DailyFM - Historias Audibles

DailyFM - Historias Audibles

Favoritos audiolibros de amor


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  • 2023-08-08


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  • 版本: 1.9.0



    DailyFM - Historias Audibles

    DailyFM - Historias Audibles

    Favoritos audiolibros de amor


    ¡Nuestra última actualización trae historias más cautivadoras y una experiencia auditiva más fluida!
    ¡Actualízate ahora! ¡Disfrute del mundo de los audiolibros con DailyFM!


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    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图
    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图
    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图
    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图


    ¡Lleva tu cuerpo y tu mente a un viaje de bienestar espiritual & sexual y del alma con DailyFM!
    DailyFM es una eficaz aplicación de audiolibros para adultos que le ayudará a alcanzar el bienestar mental y la satisfacción del alma. Usando DailyFM, no sólo puede comprender realmente los problemas que le impiden alcanzar su pleno potencial, sino que también puede desbloquear su alegría interior y descubrir suyo secreto. Lo más importante es que la historia te acompaña con las manos libres. Sólo tienes que pulsar el botón "Reproducir" y disfrutar.

    Use DailyFM:
    ‒ Para encontrar a tu verdadera pareja o compañero ideal en audiolibros
    ‒ Para crear hábitos saludables a la hora de dormir y de escuchar
    ‒ Para relajarse y sumergirse en una atmósfera sensual
    ‒ Para divertirse mientras hace tareas o se aburre
    ‒ Para disfrutar escuchando historias fantásticas mientras conduce
    ‒ Para descubrir su placer y disfrutar de un poco de tiempo para sí mismo.
    ‒ Para lograr un bienestar trascendental en su vida personal
    ‒ Para relajarte después de un largo y cansado día y descansar antes de dormir
    ‒ Para escuchar a tus creadores favoritos y descubrir listas de reproducción perfectas
    ‒ Para comprender mejor sus deseos, necesidades y anhelos

    Sobre nuestras historias:
    Nuestros audiolibros abarcan historias tanto heterosexuales como LGBTQ+ en una gran variedad de entornos y ambientes. Disponemos de todo tipo de audiolibros: Fantasía, Paranormal, Romance, Erótico, LGBTQ+,  Ficción Juvenil, Suspenso/Thriller, Nuevo Adulto, Clásicos, etc.

    Mi niña
    Apenas nací fui comprometida en matrimonio, en el círculo social que se mueve mi familia es algo normal, así se cierran muchos tratos comerciales toda mi vida sabía que me tenía que casar con alguien que no conocía pues realmente mi prometido era alguien que jamás había visto hasta que cumpli 18 años. Después de la boda mi vida no mejoró a lo que anteriormente tenía en lugar de eso empeoró, si antes mi padre y mi hermano me tenían prácticamente abandonada tenía todos los lujos pero no tenía una familia cuando me case pensé que podría tenerlo, pero no pude estar más equivocada.

    Sus Trillizos Alfas
    Chasity ha pasado años siendo acosada por los Trillizos idénticos: Alpha Alex, Alpha Felix y Alpha Calix Thorn. Son hombres lobo ricos, guapos y populares, y se aseguran de que Chasity sepa que ella es una loba pobre, “gorda” e impopular. Los chicos tiran de sus rizos dorados y se burlan de cada uno de sus movimientos, llamándola ChaRity. Está aliviada de contar los días hasta su decimoctavo cumpleaños, cuando pueda dejar atrás a su manada para siempre. En su cumpleaños, se horroriza al descubrir que sus antiguos acosadores, los Trillizos Alfa, son sus parejas destinadas, los tres. Le quedan siete meses más de infierno, la escuela secundaria, antes de poder huir. Los Trillizos, llenos de remordimiento y deseo por su pequeña pareja. ¿Es demasiado poco y demasiado tarde o será su felices para siempre justo lo adecuado?

    Las suscripciones a DailyFM se facturan mensual o anualmente. Puede cancelar fácilmente su suscripción en línea en cualquier momento hasta 24 horas antes del próximo cargo. Esperamos sinceramente que pueda disfrutar de una mejor experiencia de lectura.
    -Política de privacidad: https://h5.dailyfm.co/privacyPolicy
    -Contrato de usuario: https://h5.dailyfm.co/termService
  • 版本: 1.7.0



    DailyFM - Historias Audibles

    DailyFM - Historias Audibles

    Favoritos audiolibros de amor


    ¡Nuestra última actualización trae historias más cautivadoras y una experiencia auditiva más fluida!
    ¡Actualízate ahora! ¡Disfrute del mundo de los audiolibros con DailyFM!



  • 版本: 1.6.0



    DailyFM - Historias Audibles

    DailyFM - Historias Audibles

    Favoritos audiolibros de amor


    ¡Nuestra última actualización trae historias más cautivadoras y una experiencia auditiva más fluida!
    ¡Actualízate ahora! ¡Disfrute del mundo de los audiolibros con DailyFM!



  • 版本: 1.4.0



    DailyFM - Audiobook Stories

    DailyFM - Audiobook Stories


    Our latest update brings more captivating tales and a smoother listening experience!
    Upgrade now! Indulge in the audiobook world with DailyFM!


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    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图
    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图
    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图
    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图


    Take your body and mind on a journey of spiritual & sexual well-being and soul with DailyFM!
    DailyFM is an efficient adult audiobook app to help you achieve mental well-being and soul satisfaction. Using DailyFM, you can not only truly understand the issues that are preventing you from reaching your full potential, but you can also unlock your inner joy and uncover your secret self. The most important thing is that the story stays with you hands-free! Just hit play, get comfortable and enjoy.

    Use DailyFM:
    ‒ To find your true mate or ideal partner in audiobooks
    ‒ To build healthy bedtime and listening habits
    ‒ To sit back and soak in the sensual atmosphere
    ‒ To have fun while doing chores or feeling bored
    ‒ To enjoy listening to fantastic stories while driving
    ‒ To discover your relish and indulge in a little me-time
    ‒ To achieve transcendent well-being in your personal life
    ‒ To relax after a long tired day and get rest before sleep
    ‒ To listen to your favorite creators and discover perfect playlists
    ‒ To gain a deeper understanding of your wants, needs, and desires

    About Our Stories:
    Our audiobooks cover both straight and LGBTQ+ storylines in a variety of environments and settings. All kinds of audiobook types are available: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Steamy & Erotic, LGBTQ+, Y&A Teenfiction, Suspense/Thriller, New Adult, Classics etc.

    [His Redemption]
    "There's one more thing. Please don't freak out. I promise that I am doing this for your safety." I paused and she gave me a look of curiosity. She didn't know yet. "I, Liam Blackfur, future Alpha of the Blood Eclipse Pack, reject you, Azalea Simmons as my mate and future Luna."

    I didn't think it was possible, but her eyes grew even larger. She grabbed her chest and started breathing heavily. Please say it. Accept the rejection now. I don't deserve it, but it makes this easy for me.
    She fell to her knees in front of me. I could see the tears streaming down her face. Now the pain was in my chest. I had to leave. I couldn't wait for her to accept the rejection.

    "I'm sorry Azalea," I whispered and left the room as quickly as possible. I made my way downstairs. She'll be okay; she has to be now.

    "Pretty brave young man, but don't be so sure you know what's best for her, you never asked her how she felt about having a mate," said a voice behind me.
    I turned to see the little old man that owns this Inn staring at me. How did I miss it? He's a wolf.

    "I'll look after her. But don't expect the Moon Goddess to let you off so easily. Rejecting your mate goes against her plan after all. Seems she doesn't even know you're her mate yet,"he continued. I nodded my head at him and left.
    The entire way back to the pack house there was a terrible ache in my chest. As soon as she accepts this, this pain should go away. At least, I hope."

    [A Mother before a Mate]
    "Just because I am a single mother doesn't mean I can't be loved anymore."

    At the age of 18, Lexi becomes a mother before finding her mate. She decides to raise the child as her own. Being a single mother isn't easy, but Lexi believes this child is her destiny. She wants a family. Her parents are killed by rogues, and the baby appears right after her parents’ accident happened.

    Who is the baby’s father? Will her mate accept her with the child? Lexi doesn’t think that deeply. She believes that her mate will accept everything of her, love every part of her. Will he?

    DailyFM subscriptions are billed monthly or yearly. You can easily cancel your subscription online at any time up to 24 hours before your next charge. Sincerely hope that you can get a better reading experience.
    -Privacy Policy: https://h5.dailyfm.co/privacyPolicy
    -User Agreement: https://h5.dailyfm.co/termService

    Start your Binge-Listening journey now, and we will be there as your exclusive companion all the way!
  • 版本: 1.3.0



    Daily FM - Audiobook Stories

    Daily FM - Audiobook Stories


    Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    Enjoy Daily FM!


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    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图
    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图
    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图
    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图


    Take your body and mind on a journey of spiritual & sexual well-being and soul with Daily FM!
    Daily FM is an efficient adult audiobook app to help you achieve mental well-being and soul satisfaction. Using Daily FM, you can not only truly understand the issues that are preventing you from reaching your full potential, but you can also unlock your inner joy and uncover your secret self. The most important thing is that the story stays with you hands-free! Just hit play, get comfortable and enjoy.

    Use Daily FM:
    ‒ To find your true mate or ideal partner in audiobooks
    ‒ To build healthy bedtime and listening habits
    ‒ To sit back and soak in the sensual atmosphere
    ‒ To have fun while doing chores or feeling bored
    ‒ To enjoy listening to fantastic stories while driving
    ‒ To discover your relish and indulge in a little me-time
    ‒ To achieve transcendent well-being in your personal life
    ‒ To relax after a long tired day and get rest before sleep
    ‒ To listen to your favorite creators and discover perfect playlists
    ‒ To gain a deeper understanding of your wants, needs, and desires

    About Our Stories:
    Our audiobooks cover both straight and LGBTQ+ storylines in a variety of environments and settings. All kinds of audiobook types are available: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Steamy & Erotic, LGBTQ+, Y&A Teenfiction, Suspense/Thriller, New Adult, Classics etc.

    [His Redemption]
    "There's one more thing. Please don't freak out. I promise that I am doing this for your safety." I paused and she gave me a look of curiosity. She didn't know yet. "I, Liam Blackfur, future Alpha of the Blood Eclipse Pack, reject you, Azalea Simmons as my mate and future Luna."

    I didn't think it was possible, but her eyes grew even larger. She grabbed her chest and started breathing heavily. Please say it. Accept the rejection now. I don't deserve it, but it makes this easy for me.
    She fell to her knees in front of me. I could see the tears streaming down her face. Now the pain was in my chest. I had to leave. I couldn't wait for her to accept the rejection.

    "I'm sorry Azalea," I whispered and left the room as quickly as possible. I made my way downstairs. She'll be okay; she has to be now.

    "Pretty brave young man, but don't be so sure you know what's best for her, you never asked her how she felt about having a mate," said a voice behind me.
    I turned to see the little old man that owns this Inn staring at me. How did I miss it? He's a wolf.

    "I'll look after her. But don't expect the Moon Goddess to let you off so easily. Rejecting your mate goes against her plan after all. Seems she doesn't even know you're her mate yet,"he continued. I nodded my head at him and left.
    The entire way back to the pack house there was a terrible ache in my chest. As soon as she accepts this, this pain should go away. At least, I hope."

    [A Mother before a Mate]
    "Just because I am a single mother doesn't mean I can't be loved anymore."

    At the age of 18, Lexi becomes a mother before finding her mate. She decides to raise the child as her own. Being a single mother isn't easy, but Lexi believes this child is her destiny. She wants a family. Her parents are killed by rogues, and the baby appears right after her parents’ accident happened.

    Who is the baby’s father? Will her mate accept her with the child? Lexi doesn’t think that deeply. She believes that her mate will accept everything of her, love every part of her. Will he?

    Daily FM subscriptions are billed monthly or yearly. You can easily cancel your subscription online at any time up to 24 hours before your next charge. Sincerely hope that you can get a better reading experience.
    -Privacy Policy: https://h5.dailyfm.co/privacyPolicy
    -User Agreement: https://h5.dailyfm.co/termService

    Start your Binge-Listening journey now, and we will be there as your exclusive companion all the way!
  • 版本: 1.2.1



    Daily FM - Audiobook Stories

    Daily FM - Audiobook Stories


    Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    Enjoy Daily FM!


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    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图
    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图
    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图
    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图


    Take your body and mind on a journey of spiritual & sexual well-being and soul with Daily FM!
    Daily FM is an efficient adult audiobook app to help you achieve mental well-being and soul satisfaction. Using Daily FM, you can not only truly understand the issues that are preventing you from reaching your full potential, but you can also unlock your inner joy and uncover your secret self. The most important thing is that the story stays with you hands-free! Just hit play, get comfortable and enjoy.

    Use Daily FM:
    ‒ To find your true mate or ideal partner in audiobooks
    ‒ To build healthy bedtime and listening habits
    ‒ To sit back and soak in the sensual atmosphere
    ‒ To have fun while doing chores or feeling bored
    ‒ To enjoy listening to fantastic stories while driving
    ‒ To discover your relish and indulge in a little me-time
    ‒ To achieve transcendent well-being in your personal life
    ‒ To relax after a long tired day and get rest before sleep
    ‒ To listen to your favorite creators and discover perfect playlists
    ‒ To gain a deeper understanding of your wants, needs, and desires

    About Our Stories:
    Our audiobooks cover both straight and LGBTQ+ storylines in a variety of environments and settings. All kinds of audiobook types are available: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Steamy & Erotic, LGBTQ+, Y&A Teenfiction, Suspense/Thriller, New Adult, Classics etc.

    [His Redemption]
    "There's one more thing. Please don't freak out. I promise that I am doing this for your safety." I paused and she gave me a look of curiosity. She didn't know yet. "I, Liam Blackfur, future Alpha of the Blood Eclipse Pack, reject you, Azalea Simmons as my mate and future Luna."

    I didn't think it was possible, but her eyes grew even larger. She grabbed her chest and started breathing heavily. Please say it. Accept the rejection now. I don't deserve it, but it makes this easy for me.
    She fell to her knees in front of me. I could see the tears streaming down her face. Now the pain was in my chest. I had to leave. I couldn't wait for her to accept the rejection.

    "I'm sorry Azalea," I whispered and left the room as quickly as possible. I made my way downstairs. She'll be okay; she has to be now.

    "Pretty brave young man, but don't be so sure you know what's best for her, you never asked her how she felt about having a mate," said a voice behind me.
    I turned to see the little old man that owns this Inn staring at me. How did I miss it? He's a wolf.

    "I'll look after her. But don't expect the Moon Goddess to let you off so easily. Rejecting your mate goes against her plan after all. Seems she doesn't even know you're her mate yet,"he continued. I nodded my head at him and left.
    The entire way back to the pack house there was a terrible ache in my chest. As soon as she accepts this, this pain should go away. At least, I hope."

    [A Mother before a Mate]
    "Just because I am a single mother doesn't mean I can't be loved anymore."

    At the age of 18, Lexi becomes a mother before finding her mate. She decides to raise the child as her own. Being a single mother isn't easy, but Lexi believes this child is her destiny. She wants a family. Her parents are killed by rogues, and the baby appears right after her parents’ accident happened.

    Who is the baby’s father? Will her mate accept her with the child? Lexi doesn’t think that deeply. She believes that her mate will accept everything of her, love every part of her. Will he?

    Daily FM subscriptions are billed monthly or yearly. You can easily cancel your subscription online at any time up to 24 hours before your next charge. Sincerely hope that you can get a better reading experience.
    -Privacy Policy: https://h5.dailyfm.co/privacyPolicy
    -User Agreement: https://h5.dailyfm.co/termService

    Start your Binge-Listening journey now, and we will be there as your exclusive companion all the way!
  • 版本: 1.2.0



    Daily FM - Audiobook Stories

    Daily FM - Audiobook Stories


    Here's Daily FM's latest update! Get ready for an inspiring listening experience like never before.

    What's New:
    -More Fantastic Audiobooks
    -New Premium Subscription Plan
    -Smoother Listening Experience

    Upgrade now! Indulge in the audible world and let your imagination soar in Daily FM!



  • 版本: 1.1.1



    Daily FM - Audiobook Stories

    Daily FM - Audiobook Stories


    Welcome to Daily FM!


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    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图
    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图
    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图
    DailyFM - Historias Audibles App 截图


    Take your body and mind on a journey of spiritual & sexual well-being and soul with Daily FM!
    Daily FM is an efficient adult audiobook app to help you achieve mental well-being and soul satisfaction. Using Daily FM, you can not only truly understand the issues that are preventing you from reaching your full potential, but you can also unlock your inner joy and uncover your secret self. The most important thing is that the story stays with you hands-free! Just hit play, get comfortable and enjoy.

    Use Daily FM:
    ‒ To find your true mate or ideal partner in audiobooks
    ‒ To build healthy bedtime and listening habits
    ‒ To sit back and soak in the sensual atmosphere
    ‒ To have fun while doing chores or feeling bored
    ‒ To enjoy listening to fantastic stories while driving
    ‒ To discover your relish and indulge in a little me-time
    ‒ To achieve transcendent well-being in your personal life
    ‒ To relax after a long tired day and get rest before sleep
    ‒ To listen to your favorite creators and discover perfect playlists
    ‒ To gain a deeper understanding of your wants, needs, and desires

    About Our Stories:
    Our audiobooks cover both straight and LGBTQ+ storylines in a variety of environments and settings. All kinds of audiobook types are available: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Steamy & Erotic, LGBTQ+, Y&A Teenfiction, Suspense/Thriller, New Adult, Classics etc.

    [His Redemption]
    "There's one more thing. Please don't freak out. I promise that I am doing this for your safety." I paused and she gave me a look of curiosity. She didn't know yet. "I, Liam Blackfur, future Alpha of the Blood Eclipse Pack, reject you, Azalea Simmons as my mate and future Luna."

    I didn't think it was possible, but her eyes grew even larger. She grabbed her chest and started breathing heavily. Please say it. Accept the rejection now. I don't deserve it, but it makes this easy for me.
    She fell to her knees in front of me. I could see the tears streaming down her face. Now the pain was in my chest. I had to leave. I couldn't wait for her to accept the rejection.

    "I'm sorry Azalea," I whispered and left the room as quickly as possible. I made my way downstairs. She'll be okay; she has to be now.

    "Pretty brave young man, but don't be so sure you know what's best for her, you never asked her how she felt about having a mate," said a voice behind me.
    I turned to see the little old man that owns this Inn staring at me. How did I miss it? He's a wolf.

    "I'll look after her. But don't expect the Moon Goddess to let you off so easily. Rejecting your mate goes against her plan after all. Seems she doesn't even know you're her mate yet,"he continued. I nodded my head at him and left.
    The entire way back to the pack house there was a terrible ache in my chest. As soon as she accepts this, this pain should go away. At least, I hope."

    [A Mother before a Mate]
    "Just because I am a single mother doesn't mean I can't be loved anymore."

    At the age of 18, Lexi becomes a mother before finding her mate. She decides to raise the child as her own. Being a single mother isn't easy, but Lexi believes this child is her destiny. She wants a family. Her parents are killed by rogues, and the baby appears right after her parents’ accident happened.

    Who is the baby’s father? Will her mate accept her with the child? Lexi doesn’t think that deeply. She believes that her mate will accept everything of her, love every part of her. Will he?

    Daily FM subscriptions are billed monthly or yearly. You can easily cancel your subscription online at any time up to 24 hours before your next charge. Sincerely hope that you can get a better reading experience.
    -Privacy Policy: https://h5.dailyfm.co/privacyPolicy
    -User Agreement: https://h5.dailyfm.co/termService

    Start your Binge-Listening journey now, and we will be there as your exclusive companion all the way!
  • 预订版本: 1.0.0




    Daily FM - Audiobook Stories

    Daily FM - Audiobook Stories



