Go Game - Life And Death

Go Game - Life And Death

Way to improve go game skill

开发者: 延正 王

  • 8天14小时


  • 3


  • 2012-06-23


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  • 版本: 3.6



    Go Game - Life And Death

    Go Game - Life And Death

    Way to improve go game skill


    1. 사용자 경험 개선
    2. 몇 가지 문제 수정


    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图


    바둑 사활 보감은 인터페이스부터 문제 은행 콘텐츠까지 완전한 현지화를 구현했습니다.

    바둑 사활 보감 - 바둑 사활 학습의 최적 도구
    망우 사활 보감은 바둑 교육의 대표작이며, 현재 가장 강력한 사활 문제집입니다. 초보부터 프로 레벨까지 4만 개 이상의 사활 문제가 수록되어 있으며, 고대 사활 고전부터 현대 프로 기사들의 문제까지 포함하고 있습니다. 발양론, 천룡도, 관자보, 현현기경, 기경중묘, 귀수마수 등의 전문 사활 모음집도 포함되어 있습니다. 이는 바둑 실력을 향상시키는 훌륭한 도우미이며, 아마추어 10급에서 아마추어 5단으로 가는 필수 경로입니다.

    바둑 실력을 빠르게 향상시키는 것은 모든 바둑 애호가의 꿈이지만, 실력을 높이려면 단계적이고 과학적인 규칙을 따라야 합니다. 한 번에 실력이 급상승하거나 지름길을 찾는 것은 불가능합니다. 바둑 실력 향상의 비결을 하나 꼽자면 단 하나입니다: 사활 문제를 많이 푸는 것입니다.

    사활 문제를 푸는 일은 많은 사람이 어려워합니다. 지루하고 난이도가 높기 때문입니다(수학 문제를 푸는 것과 비슷합니다. 둘 다 계산 능력을 훈련하기 위한 것이니까요). 문제 풀이가 부족하면 계산력이 떨어지고, 실전에서 큰 손해를 봅니다. 사활을 읽지 못하면 대마가 잡히고 게임이 끝나버립니다. 사활을 정확히 읽지 못하면 보강이 필요한 곳을 놓치거나 불필요한 곳에서 한 수를 낭비해 형세를 잃게 됩니다. 사활이 불분명하면 바둑을 명확하게 두기가 어렵고 실력 향상은 헛된 꿈이 됩니다.

    사활 문제 풀이는 단계적 접근이 필요합니다. 현재 실력에 맞는 문제를 시작으로 초급, 중급, 고급으로 점진적으로 나아가야 합니다. 각 단계에서는 요구 사항이 다르지만, 반드시 꾸준히 실력을 높이는 것이 중요합니다. 각 수준에 맞는 문제를 많이 풀고 반복적으로 숙달해야 합니다. 일정량의 풀이를 반드시 확보해야 합니다. 초급은 하루 10문제, 중급은 5문제, 고급은 하루 12문제를 푸는 것이 이상적입니다. “주먹은 손을 떠나지 않고, 곡은 입을 떠나지 않는다”는 말처럼 기본기를 매일 연습해야 합니다. 가장 중요한 것은 매일 꾸준히 연습하는 것입니다. 1년 동안 최소 2천3천 문제를 풀면 상당한 실력을 쌓을 수 있습니다.

    바둑의 핵심은 계산입니다. 사활 문제를 많이 푸는 것이 계산력을 높이는 가장 좋은 방법입니다. 계산은 절대 속임수가 통하지 않습니다. 사활 문제를 풀 때는 답을 보지 말고, 스스로 성실히 문제를 풀어야 합니다. 그리고 꾸
  • 版本: 3.5.5



    Go Game - Life And Death

    Go Game - Life And Death

    Way to improve go game skill


    fix issues


    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图


    바둑 사활 보감은 인터페이스부터 문제 은행 콘텐츠까지 완전한 현지화를 구현했습니다.

    바둑 사활 보감 - 바둑 사활 학습의 최적 도구
    망우 사활 보감은 바둑 교육의 대표작이며, 현재 가장 강력한 사활 문제집입니다. 초보부터 프로 레벨까지 4만 개 이상의 사활 문제가 수록되어 있으며, 고대 사활 고전부터 현대 프로 기사들의 문제까지 포함하고 있습니다. 발양론, 천룡도, 관자보, 현현기경, 기경중묘, 귀수마수 등의 전문 사활 모음집도 포함되어 있습니다. 이는 바둑 실력을 향상시키는 훌륭한 도우미이며, 아마추어 10급에서 아마추어 5단으로 가는 필수 경로입니다.

    바둑 실력을 빠르게 향상시키는 것은 모든 바둑 애호가의 꿈이지만, 실력을 높이려면 단계적이고 과학적인 규칙을 따라야 합니다. 한 번에 실력이 급상승하거나 지름길을 찾는 것은 불가능합니다. 바둑 실력 향상의 비결을 하나 꼽자면 단 하나입니다: 사활 문제를 많이 푸는 것입니다.

    사활 문제를 푸는 일은 많은 사람이 어려워합니다. 지루하고 난이도가 높기 때문입니다(수학 문제를 푸는 것과 비슷합니다. 둘 다 계산 능력을 훈련하기 위한 것이니까요). 문제 풀이가 부족하면 계산력이 떨어지고, 실전에서 큰 손해를 봅니다. 사활을 읽지 못하면 대마가 잡히고 게임이 끝나버립니다. 사활을 정확히 읽지 못하면 보강이 필요한 곳을 놓치거나 불필요한 곳에서 한 수를 낭비해 형세를 잃게 됩니다. 사활이 불분명하면 바둑을 명확하게 두기가 어렵고 실력 향상은 헛된 꿈이 됩니다.

    사활 문제 풀이는 단계적 접근이 필요합니다. 현재 실력에 맞는 문제를 시작으로 초급, 중급, 고급으로 점진적으로 나아가야 합니다. 각 단계에서는 요구 사항이 다르지만, 반드시 꾸준히 실력을 높이는 것이 중요합니다. 각 수준에 맞는 문제를 많이 풀고 반복적으로 숙달해야 합니다. 일정량의 풀이를 반드시 확보해야 합니다. 초급은 하루 10문제, 중급은 5문제, 고급은 하루 12문제를 푸는 것이 이상적입니다. “주먹은 손을 떠나지 않고, 곡은 입을 떠나지 않는다”는 말처럼 기본기를 매일 연습해야 합니다. 가장 중요한 것은 매일 꾸준히 연습하는 것입니다. 1년 동안 최소 2천3천 문제를 풀면 상당한 실력을 쌓을 수 있습니다.

    바둑의 핵심은 계산입니다. 사활 문제를 많이 푸는 것이 계산력을 높이는 가장 좋은 방법입니다. 계산은 절대 속임수가 통하지 않습니다. 사활 문제를 풀 때는 답을 보지 말고, 스스로 성실히 문제를 풀어야 합니다. 그리고 꾸
  • 版本: 3.5



    Go Game - Life And Death

    Go Game - Life And Death

    Way to improve go game skill


    1. 문제 은행이 약 5만 문제로 확장되었습니다.
    2. 레벨, 유형, 저자별로 분류하여 연습할 수 있습니다.
    3. 다양한 사용자 경험 개선 사항이 포함되었습니다.
    4. 이전 버전의 문제 풀이 기록은 새 버전에서 다시 계산됨을 유의하세요.



  • 版本: 3.4.3



    Go Game - Life And Death

    Go Game - Life And Death

    Way to improve go game skill


    1. Fix issues.
    2. Improve user experience


    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图


    围棋死活宝典,the most powerful life and death library.
    A collection of 7000 +, life and death question. From entry level to professional level, from the ancient life and death of classical to modern vocational master life and death question. Including the set of professional life and death of "发阳论","天龙图","官子谱","玄玄棋经","棋经众妙" and "鬼手魔手", etc. You improve your chess chess skills, mentor, and 10 from the amateur to amateur, Section 5, there must be the road.
    Rapidly improving chess chess is the dream of every fellow chess player, unfortunately, is to improve the chess must comply with the laws of science a step-by-step. Want to eat a fat, short cuts, it is impossible. If you must find out the secret to improve chess, there is only one: more life and death question.
    Talked about to do the title of life and death, the majority of people Du a headache, that the too boring, there are also the a considerable the difficulty of (with the doing math problems, almost, nonsense, are to cultivate the computing power you). Do question, is not enough computing power, we must suffer a great deal. In actual combat, if we look at not see life and death, was man who kills a big Long, the chess is in respect of pay the. Not see life and death, the complement does not fill to the accident; chess should not make up places to walk single-handedly, the situation will lag behind. Life and death is unclear, chess difficult to understand, improve chess has become empty talk.
    Learned to do life and death question, according to our current level of thinking depth, Deep, primary, intermediate and advanced hierarchical progressive, have different requirements in different stages of chess skills, but must gradually increase. More appropriate level of life and death questions, in principle, be repeated master go. Must guarantee a certain amount: the primary stage can do 10 questions a day, the intermediate stage can do five questions have to do it 1-2 question of the senior level. Line saying: fist their hands, the song comes up, that is, speak every day to keep practicing the basic skills. The most critical point is that every day to adhere to a year down there will be at least 2,3 thousand questions, the accumulated effort is quite good.
    Go the core calculation, the more life and death problem is that the best way to increase computing power. The calculation is does not allow false, do life and death question must seriously do not see the answer to their own independently. There is sure to persevere, to practice every day, progress was long detained.
  • 版本: 3.4.2



    Go Game - Life And Death

    Go Game - Life And Death

    Way to improve go game skill


    Improve user experience


    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图


    围棋死活宝典,the most powerful life and death library.
    A collection of 7000 +, life and death question. From entry level to professional level, from the ancient life and death of classical to modern vocational master life and death question. Including the set of professional life and death of "发阳论","天龙图","官子谱","玄玄棋经","棋经众妙" and "鬼手魔手", etc. You improve your chess chess skills, mentor, and 10 from the amateur to amateur, Section 5, there must be the road.
    Rapidly improving chess chess is the dream of every fellow chess player, unfortunately, is to improve the chess must comply with the laws of science a step-by-step. Want to eat a fat, short cuts, it is impossible. If you must find out the secret to improve chess, there is only one: more life and death question.
    Talked about to do the title of life and death, the majority of people Du a headache, that the too boring, there are also the a considerable the difficulty of (with the doing math problems, almost, nonsense, are to cultivate the computing power you). Do question, is not enough computing power, we must suffer a great deal. In actual combat, if we look at not see life and death, was man who kills a big Long, the chess is in respect of pay the. Not see life and death, the complement does not fill to the accident; chess should not make up places to walk single-handedly, the situation will lag behind. Life and death is unclear, chess difficult to understand, improve chess has become empty talk.
    Learned to do life and death question, according to our current level of thinking depth, Deep, primary, intermediate and advanced hierarchical progressive, have different requirements in different stages of chess skills, but must gradually increase. More appropriate level of life and death questions, in principle, be repeated master go. Must guarantee a certain amount: the primary stage can do 10 questions a day, the intermediate stage can do five questions have to do it 1-2 question of the senior level. Line saying: fist their hands, the song comes up, that is, speak every day to keep practicing the basic skills. The most critical point is that every day to adhere to a year down there will be at least 2,3 thousand questions, the accumulated effort is quite good.
    Go the core calculation, the more life and death problem is that the best way to increase computing power. The calculation is does not allow false, do life and death question must seriously do not see the answer to their own independently. There is sure to persevere, to practice every day, progress was long detained.
  • 版本: 3.4.1



    Go Game - Life And Death

    Go Game - Life And Death

    Way to improve go game skill


    1. Fix issues


    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图


    围棋死活宝典,the most powerful life and death library.
    A collection of 7000 +, life and death question. From entry level to professional level, from the ancient life and death of classical to modern vocational master life and death question. Including the set of professional life and death of "发阳论","天龙图","官子谱","玄玄棋经","棋经众妙" and "鬼手魔手", etc. You improve your chess chess skills, mentor, and 10 from the amateur to amateur, Section 5, there must be the road.
    Rapidly improving chess chess is the dream of every fellow chess player, unfortunately, is to improve the chess must comply with the laws of science a step-by-step. Want to eat a fat, short cuts, it is impossible. If you must find out the secret to improve chess, there is only one: more life and death question.
    Talked about to do the title of life and death, the majority of people Du a headache, that the too boring, there are also the a considerable the difficulty of (with the doing math problems, almost, nonsense, are to cultivate the computing power you). Do question, is not enough computing power, we must suffer a great deal. In actual combat, if we look at not see life and death, was man who kills a big Long, the chess is in respect of pay the. Not see life and death, the complement does not fill to the accident; chess should not make up places to walk single-handedly, the situation will lag behind. Life and death is unclear, chess difficult to understand, improve chess has become empty talk.
    Learned to do life and death question, according to our current level of thinking depth, Deep, primary, intermediate and advanced hierarchical progressive, have different requirements in different stages of chess skills, but must gradually increase. More appropriate level of life and death questions, in principle, be repeated master go. Must guarantee a certain amount: the primary stage can do 10 questions a day, the intermediate stage can do five questions have to do it 1-2 question of the senior level. Line saying: fist their hands, the song comes up, that is, speak every day to keep practicing the basic skills. The most critical point is that every day to adhere to a year down there will be at least 2,3 thousand questions, the accumulated effort is quite good.
    Go the core calculation, the more life and death problem is that the best way to increase computing power. The calculation is does not allow false, do life and death question must seriously do not see the answer to their own independently. There is sure to persevere, to practice every day, progress was long detained.
  • 版本: 3.4



    Go Game - Life And Death

    Go Game - Life And Death

    Way to improve go game skill


    1. Improve the user experience


    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图


    围棋死活宝典,the most powerful life and death library.
    A collection of 7000 +, life and death question. From entry level to professional level, from the ancient life and death of classical to modern vocational master life and death question. Including the set of professional life and death of "发阳论","天龙图","官子谱","玄玄棋经","棋经众妙" and "鬼手魔手", etc. You improve your chess chess skills, mentor, and 10 from the amateur to amateur, Section 5, there must be the road.
    Rapidly improving chess chess is the dream of every fellow chess player, unfortunately, is to improve the chess must comply with the laws of science a step-by-step. Want to eat a fat, short cuts, it is impossible. If you must find out the secret to improve chess, there is only one: more life and death question.
    Talked about to do the title of life and death, the majority of people Du a headache, that the too boring, there are also the a considerable the difficulty of (with the doing math problems, almost, nonsense, are to cultivate the computing power you). Do question, is not enough computing power, we must suffer a great deal. In actual combat, if we look at not see life and death, was man who kills a big Long, the chess is in respect of pay the. Not see life and death, the complement does not fill to the accident; chess should not make up places to walk single-handedly, the situation will lag behind. Life and death is unclear, chess difficult to understand, improve chess has become empty talk.
    Learned to do life and death question, according to our current level of thinking depth, Deep, primary, intermediate and advanced hierarchical progressive, have different requirements in different stages of chess skills, but must gradually increase. More appropriate level of life and death questions, in principle, be repeated master go. Must guarantee a certain amount: the primary stage can do 10 questions a day, the intermediate stage can do five questions have to do it 1-2 question of the senior level. Line saying: fist their hands, the song comes up, that is, speak every day to keep practicing the basic skills. The most critical point is that every day to adhere to a year down there will be at least 2,3 thousand questions, the accumulated effort is quite good.
    Go the core calculation, the more life and death problem is that the best way to increase computing power. The calculation is does not allow false, do life and death question must seriously do not see the answer to their own independently. There is sure to persevere, to practice every day, progress was long detained.
  • 版本: 3.3



    Go Game - Life And Death

    Go Game - Life And Death

    Way to improve go game skill


    Fix issue


    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图


    围棋死活宝典,the most powerful life and death library.
    A collection of 7000 +, life and death question. From entry level to professional level, from the ancient life and death of classical to modern vocational master life and death question. Including the set of professional life and death of "发阳论","天龙图","官子谱","玄玄棋经","棋经众妙" and "鬼手魔手", etc. You improve your chess chess skills, mentor, and 10 from the amateur to amateur, Section 5, there must be the road.
    Rapidly improving chess chess is the dream of every fellow chess player, unfortunately, is to improve the chess must comply with the laws of science a step-by-step. Want to eat a fat, short cuts, it is impossible. If you must find out the secret to improve chess, there is only one: more life and death question.
    Talked about to do the title of life and death, the majority of people Du a headache, that the too boring, there are also the a considerable the difficulty of (with the doing math problems, almost, nonsense, are to cultivate the computing power you). Do question, is not enough computing power, we must suffer a great deal. In actual combat, if we look at not see life and death, was man who kills a big Long, the chess is in respect of pay the. Not see life and death, the complement does not fill to the accident; chess should not make up places to walk single-handedly, the situation will lag behind. Life and death is unclear, chess difficult to understand, improve chess has become empty talk.
    Learned to do life and death question, according to our current level of thinking depth, Deep, primary, intermediate and advanced hierarchical progressive, have different requirements in different stages of chess skills, but must gradually increase. More appropriate level of life and death questions, in principle, be repeated master go. Must guarantee a certain amount: the primary stage can do 10 questions a day, the intermediate stage can do five questions have to do it 1-2 question of the senior level. Line saying: fist their hands, the song comes up, that is, speak every day to keep practicing the basic skills. The most critical point is that every day to adhere to a year down there will be at least 2,3 thousand questions, the accumulated effort is quite good.
    Go the core calculation, the more life and death problem is that the best way to increase computing power. The calculation is does not allow false, do life and death question must seriously do not see the answer to their own independently. There is sure to persevere, to practice every day, progress was long detained.
  • 版本: 3.2.2



    Go Game - Life And Death

    Go Game - Life And Death

    Way to improve go game skill


    Fix issues


    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图


    围棋死活宝典,the most powerful life and death library.
    A collection of 7000 +, life and death question. From entry level to professional level, from the ancient life and death of classical to modern vocational master life and death question. Including the set of professional life and death of "发阳论","天龙图","官子谱","玄玄棋经","棋经众妙" and "鬼手魔手", etc. You improve your chess chess skills, mentor, and 10 from the amateur to amateur, Section 5, there must be the road.
    Rapidly improving chess chess is the dream of every fellow chess player, unfortunately, is to improve the chess must comply with the laws of science a step-by-step. Want to eat a fat, short cuts, it is impossible. If you must find out the secret to improve chess, there is only one: more life and death question.
    Talked about to do the title of life and death, the majority of people Du a headache, that the too boring, there are also the a considerable the difficulty of (with the doing math problems, almost, nonsense, are to cultivate the computing power you). Do question, is not enough computing power, we must suffer a great deal. In actual combat, if we look at not see life and death, was man who kills a big Long, the chess is in respect of pay the. Not see life and death, the complement does not fill to the accident; chess should not make up places to walk single-handedly, the situation will lag behind. Life and death is unclear, chess difficult to understand, improve chess has become empty talk.
    Learned to do life and death question, according to our current level of thinking depth, Deep, primary, intermediate and advanced hierarchical progressive, have different requirements in different stages of chess skills, but must gradually increase. More appropriate level of life and death questions, in principle, be repeated master go. Must guarantee a certain amount: the primary stage can do 10 questions a day, the intermediate stage can do five questions have to do it 1-2 question of the senior level. Line saying: fist their hands, the song comes up, that is, speak every day to keep practicing the basic skills. The most critical point is that every day to adhere to a year down there will be at least 2,3 thousand questions, the accumulated effort is quite good.
    Go the core calculation, the more life and death problem is that the best way to increase computing power. The calculation is does not allow false, do life and death question must seriously do not see the answer to their own independently. There is sure to persevere, to practice every day, progress was long detained.
  • 版本: 3.2



    Go Game - Life And Death

    Go Game - Life And Death

    Way to improve go game skill


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    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图
    Go Game - Life And Death App 截图


    围棋死活宝典,the most powerful life and death library.
    A collection of 7000 +, life and death question. From entry level to professional level, from the ancient life and death of classical to modern vocational master life and death question. Including the set of professional life and death of "发阳论","天龙图","官子谱","玄玄棋经","棋经众妙" and "鬼手魔手", etc. You improve your chess chess skills, mentor, and 10 from the amateur to amateur, Section 5, there must be the road.
    Rapidly improving chess chess is the dream of every fellow chess player, unfortunately, is to improve the chess must comply with the laws of science a step-by-step. Want to eat a fat, short cuts, it is impossible. If you must find out the secret to improve chess, there is only one: more life and death question.
    Talked about to do the title of life and death, the majority of people Du a headache, that the too boring, there are also the a considerable the difficulty of (with the doing math problems, almost, nonsense, are to cultivate the computing power you). Do question, is not enough computing power, we must suffer a great deal. In actual combat, if we look at not see life and death, was man who kills a big Long, the chess is in respect of pay the. Not see life and death, the complement does not fill to the accident; chess should not make up places to walk single-handedly, the situation will lag behind. Life and death is unclear, chess difficult to understand, improve chess has become empty talk.
    Learned to do life and death question, according to our current level of thinking depth, Deep, primary, intermediate and advanced hierarchical progressive, have different requirements in different stages of chess skills, but must gradually increase. More appropriate level of life and death questions, in principle, be repeated master go. Must guarantee a certain amount: the primary stage can do 10 questions a day, the intermediate stage can do five questions have to do it 1-2 question of the senior level. Line saying: fist their hands, the song comes up, that is, speak every day to keep practicing the basic skills. The most critical point is that every day to adhere to a year down there will be at least 2,3 thousand questions, the accumulated effort is quite good.
    Go the core calculation, the more life and death problem is that the best way to increase computing power. The calculation is does not allow false, do life and death question must seriously do not see the answer to their own independently. There is sure to persevere, to practice every day, progress was long detained.