Eato®: Contador de Calorías

Eato®: Contador de Calorías

Adelgaza fácil, dietas

开发者: Enerjoy Pte. Ltd.

  • 4天21小时


  • 23


  • 2024-03-14


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  • 版本: 1.2.5



    Eato®: Contador de Calorías

    Eato®: Contador de Calorías

    Adelgaza fácil, dietas


    Hi there! Eato is working hard to make calorie tracking easy for you. Here is the new version of Eato with the following updates to enhance your calorie tracking:
    1. We fixed some bugs to improve the app experience.
    Welcome to Eato and enjoy your Eato journey!


    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图


    Eato® es una aplicación optimizada para gestionar la salud del peso mediante el seguimiento de calorías y la planificación de comidas, manteniéndote en el camino del bienestar.

    Aquí, Eato® te lleva por un nuevo camino de pérdida de peso y mejora la salud de tu cuerpo con métodos científicos y efectivos.

    · Contador de Calorías: Obtén recomendaciones personalizadas de ingesta calórica diaria basadas en las necesidades de tu cuerpo y tus ambiciones de pérdida de peso. Registra las calorías de alimentos y comidas a través de varios métodos, incluyendo búsqueda, escaneo de códigos de barras o reconocimiento de imágenes por IA, para mantenerte en línea con tus objetivos dietéticos.
    · Recomendación de Recetas - Disfruta de tres comidas completas al día, ayudándote a mantener una dieta normal durante tu ventana de alimentación mientras maximizas la ingesta de nutrientes. Basándonos en tus hábitos alimenticios, creamos un plan de comidas personalizado solo para ti.
    · Seguimiento de Peso - mantén un ojo en tu progreso y déjanos proporcionarte el mejor plan adaptado a ti. Desarrollar el hábito de registrar tu peso es crucial para la pérdida de peso científica y el mantenimiento de una salud óptima.

    Nota: Lograr objetivos saludables de pérdida de peso requiere un plan de dieta equilibrado combinado con actividad física. Confiar únicamente en restricciones dietéticas sin ejercicio es poco probable que lleve al manejo de peso deseado.

    Programas de Peso Saludable:
    Hay planes para principiantes y personas experimentadas. Puedes personalizar tu plan. Sin importar tu etapa, un plan siempre debe coincidir con tu objetivo.

    Recetas Ricas en Nutrientes:
    Saber qué comer es la puerta al éxito. Eato® diseña planes de comidas personalizados para ti. No buscamos restringir tu dieta, sino darte un suplemento nutricional para tus comidas diarias.

    Por qué Eato®:
    - El Contador de Calorías Más Fácil de Usar
    - Plan de pérdida de peso personalizado
    - Método sabio de pérdida de peso que combina una dieta nutritiva y ejercicio moderado
    - Recordatorios amistosos te mantienen en el camino
    - Guiándote para mantenerte saludable y sentirte bien

    Apple Health: Integración con Apple Health para rastrear pasos para objetivos de actividad diaria.

    Información de Suscripción: Eato® ofrece un servicio de suscripción de prueba de 7 días por $79.99/año, otorgando acceso ilimitado a las características VIP durante el período de suscripción. Tu pago se cargará a tu cuenta de iTunes al confirmar la compra después de la prueba de 7 días. Durante el período de prueba, puedes gestionar tu suscripción y cancelarla yendo a tu 'Configuración de Cuenta'. Después de ser cobrado, puedes desactivar la renovación automática visitando la misma sección. Tu suscripción se renovará automáticamente a menos que desactives la renovación automática al menos 24 horas antes del final del período actual. El costo de renovación se cargará a tu cuenta 24 horas antes del final del período actual. Al cancelar una suscripción, tu suscripción permanecerá activa hasta el final del período. La renovación automática se desactivará, pero no reembolsarán la suscripción actual. Si se ofrece, cualquier porción no utilizada de un período de prueba gratuito se perderá al comprar una suscripción.

    Nota: Esta aplicación se desarrolla solo con fines informativos. Siempre debes consultar a tu médico antes de comenzar cualquier programa de fitness. Los resultados pueden variar.

    Términos de Uso:
    Política de Privacidad:

    Si tienes alguna pregunta o sugerencia, envíanos un correo electrónico a:
  • 版本: 1.2.2



    Eato®: Contador de Calorías

    Eato®: Contador de Calorías

    Adelgaza fácil, dietas


    Hi there! Eato is working hard to make calorie tracking easy for you. This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements.
    Welcome to Eato, and enjoy your journey with us!


    Eato® es una aplicación optimizada para gestionar la salud del peso mediante el seguimiento de calorías y la planificación de comidas, manteniéndote en el camino del bienestar.

    Aquí, Eato® te lleva por un nuevo camino de pérdida de peso y mejora la salud de tu cuerpo con métodos científicos y efectivos.

    · Contador de Calorías: Obtén recomendaciones personalizadas de ingesta calórica diaria basadas en las necesidades de tu cuerpo y tus ambiciones de pérdida de peso. Registra las calorías de alimentos y comidas a través de varios métodos, incluyendo búsqueda, escaneo de códigos de barras o reconocimiento de imágenes por IA, para mantenerte en línea con tus objetivos dietéticos.
    · Recomendación de Recetas - Disfruta de tres comidas completas al día, ayudándote a mantener una dieta normal durante tu ventana de alimentación mientras maximizas la ingesta de nutrientes. Basándonos en tus hábitos alimenticios, creamos un plan de comidas personalizado solo para ti.
    · Seguimiento de Peso - mantén un ojo en tu progreso y déjanos proporcionarte el mejor plan adaptado a ti. Desarrollar el hábito de registrar tu peso es crucial para la pérdida de peso científica y el mantenimiento de una salud óptima.

    Nota: Lograr objetivos saludables de pérdida de peso requiere un plan de dieta equilibrado combinado con actividad física. Confiar únicamente en restricciones dietéticas sin ejercicio es poco probable que lleve al manejo de peso deseado.

    Programas de Peso Saludable:
    Hay planes para principiantes y personas experimentadas. Puedes personalizar tu plan. Sin importar tu etapa, un plan siempre debe coincidir con tu objetivo.

    Recetas Ricas en Nutrientes:
    Saber qué comer es la puerta al éxito. Eato® diseña planes de comidas personalizados para ti. No buscamos restringir tu dieta, sino darte un suplemento nutricional para tus comidas diarias.

    Por qué Eato®:
    - El Contador de Calorías Más Fácil de Usar
    - Plan de pérdida de peso personalizado
    - Método sabio de pérdida de peso que combina una dieta nutritiva y ejercicio moderado
    - Recordatorios amistosos te mantienen en el camino
    - Guiándote para mantenerte saludable y sentirte bien

    Apple Health: Integración con Apple Health para rastrear pasos para objetivos de actividad diaria.

    Información de Suscripción: Eato® ofrece un servicio de suscripción de prueba de 7 días por $79.99/año, otorgando acceso ilimitado a las características VIP durante el período de suscripción. Tu pago se cargará a tu cuenta de iTunes al confirmar la compra después de la prueba de 7 días. Durante el período de prueba, puedes gestionar tu suscripción y cancelarla yendo a tu 'Configuración de Cuenta'. Después de ser cobrado, puedes desactivar la renovación automática visitando la misma sección. Tu suscripción se renovará automáticamente a menos que desactives la renovación automática al menos 24 horas antes del final del período actual. El costo de renovación se cargará a tu cuenta 24 horas antes del final del período actual. Al cancelar una suscripción, tu suscripción permanecerá activa hasta el final del período. La renovación automática se desactivará, pero no reembolsarán la suscripción actual. Si se ofrece, cualquier porción no utilizada de un período de prueba gratuito se perderá al comprar una suscripción.

    Nota: Esta aplicación se desarrolla solo con fines informativos. Siempre debes consultar a tu médico antes de comenzar cualquier programa de fitness. Los resultados pueden variar.

    Términos de Uso:
    Política de Privacidad:

    Si tienes alguna pregunta o sugerencia, envíanos un correo electrónico a:
  • 版本: 1.2.1



    Eato®: Contador de Calorías

    Eato®: Contador de Calorías

    Adelgaza fácil, dietas


    Hi there! Eato is working hard to make calorie tracking easy for you. Here is the new version of Eato with the following updates to enhance your calorie tracking:
    1. Easier Logging: Eato now shows your recently recorded foods, making calorie tracking even more convenient!
    Welcome to Eato and enjoy your Eato journey!



  • 版本: 1.2.0



    Eato®: AI Calorie Counter

    Eato®: AI Calorie Counter


    Hi there! Eato is working hard to make calorie tracking easy for you. Here is the new version of Eato with the following updates to enhance your calorie tracking:
    1.Updated Calorie Logging: Our AI recognition now allows for flexible portion adjustments when recording calories with Eato!
    Welcome to Eato and enjoy your Eato journey!


    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图


    Eato® is a streamlined app for managing weight health through calorie tracking and meal planning, keeping you on the path to wellness.

    Here, Eato® takes you on a new path of weight loss and improves your body health with scientific and effective methods.

    · Calorie Counter: Get customized daily caloric intake recommendations based on your body's needs and your weight loss ambitions. Log food and meal calories through various methods, including search, barcode scanning, or AI image recognition, to stay on course with your dietary goals.
    · Step Counter - Set your daily step goals, and we'll assist you in achieving and tracking them. Staying active has never been easier or more rewarding.
    · Recipe Recommend - Enjoy three square meals a day, helping you maintain a normal diet during your eating window while maximizing nutrient intake. Based on your eating habits, we craft a personalized meal plan just for you.
    · Weight Tracker - keep an eye on your progress and let us supply you with the best plan tailored to you. Developing the habit of recording your weight is crucial for scientific weight loss and maintaining optimal health.
    · Healthy Weight Planner: Select your plan, set your goals, and track your progress. With the simple tap of a button, you can start or conclude your journey. Our clear, user-friendly interface ensures you can monitor and navigate your path with ease.

    Note: Achieving healthy weight loss goals requires a balanced diet plan combined with physical activity. Relying solely on dietary restrictions without exercise is unlikely to lead to desired weight management.

    Healthy Weight Programs:
    There are plans for beginners and experienced people. You can customize your plan. No matter your stage, a plan should always match your goal.

    Nutrient-Rich Recipes:
    Knowing what to eat is the gateway to success. Eato® designs customized meal plans for you. We are not aiming to restrict your diet but to give you a nutritional supplement for your everyday meals. Three meals a day, guide you through hunger and satisfy your body at most in the eating window.

    Why Eato®:
    - The Most User-Friendly Calorie Tracker
    - Personalize weight loss plan
    - Helping you manage your eating window
    - Telling you what exactly you should eat in each meal
    - Wise weight loss method combining a nutritious diet and moderate exercise
    - Friendly reminders keep you on track
    - A step-by-step plan guides you to a good habit
    - Guiding you to stay healthy and feel well

    Apple Health: Apple Health integration to track steps for daily active goals.

    Subscription Information: Eato® offers a 7-day trial subscription service for $79.99/year, granting unlimited access to VIP features during the subscription period. Your payment will be charged to your iTunes account upon confirmation of purchase after the 7-day trial. During the trial period, you can manage your subscription and cancel by going to your 'Account Settings'. After being charged, you may turn off auto-renewal by visiting the same section. Your subscription will automatically be renewed unless you turn off auto-renew at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. The renewal cost will be charged to your account 24 hours before the end of the current period. When canceling a subscription, your subscription will stay active until the end of the period. Auto-renewal will be disabled, but they will not refund the current subscription. If offered, any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when purchasing a subscription.

    Note: This app is developed for informational purposes only. You must always consult your physician or doctor before starting any fitness program. Results can vary.

    Terms of Use:
    Privacy policy:

    If you have any questions or suggestions, email us at:
  • 版本: 1.1.9



    Eato®: AI Calorie Counter

    Eato®: AI Calorie Counter


    Hi there! Eato is working hard to make calorie tracking easy for you. Here is the new version of Eato with the following updates to enhance your calorie tracking:
    1. Major AI Upgrade: We’ve significantly improved our AI’s ability to recognize food calories. Now, taking a photo and analyzing your food has become simpler and more accurate than ever!
    Welcome to Eato and enjoy your Eato journey!



  • 版本: 1.1.7



    Eato®: AI Calorie Counter

    Eato®: AI Calorie Counter


    Hi there! Eato is working hard to make calorie tracking easy for you. Here is the new version of Eato with the following updates to enhance your calorie tracking:
    1. Major AI Upgrade: We’ve significantly improved our AI’s ability to recognize food calories. Now, taking a photo and analyzing your food has become simpler and more accurate than ever!
    Welcome to Eato and enjoy your Eato journey!


    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图


    Eato® is a streamlined app for managing weight health through calorie tracking and meal planning, keeping you on the path to wellness.

    Here, Eato® takes you on a new path of weight loss and improves your body health with scientific and effective methods.

    · Lose Weight Planner: Select your plan, set your goals, and track your progress. With the simple tap of a button, you can start or conclude your journey. Our clear, user-friendly interface ensures you can monitor and navigate your path with ease.
    · Calorie Counter: Get customized daily caloric intake recommendations based on your body's needs and your weight loss ambitions. Log food and meal calories through various methods, including search, barcode scanning, or AI image recognition, to stay on course with your dietary goals.
    · Weight Tracker - keep an eye on your progress and let us supply you with the best plan tailored to you. Developing the habit of recording your weight is crucial for scientific weight loss and maintaining optimal health.
    · Step Counter - Set your daily step goals, and we'll assist you in achieving and tracking them. Staying active has never been easier or more rewarding.
    · Recipe Recommend - Enjoy three square meals a day, helping you maintain a normal diet during your eating window while maximizing nutrient intake. Based on your eating habits, we craft a personalized meal plan just for you.

    Lose weight plans:
    There are plans for beginners and experienced people. You can customize your plan. No matter your stage, a plan should always match your goal.

    Lose weight recipes:
    Knowing what to eat is the gateway to success. Eato® designs customized meal plans for you. We are not aiming to restrict your diet but to give you a nutritional supplement for your everyday meals. Three meals a day, guide you through hunger and satisfy your body at most in the eating window.

    Why Eato®:
    - The Most User-Friendly Calorie Tracker
    - Personalize weight loss plan
    - Helping you manage your eating window
    - Telling you what exactly you should eat in each meal
    - Wise weight loss method
    - Friendly reminders keep you on track
    - A step-by-step plan guides you to a good habit
    - Guiding you to stay healthy and feel well

    Apple Health: Apple Health integration to track steps for daily active goals.

    Subscription Information: Eato® offers a 7-day trial subscription service for $79.99/year, granting unlimited access to VIP features during the subscription period. Your payment will be charged to your iTunes account upon confirmation of purchase after the 7-day trial. During the trial period, you can manage your subscription and cancel by going to your 'Account Settings'. After being charged, you may turn off auto-renewal by visiting the same section. Your subscription will automatically be renewed unless you turn off auto-renew at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. The renewal cost will be charged to your account 24 hours before the end of the current period. When canceling a subscription, your subscription will stay active until the end of the period. Auto-renewal will be disabled, but they will not refund the current subscription. If offered, any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when purchasing a subscription.

    Note: This app is developed for informational purposes only. You must always consult your physician or doctor before starting any fitness program. Results can vary.

    Terms of Use:
    Privacy policy:

    If you have any questions or suggestions, email us at:
  • 版本: 1.1.6



    Eato®: AI Calorie Counter

    Eato®: AI Calorie Counter


    Hi there! Eato is working hard to make calorie tracking easy for you. Here is the new version of Eato with the following updates to enhance your calorie tracking:
    1.Updated Calorie Logging: Our AI recognition now allows for flexible portion adjustments when recording calories with Eato!
    Welcome to Eato and enjoy your Eato journey!


    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图


    Eato® is a streamlined app for managing weight health through calorie tracking and meal planning, keeping you on the path to wellness.

    Here, Eato® takes you on a new path of weight loss and improves your body health with scientific and effective methods.

    · Lose Weight Planner: Select your plan, set your goals, and track your progress. With the simple tap of a button, you can start or conclude your journey. Our clear, user-friendly interface ensures you can monitor and navigate your path with ease.
    · Calorie Counter: Get customized daily caloric intake recommendations based on your body's needs and your weight loss ambitions. Log food and meal calories through various methods, including search, barcode scanning, or AI image recognition, to stay on course with your dietary goals.
    · Weight Tracker - keep an eye on your progress and let us supply you with the best plan tailored to you. Developing the habit of recording your weight is crucial for scientific weight loss and maintaining optimal health.
    · Step Counter - Set your daily step goals, and we'll assist you in achieving and tracking them. Staying active has never been easier or more rewarding.
    · Recipe Recommend - Enjoy three square meals a day, helping you maintain a normal diet during your eating window while maximizing nutrient intake. Based on your eating habits, we craft a personalized meal plan just for you.

    Lose weight plans:
    There are plans for beginners and experienced people. You can customize your plan. No matter your stage, a plan should always match your goal.

    Lose weight recipes:
    Knowing what to eat is the gateway to success. Eato® designs customized meal plans for you. We are not aiming to restrict your diet but to give you a nutritional supplement for your everyday meals. Three meals a day, guide you through hunger and satisfy your body at most in the eating window.

    Why Eato®:
    - The Most User-Friendly Calorie Tracker
    - Personalize weight loss plan
    - Helping you manage your eating window
    - Telling you what exactly you should eat in each meal
    - Wise weight loss method
    - Friendly reminders keep you on track
    - A step-by-step plan guides you to a good habit
    - Guiding you to stay healthy and feel well

    Apple Health: Apple Health integration to track steps for daily active goals.

    Subscription Information: Eato® offers a 7-day trial subscription service for $79.99/year, granting unlimited access to VIP features during the subscription period. Your payment will be charged to your iTunes account upon confirmation of purchase after the 7-day trial. During the trial period, you can manage your subscription and cancel by going to your 'Account Settings'. After being charged, you may turn off auto-renewal by visiting the same section. Your subscription will automatically be renewed unless you turn off auto-renew at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. The renewal cost will be charged to your account 24 hours before the end of the current period. When canceling a subscription, your subscription will stay active until the end of the period. Auto-renewal will be disabled, but they will not refund the current subscription. If offered, any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when purchasing a subscription.

    Note: This app is developed for informational purposes only. You must always consult your physician or doctor before starting any fitness program. Results can vary.

    Terms of Use:
    Privacy policy:

    If you have any questions or suggestions, email us at:
  • 版本: 1.1.5



    Eato®: AI Calorie Counter

    Eato®: AI Calorie Counter


    Hi there! Eato is working hard to make calorie tracking easy for you. Here is the new version of Eato with the following updates to enhance your calorie tracking:
    1.Enhanced AI Calorie Recognition: We've updated our AI photo recognition feature, making it even more accurate at analyzing calorie content from your photos.
    Welcome to Eato and enjoy your Eato journey!


    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图


    Eato® is a streamlined app for managing weight health through calorie tracking and meal planning, keeping you on the path to wellness.

    Here, Eato® takes you on a new path of weight loss and improves your body health with scientific and effective methods.

    · Lose Weight Planner: Select your plan, set your goals, and track your progress. With the simple tap of a button, you can start or conclude your journey. Our clear, user-friendly interface ensures you can monitor and navigate your path with ease.
    · Calorie Counter: Get customized daily caloric intake recommendations based on your body's needs and your weight loss ambitions. Log food and meal calories through various methods, including search, barcode scanning, or AI image recognition, to stay on course with your dietary goals.
    · Weight Tracker - keep an eye on your progress and let us supply you with the best plan tailored to you. Developing the habit of recording your weight is crucial for scientific weight loss and maintaining optimal health.
    · Step Counter - Set your daily step goals, and we'll assist you in achieving and tracking them. Staying active has never been easier or more rewarding.
    · Recipe Recommend - Enjoy three square meals a day, helping you maintain a normal diet during your eating window while maximizing nutrient intake. Based on your eating habits, we craft a personalized meal plan just for you.

    Lose weight plans:
    There are plans for beginners and experienced people. You can customize your plan. No matter your stage, a plan should always match your goal.

    Lose weight recipes:
    Knowing what to eat is the gateway to success. Eato® designs customized meal plans for you. We are not aiming to restrict your diet but to give you a nutritional supplement for your everyday meals. Three meals a day, guide you through hunger and satisfy your body at most in the eating window.

    Why Eato®:
    - The Most User-Friendly Calorie Tracker
    - Personalize weight loss plan
    - Helping you manage your eating window
    - Telling you what exactly you should eat in each meal
    - Wise weight loss method
    - Friendly reminders keep you on track
    - A step-by-step plan guides you to a good habit
    - Guiding you to stay healthy and feel well

    Apple Health: Apple Health integration to track steps for daily active goals.

    Subscription Information: Eato® offers a 7-day trial subscription service for $79.99/year, granting unlimited access to VIP features during the subscription period. Your payment will be charged to your iTunes account upon confirmation of purchase after the 7-day trial. During the trial period, you can manage your subscription and cancel by going to your 'Account Settings'. After being charged, you may turn off auto-renewal by visiting the same section. Your subscription will automatically be renewed unless you turn off auto-renew at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. The renewal cost will be charged to your account 24 hours before the end of the current period. When canceling a subscription, your subscription will stay active until the end of the period. Auto-renewal will be disabled, but they will not refund the current subscription. If offered, any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when purchasing a subscription.

    Note: This app is developed for informational purposes only. You must always consult your physician or doctor before starting any fitness program. Results can vary.

    Terms of Use:
    Privacy policy:

    If you have any questions or suggestions, email us at:
  • 版本: 1.1.4



    Eato®: AI Calorie Counter

    Eato®: AI Calorie Counter


    Hi there! Eato is working hard to make calorie tracking easy for you. Here is the new version of Eato with the following updates to enhance your calorie tracking:
    1.Improved Calorie Logging: Eato now offers an even more convenient and streamlined way to log and adjust your calorie intake, making it easier than ever to stay on track.
    Welcome to Eato and enjoy your Eato journey!


    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图
    Eato®: Contador de Calorías App 截图


    Eato® is a streamlined app for managing weight health through calorie tracking and meal planning, keeping you on the path to wellness.

    Here, Eato® takes you on a new path of weight loss and improves your body health with scientific and effective methods.

    · Lose Weight Planner: Select your plan, set your goals, and track your progress. With the simple tap of a button, you can start or conclude your journey. Our clear, user-friendly interface ensures you can monitor and navigate your path with ease.
    · Calorie Counter: Get customized daily caloric intake recommendations based on your body's needs and your weight loss ambitions. Log food and meal calories through various methods, including search, barcode scanning, or AI image recognition, to stay on course with your dietary goals.
    · Weight Tracker - keep an eye on your progress and let us supply you with the best plan tailored to you. Developing the habit of recording your weight is crucial for scientific weight loss and maintaining optimal health.
    · Step Counter - Set your daily step goals, and we'll assist you in achieving and tracking them. Staying active has never been easier or more rewarding.
    · Recipe Recommend - Enjoy three square meals a day, helping you maintain a normal diet during your eating window while maximizing nutrient intake. Based on your eating habits, we craft a personalized meal plan just for you.

    Lose weight plans:
    There are plans for beginners and experienced people. You can customize your plan. No matter your stage, a plan should always match your goal.

    Lose weight recipes:
    Knowing what to eat is the gateway to success. Eato® designs customized meal plans for you. We are not aiming to restrict your diet but to give you a nutritional supplement for your everyday meals. Three meals a day, guide you through hunger and satisfy your body at most in the eating window.

    Why Eato®:
    - The Most User-Friendly Calorie Tracker
    - Personalize weight loss plan
    - Helping you manage your eating window
    - Telling you what exactly you should eat in each meal
    - Wise weight loss method
    - Friendly reminders keep you on track
    - A step-by-step plan guides you to a good habit
    - Guiding you to stay healthy and feel well

    Apple Health: Apple Health integration to track steps for daily active goals.

    Subscription Information: Eato® offers a 7-day trial subscription service for $79.99/year, granting unlimited access to VIP features during the subscription period. Your payment will be charged to your iTunes account upon confirmation of purchase after the 7-day trial. During the trial period, you can manage your subscription and cancel by going to your 'Account Settings'. After being charged, you may turn off auto-renewal by visiting the same section. Your subscription will automatically be renewed unless you turn off auto-renew at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. The renewal cost will be charged to your account 24 hours before the end of the current period. When canceling a subscription, your subscription will stay active until the end of the period. Auto-renewal will be disabled, but they will not refund the current subscription. If offered, any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when purchasing a subscription.

    Note: This app is developed for informational purposes only. You must always consult your physician or doctor before starting any fitness program. Results can vary.

    Terms of Use:
    Privacy policy:

    If you have any questions or suggestions, email us at:
  • 版本: 1.1.3



    Eato®: AI Calorie Counter

    Eato®: AI Calorie Counter


    Hi there! Eato is working hard to make calorie tracking easy for you. Here is the new version of Eato with the following updates to enhance your calorie tracking:
    1. Enhanced Calorie Tracker: Eato makes keeping track of your food's calories more comprehensive than ever!
    Welcome to Eato and enjoy your Eato journey!

