Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso

Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso

biblia católica en español


  • 67天17小时


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  • 2024-02-06


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  • 版本: 1.0.9



    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso

    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso

    biblia católica en español


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    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图


    Ora Diariamente: Abraza la Gracia Donde Cada Momento Florece en Fe
    Pray Daily es tu invitación a una relación más profunda y significativa con lo Divino. Sumérgete en un refugio espiritual, donde cada toque, cada desplazamiento, cada interacción te acerca un paso más al corazón de Dios. Diseñada para el alma devota, esta aplicación combina a la perfección las escrituras probadas por el tiempo con funcionalidades modernas para guiar, inspirar e iluminar.

    Profundiza tu Conexión a Través de la Oración
    Aprovecha el profundo poder de la oración. Con "Pray Daily", cada mañana anuncia esperanza y cada noche trae consuelo. Nuestra extensa base de datos de versículos asegura que tus conversaciones con Dios sean siempre sinceras y sentidas, permitiéndote expresar tus sentimientos, aspiraciones y deseos más profundos con facilidad.

    Eleva tu Experiencia de Lectura de las Escrituras
    Pray Daily ha sido diseñada para mejorar tu lectura de las escrituras. Deléitate con las enseñanzas divinas, personaliza tu experiencia de lectura y deja que las palabras del Señor resuenen. Desde agregar notas hasta resaltar pasajes importantes, y desde escuchar audios calmantes de la Biblia durante los viajes diarios hasta tener Su palabra como guía incluso sin conexión a internet, las escrituras nunca han sido tan accesibles.

    Sacerdote IA - La Fusión de la Fe y la Tecnología
    En momentos de duda, introspección o simplemente buscando comprensión, recurre a nuestro avanzado Sacerdote IA. Esta maravilla moderna, impulsada por tecnología de vanguardia e infundida con sabiduría bíblica, está lista para ayudarte, asesorarte y guiarte en todos los asuntos espirituales.

    Desafía y Relájate con Trivia Bíblica
    Agrega una dosis de diversión a tu viaje espiritual. Sumérgete en nuestra extensa colección de trivia bíblica, cuestionarios y desafíos. Perfecto tanto para estudiosos fervientes de la Biblia como para aquellos que buscan una actividad relajada pero iluminadora. Cada cuestionario brinda una nueva oportunidad para aprender, reflexionar y crecer.

    Crecimiento Espiritual Estructurado
    La guía es fundamental en el camino de la fe. Nuestra selección de planes bíblicos está diseñada para satisfacer diversas necesidades. Ya sea para profundizar la comprensión, buscar sanación emocional o simplemente caminar por un sendero de iluminación, "Pray Daily" tiene un plan hecho a tu medida.

    Una Experiencia de Iglesia Global
    Nuestros juegos bíblicos interactivos no solo brindan momentos de relajación sino que también te recompensan con vistas cautivadoras de santuarios sagrados de todo el mundo. Cada pieza del rompecabezas bíblico que recolectas desbloquea una nueva perspectiva, un nuevo faro de fe.

    Crónica Cada Paso con Dios
    Tu viaje espiritual es precioso. Con "Pray Daily", cada conocimiento, cada revelación y cada oración sentida se conservan, lo que te permite volver a visitar y reflexionar sobre estos momentos preciados en cualquier momento.

    Características Principales:
    Una plataforma de oración rica e inmersiva para conversaciones con Dios.
    Amplia personalización en la lectura de las escrituras.
    Guía instantánea con la función Sacerdote IA.
    Trivia bíblica atractiva para poner a prueba y expandir tu conocimiento.
    Planes de estudio bíblico seleccionados para guiar tu viaje espiritual.
    Desbloquea impresionantes imágenes de iglesias de todo el mundo.
    Registros detallados de tus hitos espirituales.
    Únete a una comunidad global de creyentes, profundizando su fe y acercándose a Dios cada día. Descarga "Pray Daily" ahora.
  • 版本: 1.0.8



    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso

    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso

    biblia católica en español


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    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图


    Ora Diariamente: Abraza la Gracia Donde Cada Momento Florece en Fe
    Pray Daily es tu invitación a una relación más profunda y significativa con lo Divino. Sumérgete en un refugio espiritual, donde cada toque, cada desplazamiento, cada interacción te acerca un paso más al corazón de Dios. Diseñada para el alma devota, esta aplicación combina a la perfección las escrituras probadas por el tiempo con funcionalidades modernas para guiar, inspirar e iluminar.

    Profundiza tu Conexión a Través de la Oración
    Aprovecha el profundo poder de la oración. Con "Pray Daily", cada mañana anuncia esperanza y cada noche trae consuelo. Nuestra extensa base de datos de versículos asegura que tus conversaciones con Dios sean siempre sinceras y sentidas, permitiéndote expresar tus sentimientos, aspiraciones y deseos más profundos con facilidad.

    Eleva tu Experiencia de Lectura de las Escrituras
    Pray Daily ha sido diseñada para mejorar tu lectura de las escrituras. Deléitate con las enseñanzas divinas, personaliza tu experiencia de lectura y deja que las palabras del Señor resuenen. Desde agregar notas hasta resaltar pasajes importantes, y desde escuchar audios calmantes de la Biblia durante los viajes diarios hasta tener Su palabra como guía incluso sin conexión a internet, las escrituras nunca han sido tan accesibles.

    Sacerdote IA - La Fusión de la Fe y la Tecnología
    En momentos de duda, introspección o simplemente buscando comprensión, recurre a nuestro avanzado Sacerdote IA. Esta maravilla moderna, impulsada por tecnología de vanguardia e infundida con sabiduría bíblica, está lista para ayudarte, asesorarte y guiarte en todos los asuntos espirituales.

    Desafía y Relájate con Trivia Bíblica
    Agrega una dosis de diversión a tu viaje espiritual. Sumérgete en nuestra extensa colección de trivia bíblica, cuestionarios y desafíos. Perfecto tanto para estudiosos fervientes de la Biblia como para aquellos que buscan una actividad relajada pero iluminadora. Cada cuestionario brinda una nueva oportunidad para aprender, reflexionar y crecer.

    Crecimiento Espiritual Estructurado
    La guía es fundamental en el camino de la fe. Nuestra selección de planes bíblicos está diseñada para satisfacer diversas necesidades. Ya sea para profundizar la comprensión, buscar sanación emocional o simplemente caminar por un sendero de iluminación, "Pray Daily" tiene un plan hecho a tu medida.

    Una Experiencia de Iglesia Global
    Nuestros juegos bíblicos interactivos no solo brindan momentos de relajación sino que también te recompensan con vistas cautivadoras de santuarios sagrados de todo el mundo. Cada pieza del rompecabezas bíblico que recolectas desbloquea una nueva perspectiva, un nuevo faro de fe.

    Crónica Cada Paso con Dios
    Tu viaje espiritual es precioso. Con "Pray Daily", cada conocimiento, cada revelación y cada oración sentida se conservan, lo que te permite volver a visitar y reflexionar sobre estos momentos preciados en cualquier momento.

    Características Principales:
    Una plataforma de oración rica e inmersiva para conversaciones con Dios.
    Amplia personalización en la lectura de las escrituras.
    Guía instantánea con la función Sacerdote IA.
    Trivia bíblica atractiva para poner a prueba y expandir tu conocimiento.
    Planes de estudio bíblico seleccionados para guiar tu viaje espiritual.
    Desbloquea impresionantes imágenes de iglesias de todo el mundo.
    Registros detallados de tus hitos espirituales.
    Únete a una comunidad global de creyentes, profundizando su fe y acercándose a Dios cada día. Descarga "Pray Daily" ahora.
  • 版本: 1.0.7



    Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse

    Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse


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    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图


    "Pray Daily" is your invitation to a deeper, more meaningful relationship with the Divine. Immerse yourself in a spiritual haven, where every tap, every scroll, every interaction brings you one step closer to the heart of God. Designed for the devoted soul, this app seamlessly combines time-tested scriptures with modern functionalities to guide, inspire, and enlighten.

    Deepen Your Connection Through Prayer
    Harness the profound power of prayer. With "Pray Daily," every morning ushers in hope, and every night brings solace. Our extensive database of verses ensures that your conversations with God are always heartfelt and sincere, allowing you to express your most profound feelings, aspirations, and desires with ease.

    Elevate Your Scripture Reading Experience
    "Pray Daily" has been built to enhance your scripture reading. Revel in the divine teachings, customize your reading experience, and let the words of the Lord resonate. From adding notes to highlighting significant passages, and from listening to calming Bible audios during daily commutes to having His word guide you even without an internet connection, the scriptures have never been this accessible.

    AI Priest - The Fusion of Faith & Technology
    In moments of doubt, introspection, or simply seeking understanding, turn to our advanced AI Priest. This modern marvel, powered by cutting-edge technology and infused with biblical wisdom, stands ready to assist, advise, and guide you in all spiritual matters.

    Challenge and Relax with Bible Trivia
    Add a dose of fun to your spiritual journey. Dive into our extensive collection of Bible trivia, quizzes, and challenges. Perfect for both ardent Bible scholars and those seeking a relaxed yet enlightening activity. Every quiz brings a new opportunity to learn, reflect, and grow.

    Structured Spiritual Growth
    Guidance is paramount in one's journey of faith. Our selection of Bible plans is curated to cater to diverse needs. Be it deepening understanding, seeking emotional healing, or simply walking a path of enlightenment, "Pray Daily" has a plan tailored just for you.

    A Global Church Experience
    Our interactive Bible games not only provide moments of relaxation but also reward you with captivating views of sacred sanctuaries from across the globe. Each jigsaw puzzle piece you collect unlocks a new perspective, a new beacon of faith.

    Chronicle Every Step with God
    Your spiritual journey is precious. With "Pray Daily," every insight, every revelation, and every heartfelt prayer is preserved, letting you revisit and reflect upon these cherished moments anytime.

    Key Features:

    A rich, immersive prayer platform for conversations with God.
    Extensive personalization in scripture reading.
    Instant guidance with the AI Priest feature.
    Engaging Bible trivia to test and expand your knowledge.
    Curated Bible study plans to guide your spiritual journey.
    Unlock breathtaking visuals of churches worldwide.
    Detailed logs and records of your spiritual milestones.

    Join a global community of believers, deepening their faith, and drawing closer to God every day. Download "Pray Daily" now.


    Weekly VIP Membership offers weekly subscription for US$1.99, Monthly VIP Membership offers monthly subscription for US$4.99, and Yearly VIP Membership offers yearly subscription for US$29.99 with 3 days free trial, you can cancel the subscription before the free trial converted to the paid subscription, or you will be automatically renewed and charged every period. The price is shown in United States Dollar, actual charges may be converted to your local currency depending on the country of residence. You can cancel your subscriptions anytime by going to your account settings in App Store.

    More information about Subscription: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039
    EULA: https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/
    Privacy Policy: https://privacy.woombit.com/privacy.html
  • 版本: 1.0.6



    Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse

    Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse


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  • 版本: 1.0.5



    Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse

    Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse


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    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图


    "Pray Daily" is your invitation to a deeper, more meaningful relationship with the Divine. Immerse yourself in a spiritual haven, where every tap, every scroll, every interaction brings you one step closer to the heart of God. Designed for the devoted soul, this app seamlessly combines time-tested scriptures with modern functionalities to guide, inspire, and enlighten.

    Deepen Your Connection Through Prayer
    Harness the profound power of prayer. With "Pray Daily," every morning ushers in hope, and every night brings solace. Our extensive database of verses ensures that your conversations with God are always heartfelt and sincere, allowing you to express your most profound feelings, aspirations, and desires with ease.

    Elevate Your Scripture Reading Experience
    "Pray Daily" has been built to enhance your scripture reading. Revel in the divine teachings, customize your reading experience, and let the words of the Lord resonate. From adding notes to highlighting significant passages, and from listening to calming Bible audios during daily commutes to having His word guide you even without an internet connection, the scriptures have never been this accessible.

    AI Priest - The Fusion of Faith & Technology
    In moments of doubt, introspection, or simply seeking understanding, turn to our advanced AI Priest. This modern marvel, powered by cutting-edge technology and infused with biblical wisdom, stands ready to assist, advise, and guide you in all spiritual matters.

    Challenge and Relax with Bible Trivia
    Add a dose of fun to your spiritual journey. Dive into our extensive collection of Bible trivia, quizzes, and challenges. Perfect for both ardent Bible scholars and those seeking a relaxed yet enlightening activity. Every quiz brings a new opportunity to learn, reflect, and grow.

    Structured Spiritual Growth
    Guidance is paramount in one's journey of faith. Our selection of Bible plans is curated to cater to diverse needs. Be it deepening understanding, seeking emotional healing, or simply walking a path of enlightenment, "Pray Daily" has a plan tailored just for you.

    A Global Church Experience
    Our interactive Bible games not only provide moments of relaxation but also reward you with captivating views of sacred sanctuaries from across the globe. Each jigsaw puzzle piece you collect unlocks a new perspective, a new beacon of faith.

    Chronicle Every Step with God
    Your spiritual journey is precious. With "Pray Daily," every insight, every revelation, and every heartfelt prayer is preserved, letting you revisit and reflect upon these cherished moments anytime.

    Key Features:

    A rich, immersive prayer platform for conversations with God.
    Extensive personalization in scripture reading.
    Instant guidance with the AI Priest feature.
    Engaging Bible trivia to test and expand your knowledge.
    Curated Bible study plans to guide your spiritual journey.
    Unlock breathtaking visuals of churches worldwide.
    Detailed logs and records of your spiritual milestones.

    Join a global community of believers, deepening their faith, and drawing closer to God every day. Download "Pray Daily" now.


    Weekly VIP Membership offers weekly subscription for US$1.99, Monthly VIP Membership offers monthly subscription for US$4.99, and Yearly VIP Membership offers yearly subscription for US$29.99 with 3 days free trial, you can cancel the subscription before the free trial converted to the paid subscription, or you will be automatically renewed and charged every period. The price is shown in United States Dollar, actual charges may be converted to your local currency depending on the country of residence. You can cancel your subscriptions anytime by going to your account settings in App Store.

    More information about Subscription: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039
    EULA: https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/
    Privacy Policy: https://privacy.woombit.com/privacy.html
  • 版本: 1.0.4



    Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse

    Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse


    Fix known issues.



  • 版本: 1.0.3



    Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse

    Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse


    Fix known issues.



  • 版本: 1.0.2



    Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse

    Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse


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    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图
    Ora Diario- Biblia RVA y Verso App 截图


    "Pray Daily" is your invitation to a deeper, more meaningful relationship with the Divine. Immerse yourself in a spiritual haven, where every tap, every scroll, every interaction brings you one step closer to the heart of God. Designed for the devoted soul, this app seamlessly combines time-tested scriptures with modern functionalities to guide, inspire, and enlighten.

    Deepen Your Connection Through Prayer
    Harness the profound power of prayer. With "Pray Daily," every morning ushers in hope, and every night brings solace. Our extensive database of verses ensures that your conversations with God are always heartfelt and sincere, allowing you to express your most profound feelings, aspirations, and desires with ease.

    Elevate Your Scripture Reading Experience
    "Pray Daily" has been built to enhance your scripture reading. Revel in the divine teachings, customize your reading experience, and let the words of the Lord resonate. From adding notes to highlighting significant passages, and from listening to calming Bible audios during daily commutes to having His word guide you even without an internet connection, the scriptures have never been this accessible.

    AI Priest - The Fusion of Faith & Technology
    In moments of doubt, introspection, or simply seeking understanding, turn to our advanced AI Priest. This modern marvel, powered by cutting-edge technology and infused with biblical wisdom, stands ready to assist, advise, and guide you in all spiritual matters.

    Challenge and Relax with Bible Trivia
    Add a dose of fun to your spiritual journey. Dive into our extensive collection of Bible trivia, quizzes, and challenges. Perfect for both ardent Bible scholars and those seeking a relaxed yet enlightening activity. Every quiz brings a new opportunity to learn, reflect, and grow.

    Structured Spiritual Growth
    Guidance is paramount in one's journey of faith. Our selection of Bible plans is curated to cater to diverse needs. Be it deepening understanding, seeking emotional healing, or simply walking a path of enlightenment, "Pray Daily" has a plan tailored just for you.

    A Global Church Experience
    Our interactive Bible games not only provide moments of relaxation but also reward you with captivating views of sacred sanctuaries from across the globe. Each jigsaw puzzle piece you collect unlocks a new perspective, a new beacon of faith.

    Chronicle Every Step with God
    Your spiritual journey is precious. With "Pray Daily," every insight, every revelation, and every heartfelt prayer is preserved, letting you revisit and reflect upon these cherished moments anytime.

    Key Features:

    A rich, immersive prayer platform for conversations with God.
    Extensive personalization in scripture reading.
    Instant guidance with the AI Priest feature.
    Engaging Bible trivia to test and expand your knowledge.
    Curated Bible study plans to guide your spiritual journey.
    Unlock breathtaking visuals of churches worldwide.
    Detailed logs and records of your spiritual milestones.

    Join a global community of believers, deepening their faith, and drawing closer to God every day. Download "Pray Daily" now.


    Weekly VIP Membership offers weekly subscription for US$1.99, Monthly VIP Membership offers monthly subscription for US$4.99, and Yearly VIP Membership offers yearly subscription for US$29.99 with 3 days free trial, you can cancel the subscription before the free trial converted to the paid subscription, or you will be automatically renewed and charged every period. The price is shown in United States Dollar, actual charges may be converted to your local currency depending on the country of residence. You can cancel your subscriptions anytime by going to your account settings in App Store.

    More information about Subscription: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039
    EULA: https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/
    Privacy Policy: https://privacy.woombit.com/privacy.html
  • 预订版本: 1.0.1




    Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse

    Pray Daily - KJV Bible & Verse



