Aviasales — Book cheap flights

Aviasales — Book cheap flights

All airlines and hotel deals

开发者: Go Travel Un Limited

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  • 2012-05-25


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  • 版本: 8.21



    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    All airlines and hotel deals


    В этом релизе улучшили производительность приложения и исправили несколько багов. А теперь немного квантовой физики. Если запустить электрон через пластинку с двумя щелями, то на экране будет виден интерференционный узор, как будто он волна. Но если добавить эффект наблюдателя, то электрон ведёт себя, как частица, и летит в Череповец.


    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图


    Search for cheap airline tickets with the Aviasales app.

    - We analyze air tickets - we compare prices and layover options, finding the cheapest air tickets and the most convenient flight options (direct or with a comfortable layover).
    - Searching for air tickets doesn't take much time - we filter and sort all the options for you. And you can buy cheap air tickets. How do you like the idea?
    - You can subscribe to notifications about the cheapest air ticket, the most convenient one or the most direct flight (yes, this is possible as well). This way you can keep track of changes in the cost of plane tickets. As soon as the price changes, we will send you a notification.
    - But these are not all of the subscriptions! You can also subscribe to the search for air tickets from your city and catch cheap tickets for a plane that flies in the most unexpected direction. What a surprise!
    - We also have a "Price Schedule" - it helps you buy a cheap ticket if you are not tied to the departure date.
    - And the "Price Map" - in case you have not yet decided on your destination. The map shows both domestic and international flights.
    - We save the passengers' passport information so that next time booking a flight won't take much time.
    - It's so comfortable to plan weekend trips with us, to fly on Saturday morning and to go back on Sunday evening.
    - And maybe you want to see around during the stopover - we will tell you which option is the most convenient if you want to see another city during the trip (also this type of air tickets is cheaper).
    - Our developers made app filters for any occasion, including for tickets with luggage and filtering for aircraft models.
    - If you don't want to search for flights on exact dates, you can choose one or several months and we will find plane tickets in a given range.

    By the way, it's not only plane tickets search. We can also search for:

    - Accommodation with recommendations according to your interests: business trip, family, romantic, good for instagram and so on.
    - Guided and self-guided tours.
    - Cars and transfers to get from the airport to the hotel. And wherever else you want to go

    Download the Aviasales app now to start traveling and buy tickets.

    *** The Aviasales app allows you to find the lowest possible cost of an air ticket. We do not sell anything, we help you find flights online with the best conditions.
  • 版本: 8.20



    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    All airlines and hotel deals


    Дружеское напоминание: самое время доесть новогоднее оливье, чтобы освободить из-под него тазик для мытья во время отключения горячей воды.
    Если что, в приложении горячие билеты мы не отключали.


    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图


    Search for cheap airline tickets with the Aviasales app.

    - We analyze air tickets - we compare prices and layover options, finding the cheapest air tickets and the most convenient flight options (direct or with a comfortable layover).
    - Searching for air tickets doesn't take much time - we filter and sort all the options for you. And you can buy cheap air tickets. How do you like the idea?
    - You can subscribe to notifications about the cheapest air ticket, the most convenient one or the most direct flight (yes, this is possible as well). This way you can keep track of changes in the cost of plane tickets. As soon as the price changes, we will send you a notification.
    - But these are not all of the subscriptions! You can also subscribe to the search for air tickets from your city and catch cheap tickets for a plane that flies in the most unexpected direction. What a surprise!
    - We also have a "Price Schedule" - it helps you buy a cheap ticket if you are not tied to the departure date.
    - And the "Price Map" - in case you have not yet decided on your destination. The map shows both domestic and international flights.
    - We save the passengers' passport information so that next time booking a flight won't take much time.
    - It's so comfortable to plan weekend trips with us, to fly on Saturday morning and to go back on Sunday evening.
    - And maybe you want to see around during the stopover - we will tell you which option is the most convenient if you want to see another city during the trip (also this type of air tickets is cheaper).
    - Our developers made app filters for any occasion, including for tickets with luggage and filtering for aircraft models.
    - If you don't want to search for flights on exact dates, you can choose one or several months and we will find plane tickets in a given range.

    By the way, it's not only plane tickets search. We can also search for:

    - Accommodation with recommendations according to your interests: business trip, family, romantic, good for instagram and so on.
    - Guided and self-guided tours.
    - Cars and transfers to get from the airport to the hotel. And wherever else you want to go

    Download the Aviasales app now to start traveling and buy tickets.

    *** The Aviasales app allows you to find the lowest possible cost of an air ticket. We do not sell anything, we help you find flights online with the best conditions.
  • 版本: 8.19



    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    All airlines and hotel deals


    Внимание. Авиабилетов больше нет. Их полностью раскупили сказочно разбогатевшие пользователи приложения с хомяком.



  • 版本: 8.18



    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    All airlines and hotel deals


    Обновили приложение. Теперь мы пришлём вам уведомление, чтобы разбудить вас в летнем лагере и спасти от вымазывания зубной пастой.


    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图


    Search for cheap airline tickets with the Aviasales app.

    - We analyze air tickets - we compare prices and layover options, finding the cheapest air tickets and the most convenient flight options (direct or with a comfortable layover).
    - Searching for air tickets doesn't take much time - we filter and sort all the options for you. And you can buy cheap air tickets. How do you like the idea?
    - You can subscribe to notifications about the cheapest air ticket, the most convenient one or the most direct flight (yes, this is possible as well). This way you can keep track of changes in the cost of plane tickets. As soon as the price changes, we will send you a notification.
    - But these are not all of the subscriptions! You can also subscribe to the search for air tickets from your city and catch cheap tickets for a plane that flies in the most unexpected direction. What a surprise!
    - We also have a "Price Schedule" - it helps you buy a cheap ticket if you are not tied to the departure date.
    - And the "Price Map" - in case you have not yet decided on your destination. The map shows both domestic and international flights.
    - We save the passengers' passport information so that next time booking a flight won't take much time.
    - It's so comfortable to plan weekend trips with us, to fly on Saturday morning and to go back on Sunday evening.
    - And maybe you want to see around during the stopover - we will tell you which option is the most convenient if you want to see another city during the trip (also this type of air tickets is cheaper).
    - Our developers made app filters for any occasion, including for tickets with luggage and filtering for aircraft models.
    - If you don't want to search for flights on exact dates, you can choose one or several months and we will find plane tickets in a given range.

    By the way, it's not only plane tickets search. We can also search for:

    - Accommodation with recommendations according to your interests: business trip, family, romantic, good for instagram and so on.
    - Guided and self-guided tours.
    - Cars and transfers to get from the airport to the hotel. And wherever else you want to go

    Download the Aviasales app now to start traveling and buy tickets.

    *** The Aviasales app allows you to find the lowest possible cost of an air ticket. We do not sell anything, we help you find flights online with the best conditions.
  • 版本: 8.17



    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    All airlines and hotel deals


    Обновили приложение. Теперь им удобнее пользоваться одной рукой, чтобы освободить вторую, взять в неё палку и бить крапиву.


    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图


    Search for cheap airline tickets with the Aviasales app.

    - We analyze air tickets - we compare prices and layover options, finding the cheapest air tickets and the most convenient flight options (direct or with a comfortable layover).
    - Searching for air tickets doesn't take much time - we filter and sort all the options for you. And you can buy cheap air tickets. How do you like the idea?
    - You can subscribe to notifications about the cheapest air ticket, the most convenient one or the most direct flight (yes, this is possible as well). This way you can keep track of changes in the cost of plane tickets. As soon as the price changes, we will send you a notification.
    - But these are not all of the subscriptions! You can also subscribe to the search for air tickets from your city and catch cheap tickets for a plane that flies in the most unexpected direction. What a surprise!
    - We also have a "Price Schedule" - it helps you buy a cheap ticket if you are not tied to the departure date.
    - And the "Price Map" - in case you have not yet decided on your destination. The map shows both domestic and international flights.
    - We save the passengers' passport information so that next time booking a flight won't take much time.
    - It's so comfortable to plan weekend trips with us, to fly on Saturday morning and to go back on Sunday evening.
    - And maybe you want to see around during the stopover - we will tell you which option is the most convenient if you want to see another city during the trip (also this type of air tickets is cheaper).
    - Our developers made app filters for any occasion, including for tickets with luggage and filtering for aircraft models.
    - If you don't want to search for flights on exact dates, you can choose one or several months and we will find plane tickets in a given range.

    By the way, it's not only plane tickets search. We can also search for:

    - Accommodation with recommendations according to your interests: business trip, family, romantic, good for instagram and so on.
    - Guided and self-guided tours.
    - Cars and transfers to get from the airport to the hotel. And wherever else you want to go

    Download the Aviasales app now to start traveling and buy tickets.

    *** The Aviasales app allows you to find the lowest possible cost of an air ticket. We do not sell anything, we help you find flights online with the best conditions.
  • 版本: 8.16



    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    All airlines and hotel deals


    Обновили приложение. Теперь там можно просить политическое убежище в США, чтобы не сдавать ЕГЭ.



  • 版本: 8.15



    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    All airlines and hotel deals


    Картофель должен быть проросшим. Выкопайте лунки на расстоянии 30 см друг от друга и положите картофель ростками вверх. Закопайте.
    Поливайте раз в 7-10 дней, а когда появятся бутоны, полив должен быть дважды в неделю.



  • 版本: 8.14



    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    All airlines and hotel deals


    Обновили приложение. Всё работает нормально, даже лучше, чем раньше. Пользоваться можно. Но пока временно на синюю изоленту закрепили. На следующей неделе доделаем.



  • 版本: 8.13



    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    All airlines and hotel deals


    Обновили приложение. Теперь у нас как в поездке на такси, где водитель включил Пашу Техника. То есть 5 звёзд.


    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图
    Aviasales — Book cheap flights App 截图


    Search for cheap airline tickets with the Aviasales app.

    - We analyze air tickets - we compare prices and layover options, finding the cheapest air tickets and the most convenient flight options (direct or with a comfortable layover).
    - Searching for air tickets doesn't take much time - we filter and sort all the options for you. And you can buy cheap air tickets. How do you like the idea?
    - You can subscribe to notifications about the cheapest air ticket, the most convenient one or the most direct flight (yes, this is possible as well). This way you can keep track of changes in the cost of plane tickets. As soon as the price changes, we will send you a notification.
    - But these are not all of the subscriptions! You can also subscribe to the search for air tickets from your city and catch cheap tickets for a plane that flies in the most unexpected direction. What a surprise!
    - We also have a "Price Schedule" - it helps you buy a cheap ticket if you are not tied to the departure date.
    - And the "Price Map" - in case you have not yet decided on your destination. The map shows both domestic and international flights.
    - We save the passengers' passport information so that next time booking a flight won't take much time.
    - It's so comfortable to plan weekend trips with us, to fly on Saturday morning and to go back on Sunday evening.
    - And maybe you want to see around during the stopover - we will tell you which option is the most convenient if you want to see another city during the trip (also this type of air tickets is cheaper).
    - Our developers made app filters for any occasion, including for tickets with luggage and filtering for aircraft models.
    - If you don't want to search for flights on exact dates, you can choose one or several months and we will find plane tickets in a given range.

    By the way, it's not only plane tickets search. We can also search for:

    - Accommodation with recommendations according to your interests: business trip, family, romantic, good for instagram and so on.
    - Guided and self-guided tours.
    - Cars and transfers to get from the airport to the hotel. And wherever else you want to go

    Download the Aviasales app now to start traveling and buy tickets.

    *** The Aviasales app allows you to find the lowest possible cost of an air ticket. We do not sell anything, we help you find flights online with the best conditions.
  • 版本: 8.12



    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    Aviasales — Book cheap flights

    All airlines and hotel deals


    We're constantly working to improve your flight search experience. In this update, we are preparing the app for the future amazing features and made several improvements to speed up the search process.

