Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber

Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber

Lecciones y quizzes

开发者: Kremital Limited

  • 12小时


  • 54


  • 2022-11-21


  • 全部
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  • 版本: 6.1.1



    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber

    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber

    Lecciones y quizzes


    ¡La última actualización de Nibble ya está aquí! Hemos solucionado errores y optimizado el rendimiento para que tu experiencia de aprendizaje sea aún mejor. ¡Actualiza ahora para disfrutar de las mejoras!


    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图


    Conoce Nibble: una app de conocimiento general con lecciones y quizzes interactivos de 10 minutos. Alcanza tus objetivos y amplía tu sabiduría en los temas que te interesan.

    Nuestra app combina lo mejor de diferentes estilos de aprendizaje y te permite adquirir más conocimiento en menos tiempo. Resuelve problemas prácticos, entrena tu mente ¡y diviértete!


    *Descubre un aprendizaje interactivo y fácil de seguir
    Alcanza tus objetivos y gana confianza en tu conocimiento. Nuestro contenido está diseñado por expertos para ofrecerte la mejor experiencia de aprendizaje.

    *Expande tu sabiduría en cualquier momento y lugar
    Practica durante tu café matutino o en el camino al trabajo. ¿Quieres dormir mejor? Toma una o dos lecciones antes de acostarte. Aprende a tu propio ritmo cuando tengas tiempo libre.

    *Deshazte del hábito de revisar las redes sin parar
    Empieza con 5, 10 o 15 minutos cada día sin afectar tu ocupada agenda.
    Toma lecciones para profundizar tu sabiduría en lugar de procrastinar.

    *Adquiere las habilidades más demandadas de la actualidad
    Mantén tu cerebro activo y mejora tu memoria. Fomenta una mejor concentración y desarrolla tu imaginación. Potencia tu capacidad de resolución de problemas y pensamiento crítico para aplicarlo en la vida real.

    *Aprovecha un mundo de conocimiento versátil
    Conviértete en la persona más interesante de tu círculo social y comparte lo que has aprendido con los demás.



    *Finanzas personales
    *¡y más!



    “Realmente aprendes datos divertidos de matemáticas y superas lagunas mentales cuando usas compulsivamente el teléfono. ¡App muy útil!” — Mónica F.

    “Una app práctica para mejorar tu alfabetización financiera, ¡las lecciones son útiles y divertidas!” — Alvés T.

    “Esta app me ha enseñado a entender el arte abstracto. Es realmente reveladora y fácil de asimilar.” — Josel.P

    “¡Nibble es una app de primera para aprender desde cualquier lugar! Me gusta la lección de probabilidad, es realmente práctica y fácil de seguir.” — Isikatony



    Después de decidir aprender con Nibble y descargar la app, puedes elegir el plan de suscripción más adecuado para tus metas.

    La suscripción a Nibble se renueva automáticamente al final de cada período (mensual, trimestral, anual o según la opción seleccionada) hasta que la canceles. Cancelar tu suscripción significa que la renovación automática se deshabilitará. Sin embargo, seguirás teniendo acceso a todas las funciones de tu suscripción por el tiempo restante del período en curso.

    Si inicias una prueba gratuita, se te cobrará automáticamente el precio indicado en la pantalla de pago para el período de suscripción elegido, a menos que canceles con un mínimo de 24 horas antes del final de la prueba gratuita.

    Ten en cuenta que eliminar la app no cancela tus suscripciones.

    Términos de uso:
    Política de privacidad:


    ¿Tienes alguna sugerencia para mejorar tu experiencia de aprendizaje con Nibble? Envía un correo a, y nuestros maestros Jedi de atención al cliente lo transmitirán al resto del equipo.
  • 版本: 6.1.0



    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber

    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber

    Lecciones y quizzes


    ¡Nuestros ingenieros han descubierto un tesoro de código, desterrando a los errores a los rincones más lejanos de la mazmorra del código! 
    Ahora, la aplicación brilla como un tesoro. ¿Disfrutas de Nibble? ¡Déjanos una reseña deslumbrante!


    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图


    Conoce Nibble: una app de conocimiento general con lecciones y quizzes interactivos de 10 minutos. Alcanza tus objetivos y amplía tu sabiduría en los temas que te interesan.

    Nuestra app combina lo mejor de diferentes estilos de aprendizaje y te permite adquirir más conocimiento en menos tiempo. Resuelve problemas prácticos, entrena tu mente ¡y diviértete!


    *Descubre un aprendizaje interactivo y fácil de seguir
    Alcanza tus objetivos y gana confianza en tu conocimiento. Nuestro contenido está diseñado por expertos para ofrecerte la mejor experiencia de aprendizaje.

    *Expande tu sabiduría en cualquier momento y lugar
    Practica durante tu café matutino o en el camino al trabajo. ¿Quieres dormir mejor? Toma una o dos lecciones antes de acostarte. Aprende a tu propio ritmo cuando tengas tiempo libre.

    *Deshazte del hábito de revisar las redes sin parar
    Empieza con 5, 10 o 15 minutos cada día sin afectar tu ocupada agenda.
    Toma lecciones para profundizar tu sabiduría en lugar de procrastinar.

    *Adquiere las habilidades más demandadas de la actualidad
    Mantén tu cerebro activo y mejora tu memoria. Fomenta una mejor concentración y desarrolla tu imaginación. Potencia tu capacidad de resolución de problemas y pensamiento crítico para aplicarlo en la vida real.

    *Aprovecha un mundo de conocimiento versátil
    Conviértete en la persona más interesante de tu círculo social y comparte lo que has aprendido con los demás.



    *Finanzas personales
    *¡y más!



    “Realmente aprendes datos divertidos de matemáticas y superas lagunas mentales cuando usas compulsivamente el teléfono. ¡App muy útil!” — Mónica F.

    “Una app práctica para mejorar tu alfabetización financiera, ¡las lecciones son útiles y divertidas!” — Alvés T.

    “Esta app me ha enseñado a entender el arte abstracto. Es realmente reveladora y fácil de asimilar.” — Josel.P

    “¡Nibble es una app de primera para aprender desde cualquier lugar! Me gusta la lección de probabilidad, es realmente práctica y fácil de seguir.” — Isikatony



    Después de decidir aprender con Nibble y descargar la app, puedes elegir el plan de suscripción más adecuado para tus metas.

    La suscripción a Nibble se renueva automáticamente al final de cada período (mensual, trimestral, anual o según la opción seleccionada) hasta que la canceles. Cancelar tu suscripción significa que la renovación automática se deshabilitará. Sin embargo, seguirás teniendo acceso a todas las funciones de tu suscripción por el tiempo restante del período en curso.

    Si inicias una prueba gratuita, se te cobrará automáticamente el precio indicado en la pantalla de pago para el período de suscripción elegido, a menos que canceles con un mínimo de 24 horas antes del final de la prueba gratuita.

    Ten en cuenta que eliminar la app no cancela tus suscripciones.

    Términos de uso:
    Política de privacidad:


    ¿Tienes alguna sugerencia para mejorar tu experiencia de aprendizaje con Nibble? Envía un correo a, y nuestros maestros Jedi de atención al cliente lo transmitirán al resto del equipo.
  • 版本: 6.0.0



    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber

    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber

    Lecciones y quizzes


    ¡Descubre el Nibble actualizado! Nuestra última actualización trae correcciones y optimizaciones esenciales, haciendo su viaje de aprendizaje más fluido que nunca. ¡Actualízalo ahora para notar la diferencia!


    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图


    Conoce Nibble: una app de conocimiento general con lecciones y quizzes interactivos de 10 minutos. Alcanza tus objetivos y amplía tu sabiduría en los temas que te interesan.

    Nuestra app combina lo mejor de diferentes estilos de aprendizaje y te permite adquirir más conocimiento en menos tiempo. Resuelve problemas prácticos, entrena tu mente ¡y diviértete!


    *Descubre un aprendizaje interactivo y fácil de seguir
    Alcanza tus objetivos y gana confianza en tu conocimiento. Nuestro contenido está diseñado por expertos para ofrecerte la mejor experiencia de aprendizaje.

    *Expande tu sabiduría en cualquier momento y lugar
    Practica durante tu café matutino o en el camino al trabajo. ¿Quieres dormir mejor? Toma una o dos lecciones antes de acostarte. Aprende a tu propio ritmo cuando tengas tiempo libre.

    *Deshazte del hábito de revisar las redes sin parar
    Empieza con 5, 10 o 15 minutos cada día sin afectar tu ocupada agenda.
    Toma lecciones para profundizar tu sabiduría en lugar de procrastinar.

    *Adquiere las habilidades más demandadas de la actualidad
    Mantén tu cerebro activo y mejora tu memoria. Fomenta una mejor concentración y desarrolla tu imaginación. Potencia tu capacidad de resolución de problemas y pensamiento crítico para aplicarlo en la vida real.

    *Aprovecha un mundo de conocimiento versátil
    Conviértete en la persona más interesante de tu círculo social y comparte lo que has aprendido con los demás.



    *Finanzas personales
    *¡y más!



    “Realmente aprendes datos divertidos de matemáticas y superas lagunas mentales cuando usas compulsivamente el teléfono. ¡App muy útil!” — Mónica F.

    “Una app práctica para mejorar tu alfabetización financiera, ¡las lecciones son útiles y divertidas!” — Alvés T.

    “Esta app me ha enseñado a entender el arte abstracto. Es realmente reveladora y fácil de asimilar.” — Josel.P

    “¡Nibble es una app de primera para aprender desde cualquier lugar! Me gusta la lección de probabilidad, es realmente práctica y fácil de seguir.” — Isikatony



    Después de decidir aprender con Nibble y descargar la app, puedes elegir el plan de suscripción más adecuado para tus metas.

    La suscripción a Nibble se renueva automáticamente al final de cada período (mensual, trimestral, anual o según la opción seleccionada) hasta que la canceles. Cancelar tu suscripción significa que la renovación automática se deshabilitará. Sin embargo, seguirás teniendo acceso a todas las funciones de tu suscripción por el tiempo restante del período en curso.

    Si inicias una prueba gratuita, se te cobrará automáticamente el precio indicado en la pantalla de pago para el período de suscripción elegido, a menos que canceles con un mínimo de 24 horas antes del final de la prueba gratuita.

    Ten en cuenta que eliminar la app no cancela tus suscripciones.

    Términos de uso:
    Política de privacidad:


    ¿Tienes alguna sugerencia para mejorar tu experiencia de aprendizaje con Nibble? Envía un correo a, y nuestros maestros Jedi de atención al cliente lo transmitirán al resto del equipo.
  • 版本: 5.11.0



    Nibble: Your Bite of Knowledge

    Nibble: Your Bite of Knowledge


    Oops, we did it again!
    We've fixed the new bugs and made some updates, Oh Nibblers, Nibblers.


    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图


    Meet Nibble — an all-around knowledge app of interactive 10-min lessons & quizzes. Crush your goals and expand your understanding of topics you want to know more about.

    Our app combines the best from different learning styles and empowers you to gain more knowledge in less time. Solve practical problems, train your mind, and have fun!


    * Discover interactive and easy-to-follow learning
    Achieve your goals and become confident in your knowledge. Our content is expert-crafted to create the best learning experience for you.

    *Expand your knowledge anywhere, anytime
    Practice during your morning coffee or lunch break. Do you want to sleep better? Take a lesson or two before bed. Learn at your own pace whenever you have spare time.

    *Replace the mindless scrolling habit
    Start with 5, 10, or 15 minutes every day without changing your busy schedule.
    Take lessons to deepen your knowledge instead of procrastinating.

    *Acquire today’s most in-demand skills
    Keep your brain sharp and boost memory. Train a better focus and develop your imagination. Level up your problem-solving and critical thinking to use in real life.

    *Open up a world of versatile knowledge
    Become the most interesting person in the room and share your learnings with others.



    *Personal finance
    *and more!



    “You actually learn fun math facts and fill gaps when you compulsively reach for your phone. Useful app!” — KellyR.

    “Hands-on app to improve your financial literacy, the lessons are practical and fun!” — AlvesT.

    “This app has taught me how to understand abstract art. It’s truly eye-opening and easy to digest.” — Josel.P

    “Nibble is top-notch to learn on the go! I like the probability lesson, it’s really practical and easy to follow.” — Isikatony

    "The lessons are quick, fun (the Egyptian section with the tweets between the gods made me and my 12-year-old chuckle), clever - and genuinely interesting. My kid and I will go through lessons together - it’s interesting enough to keep his attention, and I’m learning new things too. Not too advanced for him, or remedial for me. I’ve enjoyed all the lessons - logic (the infinite hotel theory was great), art, math, and history. It is indeed much more enjoyable than doom scrolling. I encourage you to take a chance, I’m hooked. Please keep the new lessons coming!" — BustedKate



    After you decide to learn with Nibble and download the app, you can choose a subscription plan most suitable for your goals.

    The Nibble subscription renews automatically at the end of each period (each month, 3 months, year, or otherwise, depending on the selected option) until you cancel. Canceling your subscription means the automatic renewal will be disabled. However, you will still have access to all your subscription features for the remaining time of your then-current period.

    If you start a free trial, you will be automatically charged a price indicated on the payment screen for a chosen subscription period unless you cancel at least 24 hours before the end of the free trial.

    Note that deleting the app does not cancel your subscriptions.

    Terms of Use:
    Privacy Policy:


    Got an idea about how to make your learning with Nibble better? Please email, and our Support Jedis will pass it on to the rest of the team.
  • 版本: 5.10.1



    Nibble: Your Bite of Knowledge

    Nibble: Your Bite of Knowledge


    Beneath the surface, in a cavern of glowing code, engineers, as digital miners, wielded data pickaxes to excavate through bugs. Gems of clean code emerged, brightening the app. Bugs fled, unveiling a treasure of flawless app functionality. Enjoying Nibble? Rate us.


    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图


    Meet Nibble — an all-around knowledge app of interactive 15-min lessons & quizzes. Crush your goals and expand your understanding of topics you want to know more about.

    Our app combines the best from different learning styles and empowers you to gain more knowledge in less time. Solve practical problems, train your mind, and have fun!


    * Discover interactive and easy-to-follow learning
    Achieve your goals and become confident in your knowledge. Our content is expert-crafted to create the best learning experience for you.

    *Expand your knowledge anywhere, anytime
    Practice during your morning coffee or lunch break. Do you want to sleep better? Take a lesson or two before bed. Learn at your own pace whenever you have spare time.

    *Replace the mindless scrolling habit
    Start with 5, 10, or 15 minutes every day without changing your busy schedule.
    Take lessons to deepen your knowledge instead of procrastinating.

    *Acquire today’s most in-demand skills
    Keep your brain sharp and boost memory. Train a better focus and develop your imagination. Level up your problem-solving and critical thinking to use in real life.

    *Open up a world of versatile knowledge
    Become the most interesting person in the room and share your learnings with others.



    *Personal finance
    *and more!



    “You actually learn fun math facts and fill gaps when you compulsively reach for your phone. Useful app!” — KellyR.

    “Hands-on app to improve your financial literacy, the lessons are practical and fun!” — AlvesT.

    “This app has taught me how to understand abstract art. It’s truly eye-opening and easy to digest.” — Josel.P

    “Nibble is top-notch to learn on the go! I like the probability lesson, it’s really practical and easy to follow.” — Isikatony

    "The lessons are quick, fun (the Egyptian section with the tweets between the gods made me and my 12-year-old chuckle), clever - and genuinely interesting. My kid and I will go through lessons together - it’s interesting enough to keep his attention, and I’m learning new things too. Not too advanced for him, or remedial for me. I’ve enjoyed all the lessons - logic (the infinite hotel theory was great), art, math, and history. It is indeed much more enjoyable than doom scrolling. I encourage you to take a chance, I’m hooked. Please keep the new lessons coming!" — BustedKate



    After you decide to learn with Nibble and download the app, you can choose a subscription plan most suitable for your goals.

    The Nibble subscription renews automatically at the end of each period (each month, 3 months, year, or otherwise, depending on the selected option) until you cancel. Canceling your subscription means the automatic renewal will be disabled. However, you will still have access to all your subscription features for the remaining time of your then-current period.

    If you start a free trial, you will be automatically charged a price indicated on the payment screen for a chosen subscription period unless you cancel at least 24 hours before the end of the free trial.

    Note that deleting the app does not cancel your subscriptions.

    Terms of Use:
    Privacy Policy:


    Got an idea about how to make your learning with Nibble better? Please email, and our Support Jedis will pass it on to the rest of the team.
  • 版本: 5.10.0



    Nibble: Your Bite of Knowledge

    Nibble: Your Bite of Knowledge


    Nibble just got an upgrade! We've resolved issues and fine-tuned the app for a more seamless and engaging learning experience. Update now to enjoy the improvements!


    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图


    Meet Nibble — an all-around knowledge app of interactive 15-min lessons & quizzes. Crush your goals and expand your understanding of topics you want to know more about.

    Our app combines the best from different learning styles and empowers you to gain more knowledge in less time. Solve practical problems, train your mind, and have fun!


    * Discover interactive and easy-to-follow learning
    Achieve your goals and become confident in your knowledge. Our content is expert-crafted to create the best learning experience for you.

    *Expand your knowledge anywhere, anytime
    Practice during your morning coffee or lunch break. Do you want to sleep better? Take a lesson or two before bed. Learn at your own pace whenever you have spare time.

    *Replace the mindless scrolling habit
    Start with 5, 10, or 15 minutes every day without changing your busy schedule.
    Take lessons to deepen your knowledge instead of procrastinating.

    *Acquire today’s most in-demand skills
    Keep your brain sharp and boost memory. Train a better focus and develop your imagination. Level up your problem-solving and critical thinking to use in real life.

    *Open up a world of versatile knowledge
    Become the most interesting person in the room and share your learnings with others.



    *Personal finance
    *and more!



    “You actually learn fun math facts and fill gaps when you compulsively reach for your phone. Useful app!” — KellyR.

    “Hands-on app to improve your financial literacy, the lessons are practical and fun!” — AlvesT.

    “This app has taught me how to understand abstract art. It’s truly eye-opening and easy to digest.” — Josel.P

    “Nibble is top-notch to learn on the go! I like the probability lesson, it’s really practical and easy to follow.” — Isikatony

    "The lessons are quick, fun (the Egyptian section with the tweets between the gods made me and my 12-year-old chuckle), clever - and genuinely interesting. My kid and I will go through lessons together - it’s interesting enough to keep his attention, and I’m learning new things too. Not too advanced for him, or remedial for me. I’ve enjoyed all the lessons - logic (the infinite hotel theory was great), art, math, and history. It is indeed much more enjoyable than doom scrolling. I encourage you to take a chance, I’m hooked. Please keep the new lessons coming!" — BustedKate



    After you decide to learn with Nibble and download the app, you can choose a subscription plan most suitable for your goals.

    The Nibble subscription renews automatically at the end of each period (each month, 3 months, year, or otherwise, depending on the selected option) until you cancel. Canceling your subscription means the automatic renewal will be disabled. However, you will still have access to all your subscription features for the remaining time of your then-current period.

    If you start a free trial, you will be automatically charged a price indicated on the payment screen for a chosen subscription period unless you cancel at least 24 hours before the end of the free trial.

    Note that deleting the app does not cancel your subscriptions.

    Terms of Use:
    Privacy Policy:


    Got an idea about how to make your learning with Nibble better? Please email, and our Support Jedis will pass it on to the rest of the team.
  • 版本: 5.9.0



    Nibble: Your Bite of Knowledge

    Nibble: Your Bite of Knowledge


    Unlock a smoother Nibble experience with our latest update! We've addressed bugs and made key improvements to enhance your learning journey. Update now to experience the upgrade!


    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图


    Meet Nibble — an all-around knowledge app of interactive 15-min lessons & quizzes. Crush your goals and expand your understanding of topics you want to know more about.

    Our app combines the best from different learning styles and empowers you to gain more knowledge in less time. Solve practical problems, train your mind, and have fun!


    * Discover interactive and easy-to-follow learning
    Achieve your goals and become confident in your knowledge. Our content is expert-crafted to create the best learning experience for you.

    *Expand your knowledge anywhere, anytime
    Practice during your morning coffee or lunch break. Do you want to sleep better? Take a lesson or two before bed. Learn at your own pace whenever you have spare time.

    *Replace the mindless scrolling habit
    Start with 5, 10, or 15 minutes every day without changing your busy schedule.
    Take lessons to deepen your knowledge instead of procrastinating.

    *Acquire today’s most in-demand skills
    Keep your brain sharp and boost memory. Train a better focus and develop your imagination. Level up your problem-solving and critical thinking to use in real life.

    *Open up a world of versatile knowledge
    Become the most interesting person in the room and share your learnings with others.



    *Personal finance
    *and more!



    “You actually learn fun math facts and fill gaps when you compulsively reach for your phone. Useful app!” — KellyR.

    “Hands-on app to improve your financial literacy, the lessons are practical and fun!” — AlvesT.

    “This app has taught me how to understand abstract art. It’s truly eye-opening and easy to digest.” — Josel.P

    “Nibble is top-notch to learn on the go! I like the probability lesson, it’s really practical and easy to follow.” — Isikatony

    "The lessons are quick, fun (the Egyptian section with the tweets between the gods made me and my 12-year-old chuckle), clever - and genuinely interesting. My kid and I will go through lessons together - it’s interesting enough to keep his attention, and I’m learning new things too. Not too advanced for him, or remedial for me. I’ve enjoyed all the lessons - logic (the infinite hotel theory was great), art, math, and history. It is indeed much more enjoyable than doom scrolling. I encourage you to take a chance, I’m hooked. Please keep the new lessons coming!" — BustedKate



    After you decide to learn with Nibble and download the app, you can choose a subscription plan most suitable for your goals.

    The Nibble subscription renews automatically at the end of each period (each month, 3 months, year, or otherwise, depending on the selected option) until you cancel. Canceling your subscription means the automatic renewal will be disabled. However, you will still have access to all your subscription features for the remaining time of your then-current period.

    If you start a free trial, you will be automatically charged a price indicated on the payment screen for a chosen subscription period unless you cancel at least 24 hours before the end of the free trial.

    Note that deleting the app does not cancel your subscriptions.

    Terms of Use:
    Privacy Policy:


    Got an idea about how to make your learning with Nibble better? Please email, and our Support Jedis will pass it on to the rest of the team.
  • 版本: 5.8.0



    Nibble: Your Bite of Knowledge

    Nibble: Your Bite of Knowledge


    Our engineers struck a coding goldmine, banishing bugs to the farthest corners of the code dungeon.
    Now, the app shines like a treasure! Enjoying Nibble? Give us a dazzling review!



  • 版本: 5.7.1



    Nibble: Your Bite of Knowledge

    Nibble: Your Bite of Knowledge


    Step into a better Nibble experience! We’ve implemented key fixes and enhancements to make your learning journey even more seamless. Update now and enjoy the improved performance!


    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图


    Meet Nibble — an all-around knowledge app of interactive 15-min lessons & quizzes. Crush your goals and expand your understanding of topics you want to know more about.

    Our app combines the best from different learning styles and empowers you to gain more knowledge in less time. Solve practical problems, train your mind, and have fun!


    * Discover interactive and easy-to-follow learning
    Achieve your goals and become confident in your knowledge. Our content is expert-crafted to create the best learning experience for you.

    *Expand your knowledge anywhere, anytime
    Practice during your morning coffee or lunch break. Do you want to sleep better? Take a lesson or two before bed. Learn at your own pace whenever you have spare time.

    *Replace the mindless scrolling habit
    Start with 5, 10, or 15 minutes every day without changing your busy schedule.
    Take lessons to deepen your knowledge instead of procrastinating.

    *Acquire today’s most in-demand skills
    Keep your brain sharp and boost memory. Train a better focus and develop your imagination. Level up your problem-solving and critical thinking to use in real life.

    *Open up a world of versatile knowledge
    Become the most interesting person in the room and share your learnings with others.



    *Personal finance
    *and more!



    “You actually learn fun math facts and fill gaps when you compulsively reach for your phone. Useful app!” — KellyR.

    “Hands-on app to improve your financial literacy, the lessons are practical and fun!” — AlvesT.

    “This app has taught me how to understand abstract art. It’s truly eye-opening and easy to digest.” — Josel.P

    “Nibble is top-notch to learn on the go! I like the probability lesson, it’s really practical and easy to follow.” — Isikatony

    "The lessons are quick, fun (the Egyptian section with the tweets between the gods made me and my 12-year-old chuckle), clever - and genuinely interesting. My kid and I will go through lessons together - it’s interesting enough to keep his attention, and I’m learning new things too. Not too advanced for him, or remedial for me. I’ve enjoyed all the lessons - logic (the infinite hotel theory was great), art, math, and history. It is indeed much more enjoyable than doom scrolling. I encourage you to take a chance, I’m hooked. Please keep the new lessons coming!" — BustedKate



    After you decide to learn with Nibble and download the app, you can choose a subscription plan most suitable for your goals.

    The Nibble subscription renews automatically at the end of each period (each month, 3 months, year, or otherwise, depending on the selected option) until you cancel. Canceling your subscription means the automatic renewal will be disabled. However, you will still have access to all your subscription features for the remaining time of your then-current period.

    If you start a free trial, you will be automatically charged a price indicated on the payment screen for a chosen subscription period unless you cancel at least 24 hours before the end of the free trial.

    Note that deleting the app does not cancel your subscriptions.

    Terms of Use:
    Privacy Policy:


    Got an idea about how to make your learning with Nibble better? Please email, and our Support Jedis will pass it on to the rest of the team.
  • 版本: 5.7.0



    Nibble: Your Bite of Knowledge

    Nibble: Your Bite of Knowledge


    Oops, we did it again!
    We've fixed the new bugs and made some updates,
    Oh Nibblers, Nibblers.


    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图
    Nibble: Tu Bocado de Saber App 截图


    Meet Nibble — an all-around knowledge app of interactive 15-min lessons & quizzes. Crush your goals and expand your understanding of topics you want to know more about.

    Our app combines the best from different learning styles and empowers you to gain more knowledge in less time. Solve practical problems, train your mind, and have fun!


    * Discover interactive and easy-to-follow learning
    Achieve your goals and become confident in your knowledge. Our content is expert-crafted to create the best learning experience for you.

    *Expand your knowledge anywhere, anytime
    Practice during your morning coffee or lunch break. Do you want to sleep better? Take a lesson or two before bed. Learn at your own pace whenever you have spare time.

    *Replace the mindless scrolling habit
    Start with 5, 10, or 15 minutes every day without changing your busy schedule.
    Take lessons to deepen your knowledge instead of procrastinating.

    *Acquire today’s most in-demand skills
    Keep your brain sharp and boost memory. Train a better focus and develop your imagination. Level up your problem-solving and critical thinking to use in real life.

    *Open up a world of versatile knowledge
    Become the most interesting person in the room and share your learnings with others.



    *Personal finance
    *and more!



    “You actually learn fun math facts and fill gaps when you compulsively reach for your phone. Useful app!” — KellyR.

    “Hands-on app to improve your financial literacy, the lessons are practical and fun!” — AlvesT.

    “This app has taught me how to understand abstract art. It’s truly eye-opening and easy to digest.” — Josel.P

    “Nibble is top-notch to learn on the go! I like the probability lesson, it’s really practical and easy to follow.” — Isikatony

    "The lessons are quick, fun (the Egyptian section with the tweets between the gods made me and my 12-year-old chuckle), clever - and genuinely interesting. My kid and I will go through lessons together - it’s interesting enough to keep his attention, and I’m learning new things too. Not too advanced for him, or remedial for me. I’ve enjoyed all the lessons - logic (the infinite hotel theory was great), art, math, and history. It is indeed much more enjoyable than doom scrolling. I encourage you to take a chance, I’m hooked. Please keep the new lessons coming!" — BustedKate



    After you decide to learn with Nibble and download the app, you can choose a subscription plan most suitable for your goals.

    The Nibble subscription renews automatically at the end of each period (each month, 3 months, year, or otherwise, depending on the selected option) until you cancel. Canceling your subscription means the automatic renewal will be disabled. However, you will still have access to all your subscription features for the remaining time of your then-current period.

    If you start a free trial, you will be automatically charged a price indicated on the payment screen for a chosen subscription period unless you cancel at least 24 hours before the end of the free trial.

    Note that deleting the app does not cancel your subscriptions.

    Terms of Use:
    Privacy Policy:


    Got an idea about how to make your learning with Nibble better? Please email, and our Support Jedis will pass it on to the rest of the team.