It's only been a couple of weeks since our last update but there are a couple changes we wanted to make based on your feedback!
◉ We got a new app icon & it's flat as a pancake ;)
It seems our last icon change started quite a controversy. We know some of you out there didn't care for the new ‘plaid’ design. Here is the issue with the icon. We loved our original icon, but yeah, it was not 'iOS 7y' and many were asking for a new flatter icon. We wanted to save the 'flat' version of our icon for the upcoming complete UI refresh of the app (aka The Flat Update). In the meantime we figured that we should take a step away from full fabric and go plaid in honor of iOS turns out that plaid is just not in right now... So we are bringing out the flat icon early, with a special thanks going to Daniel van Vliet (@ihaz3) for designing our new iOS 7 icon! We truly believe there is a lot more to an app than an icon, but the icon is the front door and is important. We hope you like the new icon. Here's to flat!
◉ Changed app name to Appsgonefree, no more emoji!
So our last update also introduced an emoji into the app name. And no, we didn't do this because we have a thing for emojis, well not anymore than the average iOS user. We made the change because with the introduction of iOS 7, "AppsGoneFree"" no longer fit, it was "AppsGonef..." So we struggled with what to do, and found with the "Free" emoji we could still fit the proper and entire name. The AGF community also spoke out that this was not a good experience, and to be honest, we agreed. We finally found out that if removed some of the capitalization our name would fit. So we have a capital first letter and the rest of the words are all lower case. It's still a compromise, but a better one we think. That was most likely way more info than you cared to know.
** Update on this, we are hearing only iPhone 5S does not get cut back to the drawing board on this.
◉ Fixed reported launch crash some users experienced.
No long story here, just needed to be fixed =) Sorry for inconvenience to those it affected.
◉ Fixed issue causing some users to not receive push notifications.
◉ Added issue sections to iPad app
◉ Added more country localizations.
◉ More iOS 7 UI improvements (no more stitching on launch screen, etc)
◉ Generally improved the app by getting rid of bugs & annoyances.
We want to thank the AGF community for helping us make AppsGoneFree the best app it can be. A special thanks to the many wonderful, and very touching, emails + reviews we have received lately. Sure, this may sound cliché since so many companies add it to a tagline, but our users keep us going. You guys are the reason why we continue to push to make AppsGoneFree better and better.
And of course, if you love AppsGoneFree, please rate the new version in iTunes. We have a passionate team working hard to deliver issues daily, and your kind words support us and keep the smiles on our faces. Thank you for being part of team. More updates coming soon!