora disponible en danés, neerlandés, italiano, noruego y sueco.



  • 版本: 5.5.1



    Lista de compras OurGroceries

    Lista de compras OurGroceries

    Comparte listas con la familia


    ¡Ahora disponible en español!


    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图


    La forma más fácil de gestionar la lista de la compra de la familia ¡y GRATIS!

    "Me encanta la tecnología, pero también la sencillez. Con OurGroceries encontré lo mejor de ambos". —Reseña de The Kitchn
    "Después de más de un año de usar OurGroceries, estamos muy satisfechos". —Reseña de Anne vs. Home

    OurGroceries mantiene la lista de compras de tu familia actualizada automáticamente con los últimos cambios, en el teléfono celular de cada miembro de la familia y en nuestro sitio web. ¿Casi sin leche? Agrégala ahora en tu teléfono y tu pareja podrá recogerla en su próxima visita a la tienda.

    Cada cambio en tu lista de compras compartida es visible en cuestión de segundos en cualquier otro iPhone, Apple Watch, iPod Touch, iPad u otro teléfono inteligente asociado con el tuyo. ¡Ve los artículos tachados de la lista mientras tu pareja hace las compras!

    También puedes hacer un seguimiento de los ingredientes clave de tus recetas favoritas y añadirlos todos a la vez a tu lista de compras.


    • Lleva tus listas de compras a donde quiera que vayas.

    • Comparte listas de compras con todos los miembros de tu hogar. Simplemente ingresa la misma dirección de correo electrónico en cada copia de la aplicación OurGroceries.

    • Agrega artículos rápidamente: el autollenado sobre la marcha busca artículos de listas de compras previas a medida que escribes.

    • Tacha artículos de la lista de compras con un solo toque.

    • Crea tantas listas de compras por separado como desees o simplifica y usa solo una.

    • Organiza tus artículos por categoría o pasillo para que las compras sean más rápidas y fáciles. (Se incluyen sugerencias de categorías automáticas opcionales para artículos nuevos).

    • Agrega una foto a un artículo para asegurarte de que tu pareja consiga exactamente el correcto.

    • Agrega artículos escaneando códigos de barras.

    • Explora tus ideas de comidas favoritas en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar.

    • Agrega todos los ingredientes de una receta a tu lista de compras con un solo toque.

    • Todos tus artículos, listas y recetas se respaldan en Internet en automático. Actualiza, reemplaza o reformatea tu teléfono sin preocuparte por perder tus datos. (Se requiere una cuenta gratuita de OurGroceries).

    • Prácticas compras con manos libres con tu Apple Watch.

    • Ve y edita tus listas y recetas desde cualquier navegador web.

    • Agrega elementos con tu voz usando Siri en tu iPhone, Apple Watch o HomePod. También es compatible con otros asistentes de voz populares.

    • Además, hay versiones disponibles para otros teléfonos móviles populares, en caso de que tu pareja no tenga un iPhone, iPod Touch o iPad.

    Visita para obtener más información.

    Condiciones de uso:
  • 版本: 5.4.0



    Lista de compras OurGroceries

    Lista de compras OurGroceries

    Comparte listas con la familia


    A few small improvements—we hope you enjoy them!



  • 版本: 5.3.0



    Our Groceries Shopping List

    Our Groceries Shopping List


    A few small improvements—we hope you enjoy the updates!


    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图


    The easiest way to manage your family’s grocery shopping—and it’s FREE!

    "I love technology, but I also love simplicity. I've found the best of both in OurGroceries." —The Kitchn review
    "After more than a year of using OurGroceries, we have been very satisfied." —Anne vs. Home review

    OurGroceries automatically keeps your family’s grocery list up to date with the latest changes—on every family member’s mobile phone, and our website. Nearly out of milk? Add it now on your phone and your partner can pick it up on their next shopping trip.

    Every change to your shared shopping list is visible within seconds on any other iPhone, Watch, iPod touch, iPad, or other smartphone grouped with yours. See items being checked off as your partner shops!

    You can also keep track of the key ingredients in your favorite recipes and add them all at once to your shopping list.


    • Take your shopping lists with you wherever you go.

    • Share shopping lists amongst everyone in your household. Simply enter the same email address into each copy of the OurGroceries app.

    • Add items quickly: on-the-fly completion searches past shopping list items as you type.

    • Cross items off the shopping list with a single tap.

    • Create as many separate shopping lists as you wish, or keep it simple and just use one.

    • Organize your items by category or aisle to make shopping faster and easier. (Including optional automatic category suggestions for new items.)

    • Add a photo to an item to make sure your partner gets exactly the right one.

    • Add items by scanning barcodes.

    • Browse your favorite meal ideas anytime, anywhere.

    • Add all the ingredients for a recipe to your shopping list with a single tap.

    • All your items, lists, and recipes are automatically backed up onto the Internet. Upgrade, replace, or reformat your phone without worrying about losing your data. (Requires free OurGroceries account.)

    • Convenient hands-free shopping with your Apple Watch.

    • See and edit your lists and recipes from any web browser.

    • Add items with your voice using Siri on your iPhone, Watch, or HomePod. Supports other popular voice assistants too.

    • Versions available for other popular mobile phones too, in case your partner doesn't have an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad.

    Visit for more information.

    Terms of Use:
  • 版本: 5.2.2



    Our Groceries Shopping List

    Our Groceries Shopping List


    New app icon and logo design.


    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图


    The easiest way to manage your family’s grocery shopping—and it’s FREE!

    "I love technology, but I also love simplicity. I've found the best of both in OurGroceries." —The Kitchn review
    "After more than a year of using OurGroceries, we have been very satisfied." —Anne vs. Home review

    OurGroceries automatically keeps your family’s grocery list up to date with the latest changes—on every family member’s mobile phone, and our website. Nearly out of milk? Add it now on your phone and your partner can pick it up on their next shopping trip.

    Every change to your shared shopping list is visible within seconds on any other iPhone, Watch, iPod touch, iPad, or other smartphone grouped with yours. See items being checked off as your partner shops!

    You can also keep track of the key ingredients in your favorite recipes and add them all at once to your shopping list.


    • Take your shopping lists with you wherever you go.

    • Share shopping lists amongst everyone in your household. Simply enter the same email address into each copy of the OurGroceries app.

    • Add items quickly: on-the-fly completion searches past shopping list items as you type.

    • Cross items off the shopping list with a single tap.

    • Create as many separate shopping lists as you wish, or keep it simple and just use one.

    • Organize your items by category or aisle to make shopping faster and easier. (Including optional automatic category suggestions for new items.)

    • Add a photo to an item to make sure your partner gets exactly the right one.

    • Add items by scanning barcodes.

    • Browse your favorite meal ideas anytime, anywhere.

    • Add all the ingredients for a recipe to your shopping list with a single tap.

    • All your items, lists, and recipes are automatically backed up onto the Internet. Upgrade, replace, or reformat your phone without worrying about losing your data. (Requires free OurGroceries account.)

    • Convenient hands-free shopping with your Apple Watch.

    • See and edit your lists and recipes from any web browser.

    • Add items with your voice using Siri on your iPhone, Watch, or HomePod. Supports other popular voice assistants too.

    • Versions available for other popular mobile phones too, in case your partner doesn't have an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad.

    Visit for more information.

    Terms of Use:
  • 版本: 5.1.3



    Our Groceries Shopping List

    Our Groceries Shopping List


    Now available in German!


    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图


    The easiest way to manage your family’s grocery shopping—and it’s FREE!

    "I love technology, but I also love simplicity. I've found the best of both in OurGroceries." —The Kitchn review
    "After more than a year of using OurGroceries, we have been very satisfied." —Anne vs. Home review

    OurGroceries automatically keeps your family’s grocery list up to date with the latest changes—on every family member’s mobile phone, and our website. Nearly out of milk? Add it now on your phone and your partner can pick it up on their next shopping trip.

    Every change to your shared shopping list is visible within seconds on any other iPhone, Watch, iPod touch, iPad, or other smartphone grouped with yours. See items being checked off as your partner shops!

    You can also keep track of the key ingredients in your favorite recipes and add them all at once to your shopping list.


    • Take your shopping lists with you wherever you go.

    • Share shopping lists amongst everyone in your household. Simply enter the same email address into each copy of the OurGroceries app.

    • Add items quickly: on-the-fly completion searches past shopping list items as you type.

    • Cross items off the shopping list with a single tap.

    • Create as many separate shopping lists as you wish, or keep it simple and just use one.

    • Organize your items by category or aisle to make shopping faster and easier. (Including optional automatic category suggestions for new items.)

    • Add a photo to an item to make sure your partner gets exactly the right one.

    • Add items by scanning barcodes.

    • Browse your favorite meal ideas anytime, anywhere.

    • Add all the ingredients for a recipe to your shopping list with a single tap.

    • All your items, lists, and recipes are automatically backed up onto the Internet. Upgrade, replace, or reformat your phone without worrying about losing your data. (Requires free OurGroceries account.)

    • Convenient hands-free shopping with your Apple Watch.

    • See and edit your lists and recipes from any web browser.

    • Add items with your voice using Siri on your iPhone, Watch, or HomePod. Supports other popular voice assistants too.

    • Versions available for other popular mobile phones too, in case your partner doesn't have an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad.

    Visit for more information.

    Terms of Use:
  • 版本: 5.0.4



    Our Groceries Shopping List

    Our Groceries Shopping List


    Now available in French!


    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图


    The easiest way to manage your family’s grocery shopping—and it’s FREE!

    "I love technology, but I also love simplicity. I've found the best of both in OurGroceries." —The Kitchn review
    "After more than a year of using OurGroceries, we have been very satisfied." —Anne vs. Home review

    OurGroceries automatically keeps your family’s grocery list up to date with the latest changes—on every family member’s mobile phone, and our website. Nearly out of milk? Add it now on your phone and your partner can pick it up on their next shopping trip.

    Every change to your shared shopping list is visible within seconds on any other iPhone, Watch, iPod touch, iPad, or other smartphone grouped with yours. See items being checked off as your partner shops!

    You can also keep track of the key ingredients in your favorite recipes and add them all at once to your shopping list.


    • Take your shopping lists with you wherever you go.

    • Share shopping lists amongst everyone in your household. Simply enter the same email address into each copy of the OurGroceries app.

    • Add items quickly: on-the-fly completion searches past shopping list items as you type.

    • Cross items off the shopping list with a single tap.

    • Create as many separate shopping lists as you wish, or keep it simple and just use one.

    • Organize your items by category or aisle to make shopping faster and easier. (Including optional automatic category suggestions for new items.)

    • Add a photo to an item to make sure your partner gets exactly the right one.

    • Add items by scanning barcodes.

    • Browse your favorite meal ideas anytime, anywhere.

    • Add all the ingredients for a recipe to your shopping list with a single tap.

    • All your items, lists, and recipes are automatically backed up onto the Internet. Upgrade, replace, or reformat your phone without worrying about losing your data. (Requires free OurGroceries account.)

    • Convenient hands-free shopping with your Apple Watch.

    • See and edit your lists and recipes from any desktop web browser.

    • Add items with your voice using Siri on your iPhone, Watch, or HomePod. Supports other popular voice assistants too.

    • Versions available for other popular mobile phones too, in case your partner doesn't have an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad.

    Visit for more information.

    Terms of Use:
  • 版本: 4.9.3



    Our Groceries Shopping List

    Our Groceries Shopping List


    • Minor fixes and improvements


    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图


    The easiest way to manage your family’s grocery shopping—and it’s FREE!

    "I love technology, but I also love simplicity. I've found the best of both in OurGroceries." —The Kitchn review
    "After more than a year of using OurGroceries, we have been very satisfied." —Anne vs. Home review

    OurGroceries automatically keeps your family’s grocery list up to date with the latest changes—on every family member’s mobile phone, and our website. Nearly out of milk? Add it now on your phone and your partner can pick it up on their next shopping trip.

    Every change to your shared shopping list is visible within seconds on any other iPhone, Watch, iPod touch, iPad, or other smartphone grouped with yours. See items being checked off as your partner shops!

    You can also keep track of the key ingredients in your favorite recipes and add them all at once to your shopping list.


    • Take your shopping lists with you wherever you go.

    • Share shopping lists amongst everyone in your household. Simply enter the same email address into each copy of the OurGroceries app.

    • Add items quickly: on-the-fly completion searches past shopping list items as you type.

    • Cross items off the shopping list with a single tap.

    • Create as many separate shopping lists as you wish, or keep it simple and just use one.

    • Organize your items by category or aisle to make shopping faster and easier. (Including optional automatic category suggestions for new items.)

    • Add a photo to an item to make sure your partner gets exactly the right one.

    • Add items by scanning barcodes.

    • Browse your favorite meal ideas anytime, anywhere.

    • Add all the ingredients for a recipe to your shopping list with a single tap.

    • All your items, lists, and recipes are automatically backed up onto the Internet. Upgrade, replace, or reformat your phone without worrying about losing your data. (Requires free OurGroceries account.)

    • Convenient hands-free shopping with your Apple Watch.

    • See and edit your lists and recipes from any desktop web browser.

    • Add items with your voice using Siri on your iPhone, Watch, or HomePod. Supports other popular voice assistants too.

    • Versions available for other popular mobile phones too, in case your partner doesn't have an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad.

    Visit for more information.

    Terms of Use:
  • 版本: 4.9.2



    Our Groceries Shopping List

    Our Groceries Shopping List


    Fix a problem where user was sometimes prompted for a category even though one is already set.


    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图
    Lista de compras OurGroceries App 截图


    The easiest way to manage your family’s grocery shopping—and it’s FREE!

    "I love technology, but I also love simplicity. I've found the best of both in OurGroceries." —The Kitchn review
    "After more than a year of using OurGroceries, we have been very satisfied." —Anne vs. Home review

    OurGroceries automatically keeps your family’s grocery list up to date with the latest changes—on every family member’s mobile phone, and our website. Nearly out of milk? Add it now on your phone and your partner can pick it up on their next shopping trip.

    Every change to your shared shopping list is visible within seconds on any other iPhone, Watch, iPod touch, iPad, or other smartphone grouped with yours. See items being checked off as your partner shops!

    You can also keep track of the key ingredients in your favorite recipes and add them all at once to your shopping list.


    • Take your shopping lists with you wherever you go.

    • Share shopping lists amongst everyone in your household. Simply enter the same email address into each copy of the OurGroceries app.

    • Add items quickly: on-the-fly completion searches past shopping list items as you type.

    • Cross items off the shopping list with a single tap.

    • Create as many separate shopping lists as you wish, or keep it simple and just use one.

    • Organize your items by category or aisle to make shopping faster and easier. (Including optional automatic category suggestions for new items.)

    • Add a photo to an item to make sure your partner gets exactly the right one.

    • Add items by scanning barcodes.

    • Browse your favorite meal ideas anytime, anywhere.

    • Add all the ingredients for a recipe to your shopping list with a single tap.

    • All your items, lists, and recipes are automatically backed up onto the Internet. Upgrade, replace, or reformat your phone without worrying about losing your data. (Requires free OurGroceries account.)

    • Convenient hands-free shopping with your Apple Watch.

    • See and edit your lists and recipes from any desktop web browser.

    • Add items with your voice using Siri on your iPhone, Watch, or HomePod. Supports other popular voice assistants too.

    • Versions available for other popular mobile phones too, in case your partner doesn't have an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad.

    Visit for more information.

    Terms of Use: