Using DraftCode you can develop and run PHP (including html, css and javascript) on your iPad or iPhone without requiring an internet connection.
DraftCode includes the standard PHP stack including all PHP extensions typically available on a standard webserver (MySQL, SQLite, PDO, Curl, OpenSSL, FTP, XML, JSON, SOAP and more). All code execution happens right inside DraftCode and therefore works even if your device is offline.
DraftCode includes PHP 5.6.30 and a standard set of extension. PHP 7.2.24 (also including the additional GD, fileinfo and calendar extensions) is available via an in-app purchase.
(A complete phpinfo output of the current available configurations is available on our website.)
DraftCode's runtime behaves exactly like your normal webserver environment, handles cookies, sessions, POST/GET/PUT, but is faster and more tightly integrated for development purposes. During execution the DraftCode runtime allows inspection of session content or PHP errors, highlights lines causing PHP errors back in the code editor and lets you switch between different PHP versions easily.
DraftCode's built-in browser displays your running PHP code exactly like Mobile Safari would. It supports all browser-side code (HTML, CSS and Javascript, including Javascript that in turn calls a PHP page).
DraftCode includes a code editor with PHP and JS syntax coloring in a dark and light colour scheme, and adjustable font size. Keyboard extensions that offer quick access to common code snippets and characters help the coding process with the on-screen keyboard.
DraftCode optionally lets you run your code fullscreen in a Kiosk mode, or execute PHP files as "scripts" without a web context.
Import your existing projects as zip archives, individual files or folders from other Apps via "Open in..." or via the Document Picker which gives access to all available file locations including iCloud. Import is also supported via iTunes file sharing.
DraftCode lets you manage files and folders in your workspace including moving, renaming, zip/unzip, duplication, and sending files to other iOS applications or iCloud Drive.
DraftCode fully supports multitasking, split screen and working with an external keyboard, including keyboard shortcuts.
DraftCode natively supports all resolutions of iPhones, iPads and iPad Pros.
DraftCode includes standard WordPress 4 as an installable package. With just one tap you can run WordPress offline and develop themes and plugins for the popular platform.
DraftCode includes phpMyAdmin as an installable package to connect to external MySQL databases.
DraftCode includes phpLiteAdmin as an installable package to manage and investigate local SQLite databases.
For more information and answers to frequently asked questions please head over to DraftCode's website.
Please note:
- DraftCode is not a webserver and running PHP code is not accessible from outside of DraftCode
- DraftCode's runtime currently does not support re-write rules
- A MySQL database is NOT included. (We recommend using SQLite instead)