PeakWatch:AI 運動助手

PeakWatch:AI 運動助手

專業 HRV 心率運動健康應用

开发者: Future Artifact Labs

  • 8天12小时


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  • 2024-06-26


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  • 版本: 1.1.23



    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手

    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手

    專業 HRV 心率運動健康應用


    LIFETIME PRO 會員「限時」提供。


    請關注我們的 Instagram @getPeakWatch 和 Reddit r/PeakWatch 及 小紅書帳號 @PeakWatch 以獲取更多產品更新資訊和健身知識;


    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图


    PeakWatch 讀取心率、心率變異性 (HRV)、靜息心率 (RHR)、睡眠、呼吸節律等健康數據來分析和計算當前身體的恢復狀態和運動量,並給出運動建議。幫助你洞悉身體狀態,獲得生活和運動的平衡,找到最適合自己的巔峰狀態。

    ◎ PeakWatch 可以怎樣幫到你
    - 一天工作完,感覺還有精力去跑個 5K 夜跑,PeakWatch 會告訴你當天已經消耗的運動量,並依據當天恢復情況,推薦運動量區間。身體的剩餘電量不夠時要及時休息,避免過度訓練導致受傷風險;身體還有很多潛力時,可以試試挑戰新的個人紀錄;
    - 每天都堅持跑 5K,但總是不見能力提升,每次運動後 PeakWatch 會給出運動時心率的詳細分析,訓練時是否專注一目了然;
    - 把當天的恢復和消耗放在 Apple Watch 表盤上,抬腕便知今天身體還剩多少電量;
    - 堅持一段時間後,可以查看一個月、三個月和一年內的運動能力變化,幫助調整短期訓練負荷和狀態,以應對生活中的大大小小的挑戰。

    ◎ PeakWatch 功能介紹
    - 身體恢復狀態跟踪 - 我們通過分析您的心率變異性和靜息心率,計算出您今天的恢復狀態,幫助你判斷今天是適合衝刺還是需要休息;
    - 當天運動量監控及推薦 - 通過分析全天的心率數據來計算運動施加給心血管的負荷,並實時更新,了解當天已經產生的運動量;此外還根據當天的恢復情況,提供目標運動量範圍。通過對比實時運動量和推薦運動量範圍,有效預防過量訓練風險,避免受傷;防止運動量不足,助力達成訓練目標;
    - 趨勢長期運動平衡 - 強大的趨勢功能提供豐富且詳細的圖表,包括:可視化的長期和短期運動負荷,幫助判斷長期的運動安排是否合理;恢復與運動負荷分析和指導、每周心肺負荷、消耗和燃燒的能量、心率恢復和心肺健康數據等。
    - 運動分析 - 詳細解讀每一次運動表現。心率區間彩色圖表、當前心率區間、運動中的努力值和強度等級、運動中的有氧和無氧分析等等!運動後可查看更詳細的運動分析,包括心肺健康、心率恢復及訓練對 HRV 的影響。
    - 睡眠趨勢洞察 - 一夜好眠,助你快速提升運動表現。可視化睡眠的各個方面,包括:睡眠表現、睡眠階段、恢復性睡眠分析、睡眠債務、睡眠一致性、入睡時間和效率、睡眠期間的心率下降,以及 HRV、心率、呼吸頻率和睡眠期間的血氧詳細圖表。
    - 多款表盤選擇 - 抬腕之間,身體狀態盡在掌握。

    ◎ 歡迎聯繫我們
    - 電子郵箱:
    - 小紅書 @PeakWatch

    ◎ Apple Health 集成
    PeakWatch 通過 Apple Health 讀取來自 Apple Watch 的心率健康數據。PeakWatch 需要獲取 Apple Health 的讀取授權,以進行恢復值計算、運動分析和提供建議,否則無法正常使用。請放心,您的健康數據僅儲存在本地,我們不會上傳您的任何健康數據。

    ◎ 訂閱和條款
    PeakWatch 可免費下載使用。您也可以選擇升級到 PeakWatch PRO 訂閱會員,以解鎖所有功能。
    按月或按年訂閱說明:確認並支付後,將通過您的 Apple iTunes 帳號自動續訂,扣費成功後,順延一個訂閱週期。若需取消訂閱,請在當前訂閱期結束前至少 24 小時內,手動在 iTunes / Apple ID 設置中關閉自動續費功能。試用期內,如不取消訂閱,則會在試用期結束時自動開通訂閱並扣款。本服務由您自行選擇是否取消,若您選擇不取消,將自動開通下個計費週期的續費服務。

    ◎ 用戶協議和隱私條款

    ◎ 健康建議的免責聲明
    PeakWatch 僅提供信息內容,不構成醫療或治療建議。用戶不應依賴此應用進行醫療診斷或作為醫療護理或治療的建議。此應用中的信息不能替代專業醫療建議、診斷或治療。應用中所有內容,包括文字、圖形、圖片和信息,僅供一般信息目的使用。PeakWatch 基於各種數據的解讀提供指導和反饋,包括但不限於來自 Apple Health 的心率變異性和心率數據,這些數據由 Apple Watch 測量。PeakWatch 自身不測量或收集這些數據,因此對其準確性不承擔責任。
  • 版本: 1.1.22



    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手

    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手

    專業 HRV 心率運動健康應用


    LIFETIME PRO 會員「限時」提供。

    請關注我們的 Instagram @getPeakWatch 和 Reddit r/PeakWatch 及 小紅書帳號 @PeakWatch 以獲取更多產品更新資訊和健身知識;



  • 版本: 1.1.21



    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手

    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手

    專業 HRV 心率運動健康應用


    Bug Fix
    - 已購會員自動恢復會員狀態

    請關注我們的 Instagram @getPeakWatch 和 Reddit r/PeakWatch 及 小紅書帳號 @PeakWatch 以獲取更多產品更新資訊和健身知識;


    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图


    PeakWatch 讀取心率、心率變異性 (HRV)、靜息心率 (RHR)、睡眠、呼吸節律等健康數據來分析和計算當前身體的恢復狀態和運動量,並給出運動建議。幫助你洞悉身體狀態,獲得生活和運動的平衡,找到最適合自己的巔峰狀態。

    ◎ PeakWatch 可以怎樣幫到你
    - 一天工作完,感覺還有精力去跑個 5K 夜跑,PeakWatch 會告訴你當天已經消耗的運動量,並依據當天恢復情況,推薦運動量區間。身體的剩餘電量不夠時要及時休息,避免過度訓練導致受傷風險;身體還有很多潛力時,可以試試挑戰新的個人紀錄;
    - 每天都堅持跑 5K,但總是不見能力提升,每次運動後 PeakWatch 會給出運動時心率的詳細分析,訓練時是否專注一目了然;
    - 把當天的恢復和消耗放在 Apple Watch 表盤上,抬腕便知今天身體還剩多少電量;
    - 堅持一段時間後,可以查看一個月、三個月和一年內的運動能力變化,幫助調整短期訓練負荷和狀態,以應對生活中的大大小小的挑戰。

    ◎ PeakWatch 功能介紹
    - 身體恢復狀態跟踪 - 我們通過分析您的心率變異性和靜息心率,計算出您今天的恢復狀態,幫助你判斷今天是適合衝刺還是需要休息;
    - 當天運動量監控及推薦 - 通過分析全天的心率數據來計算運動施加給心血管的負荷,並實時更新,了解當天已經產生的運動量;此外還根據當天的恢復情況,提供目標運動量範圍。通過對比實時運動量和推薦運動量範圍,有效預防過量訓練風險,避免受傷;防止運動量不足,助力達成訓練目標;
    - 趨勢長期運動平衡 - 強大的趨勢功能提供豐富且詳細的圖表,包括:可視化的長期和短期運動負荷,幫助判斷長期的運動安排是否合理;恢復與運動負荷分析和指導、每周心肺負荷、消耗和燃燒的能量、心率恢復和心肺健康數據等。
    - 運動分析 - 詳細解讀每一次運動表現。心率區間彩色圖表、當前心率區間、運動中的努力值和強度等級、運動中的有氧和無氧分析等等!運動後可查看更詳細的運動分析,包括心肺健康、心率恢復及訓練對 HRV 的影響。
    - 睡眠趨勢洞察 - 一夜好眠,助你快速提升運動表現。可視化睡眠的各個方面,包括:睡眠表現、睡眠階段、恢復性睡眠分析、睡眠債務、睡眠一致性、入睡時間和效率、睡眠期間的心率下降,以及 HRV、心率、呼吸頻率和睡眠期間的血氧詳細圖表。
    - 多款表盤選擇 - 抬腕之間,身體狀態盡在掌握。

    ◎ 歡迎聯繫我們
    - 電子郵箱:
    - 小紅書 @PeakWatch

    ◎ Apple Health 集成
    PeakWatch 通過 Apple Health 讀取來自 Apple Watch 的心率健康數據。PeakWatch 需要獲取 Apple Health 的讀取授權,以進行恢復值計算、運動分析和提供建議,否則無法正常使用。請放心,您的健康數據僅儲存在本地,我們不會上傳您的任何健康數據。

    ◎ 訂閱和條款
    PeakWatch 可免費下載使用。您也可以選擇升級到 PeakWatch PRO 訂閱會員,以解鎖所有功能。
    按月或按年訂閱說明:確認並支付後,將通過您的 Apple iTunes 帳號自動續訂,扣費成功後,順延一個訂閱週期。若需取消訂閱,請在當前訂閱期結束前至少 24 小時內,手動在 iTunes / Apple ID 設置中關閉自動續費功能。試用期內,如不取消訂閱,則會在試用期結束時自動開通訂閱並扣款。本服務由您自行選擇是否取消,若您選擇不取消,將自動開通下個計費週期的續費服務。

    ◎ 用戶協議和隱私條款

    ◎ 健康建議的免責聲明
    PeakWatch 僅提供信息內容,不構成醫療或治療建議。用戶不應依賴此應用進行醫療診斷或作為醫療護理或治療的建議。此應用中的信息不能替代專業醫療建議、診斷或治療。應用中所有內容,包括文字、圖形、圖片和信息,僅供一般信息目的使用。PeakWatch 基於各種數據的解讀提供指導和反饋,包括但不限於來自 Apple Health 的心率變異性和心率數據,這些數據由 Apple Watch 測量。PeakWatch 自身不測量或收集這些數據,因此對其準確性不承擔責任。
  • 版本: 1.1.20



    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手

    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手

    專業 HRV 心率運動健康應用


    - 無需登入!直接訪問核心功能;
    - 在設置頁面新增內測計劃入口。

    - 修復 S10 手錶上的 UI 問題;
    - 修復分享時無地圖顯示的問題;
    - 修復更新緩存時的數據同步故障。

    請關注我們的 Instagram @getPeakWatch 和 Reddit r/PeakWatch 及 小紅書帳號 @PeakWatch 以獲取更多產品更新資訊和健身知識;



  • 版本: 1.1.19



    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手

    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手

    專業 HRV 心率運動健康應用


    - 優化了恢復算法,考慮了睡眠對訓練準備度的影響
    - 修復了睡眠統計的錯誤,改善了對午睡的支持
    - 優化了手錶App的加載速度
    - 在手錶App中加入了睡眠階段的評估,並調整了圖表字體

    敬請關注我們的 Instagram @getPeakWatch 以獲取最新消息



  • 版本: 1.1.18



    PeakWatch: AI Personal Trainer

    PeakWatch: AI Personal Trainer


    - Added Health Suggestions on Home screen
    - Bug fixes

    Stay tuned by following us on instagram @getPeakWatch
    Get in touch via


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    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图


    Use PeakWatch to Train Smarter, Recover Faster, Feel Healthier, Sleep Better!

    PeakWatch reads health data such as heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV), resting heart rate (RHR), sleep, and respiratory rhythms to analyze and calculate your current recovery status and exercise levels, providing exercise recommendations. It helps you gain insights into your body, achieve a balance between life and exercise, and find your peak performance state.

    ◎ Features of PeakWatch
    - Body Battery measures your cumulative energy level throughout the day, integrating data from Recovery, Sleep, Strain, and Stress into one comprehensive metric.
    - Body Recovery Tracking - By analyzing your heart rate variability and resting heart rate, we calculate your recovery status for the day, helping you decide whether to push hard or rest.
    - Daily Exercise Monitoring and Recommendations - By analyzing all-day heart rate data to calculate the cardiovascular load, you get real-time updates on your exercise levels. It also provides a target exercise range based on your recovery status. Comparing real-time exercise levels with the recommended range helps prevent overtraining and reduces the risk of injury, while also ensuring adequate training for optimal results.
    - Long-term Exercise Balance - A robust trends section with colorful and detailed charts includes visualizing long-term and short-term exercise loads to help assess the reasonableness of your exercise plan, recovery and load analysis, weekly cardiovascular load, energy consumption and burning, heart rate recovery, and cardiovascular health data.
    - Exercise Analysis - Detailed interpretation of each workout performance. Features include heart rate zone color charts, current heart rate zone, effort score and intensity levels during workouts, aerobic and anaerobic analysis, and more. Post-workout, view more detailed analysis including cardiovascular fitness, heart rate recovery, and the impact of training on HRV.
    - Sleep Trend Insights - A good night's sleep helps you quickly enhance your athletic performance. Visualize all aspects of your sleep, including sleep performance, sleep stages, restorative sleep analysis, sleep debt, sleep consistency, sleep latency and efficiency, heart rate dip during sleep, and detailed charts of HRV, heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood oxygen during sleep.
    - Multiple Watch Face Options - Know your body status at a glance.

    # Contact Us
    Instagram: @getPeakWatch
    We look forward to hearing your suggestions. Your support and feedback are the driving forces behind our continuous improvement!

    # Subscription and Terms
    PeakWatch is available for free with the option to upgrade to PeakWatch PRO with an auto-renewing subscription. You may switch off auto-renew in your Apple ID Account Settings.

    Purchases of PRO subscriptions will be charged using your Apple ID upon confirmation of purchase. Subscriptions renew on a monthly or yearly frequency unless canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. If canceled, subscriptions remain valid until the end of the current period, and any unused portions are not valid for a refund.

    PeakWatch reads data from HealthKit. All data is processed locally on your device.

    By completing your purchase, you affirm your understanding of the following:
    Terms of Service:
    Privacy Policy:

    # Disclaimer
    PeakWatch provides informational content only and is not intended to be medical or treatment advice. Users should not rely on this App for medical diagnosis or as a recommendation for medical care or treatment. The information provided by this App does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content on or available through this App, including text, graphics, images, and information, is for general informational purposes only.
  • 版本: 1.1.17



    PeakWatch: AI Personal Trainer

    PeakWatch: AI Personal Trainer


    Bug Fix

    Stay tuned by following us on instagram @getPeakWatch
    Get in touch via


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    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图


    Use PeakWatch to Train Smarter, Recover Faster, Feel Healthier, Sleep Better!

    PeakWatch reads health data such as heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV), resting heart rate (RHR), sleep, and respiratory rhythms to analyze and calculate your current recovery status and exercise levels, providing exercise recommendations. It helps you gain insights into your body, achieve a balance between life and exercise, and find your peak performance state.

    ◎ Features of PeakWatch
    - Body Battery measures your cumulative energy level throughout the day, integrating data from Recovery, Sleep, Strain, and Stress into one comprehensive metric.
    - Body Recovery Tracking - By analyzing your heart rate variability and resting heart rate, we calculate your recovery status for the day, helping you decide whether to push hard or rest.
    - Daily Exercise Monitoring and Recommendations - By analyzing all-day heart rate data to calculate the cardiovascular load, you get real-time updates on your exercise levels. It also provides a target exercise range based on your recovery status. Comparing real-time exercise levels with the recommended range helps prevent overtraining and reduces the risk of injury, while also ensuring adequate training for optimal results.
    - Long-term Exercise Balance - A robust trends section with colorful and detailed charts includes visualizing long-term and short-term exercise loads to help assess the reasonableness of your exercise plan, recovery and load analysis, weekly cardiovascular load, energy consumption and burning, heart rate recovery, and cardiovascular health data.
    - Exercise Analysis - Detailed interpretation of each workout performance. Features include heart rate zone color charts, current heart rate zone, effort score and intensity levels during workouts, aerobic and anaerobic analysis, and more. Post-workout, view more detailed analysis including cardiovascular fitness, heart rate recovery, and the impact of training on HRV.
    - Sleep Trend Insights - A good night's sleep helps you quickly enhance your athletic performance. Visualize all aspects of your sleep, including sleep performance, sleep stages, restorative sleep analysis, sleep debt, sleep consistency, sleep latency and efficiency, heart rate dip during sleep, and detailed charts of HRV, heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood oxygen during sleep.
    - Multiple Watch Face Options - Know your body status at a glance.

    # Contact Us
    Instagram: @getPeakWatch
    We look forward to hearing your suggestions. Your support and feedback are the driving forces behind our continuous improvement!

    # Subscription and Terms
    PeakWatch is available for free with the option to upgrade to PeakWatch PRO with an auto-renewing subscription. You may switch off auto-renew in your Apple ID Account Settings.

    Purchases of PRO subscriptions will be charged using your Apple ID upon confirmation of purchase. Subscriptions renew on a monthly or yearly frequency unless canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. If canceled, subscriptions remain valid until the end of the current period, and any unused portions are not valid for a refund.

    PeakWatch reads data from HealthKit. All data is processed locally on your device.

    By completing your purchase, you affirm your understanding of the following:
    Terms of Service:
    Privacy Policy:

    # Disclaimer
    PeakWatch provides informational content only and is not intended to be medical or treatment advice. Users should not rely on this App for medical diagnosis or as a recommendation for medical care or treatment. The information provided by this App does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content on or available through this App, including text, graphics, images, and information, is for general informational purposes only.
  • 版本: 1.1.16



    PeakWatch: AI Personal Trainer

    PeakWatch: AI Personal Trainer


    Bug Fix

    Stay tuned by following us on instagram @getPeakWatch
    Get in touch via


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    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图


    PeakWatch reads health data such as heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV), resting heart rate (RHR), sleep, and respiratory rhythms to analyze and calculate your current recovery status and exercise levels, providing exercise recommendations. It helps you gain insights into your body, achieve a balance between life and exercise, and find your peak performance state.

    ◎ Features of PeakWatch
    - Body Battery measures your cumulative energy level throughout the day, integrating data from Recovery, Sleep, Strain, and Stress into one comprehensive metric.
    - Body Recovery Tracking - By analyzing your heart rate variability and resting heart rate, we calculate your recovery status for the day, helping you decide whether to push hard or rest.
    - Daily Exercise Monitoring and Recommendations - By analyzing all-day heart rate data to calculate the cardiovascular load, you get real-time updates on your exercise levels. It also provides a target exercise range based on your recovery status. Comparing real-time exercise levels with the recommended range helps prevent overtraining and reduces the risk of injury, while also ensuring adequate training for optimal results.
    - Long-term Exercise Balance - A robust trends section with colorful and detailed charts includes visualizing long-term and short-term exercise loads to help assess the reasonableness of your exercise plan, recovery and load analysis, weekly cardiovascular load, energy consumption and burning, heart rate recovery, and cardiovascular health data.
    - Exercise Analysis - Detailed interpretation of each workout performance. Features include heart rate zone color charts, current heart rate zone, effort score and intensity levels during workouts, aerobic and anaerobic analysis, and more. Post-workout, view more detailed analysis including cardiovascular fitness, heart rate recovery, and the impact of training on HRV.
    - Sleep Trend Insights - A good night's sleep helps you quickly enhance your athletic performance. Visualize all aspects of your sleep, including sleep performance, sleep stages, restorative sleep analysis, sleep debt, sleep consistency, sleep latency and efficiency, heart rate dip during sleep, and detailed charts of HRV, heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood oxygen during sleep.
    - Multiple Watch Face Options - Know your body status at a glance.

    # Contact Us
    Instagram: @getPeakWatch
    We look forward to hearing your suggestions. Your support and feedback are the driving forces behind our continuous improvement!

    # Subscription and Terms
    PeakWatch is available for free with the option to upgrade to PeakWatch PRO with an auto-renewing subscription. You may switch off auto-renew in your Apple ID Account Settings.

    Purchases of PRO subscriptions will be charged using your Apple ID upon confirmation of purchase. Subscriptions renew on a monthly or yearly frequency unless canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. If canceled, subscriptions remain valid until the end of the current period, and any unused portions are not valid for a refund.

    PeakWatch reads data from HealthKit. All data is processed locally on your device.

    By completing your purchase, you affirm your understanding of the following:
    Terms of Service:
    Privacy Policy:

    # Disclaimer
    PeakWatch provides informational content only and is not intended to be medical or treatment advice. Users should not rely on this App for medical diagnosis or as a recommendation for medical care or treatment. The information provided by this App does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content on or available through this App, including text, graphics, images, and information, is for general informational purposes only.
  • 版本: 1.1.15



    PeakWatch: AI Personal Trainer

    PeakWatch: AI Personal Trainer


    PeakWatch’s latest Apple Watch update introduces a redesigned key components and refreshed color scheme, optimized for the watch interface. The new design ensures clearer visuals and faster navigation, making it easier to track your health and fitness data right from your wrist.

    Stay tuned by following us on instagram @getPeakWatch
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    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图


    PeakWatch reads health data such as heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV), resting heart rate (RHR), sleep, and respiratory rhythms to analyze and calculate your current recovery status and exercise levels, providing exercise recommendations. It helps you gain insights into your body, achieve a balance between life and exercise, and find your peak performance state.

    ◎ Features of PeakWatch
    - Body Battery measures your cumulative energy level throughout the day, integrating data from Recovery, Sleep, Strain, and Stress into one comprehensive metric.
    - Body Recovery Tracking - By analyzing your heart rate variability and resting heart rate, we calculate your recovery status for the day, helping you decide whether to push hard or rest.
    - Daily Exercise Monitoring and Recommendations - By analyzing all-day heart rate data to calculate the cardiovascular load, you get real-time updates on your exercise levels. It also provides a target exercise range based on your recovery status. Comparing real-time exercise levels with the recommended range helps prevent overtraining and reduces the risk of injury, while also ensuring adequate training for optimal results.
    - Long-term Exercise Balance - A robust trends section with colorful and detailed charts includes visualizing long-term and short-term exercise loads to help assess the reasonableness of your exercise plan, recovery and load analysis, weekly cardiovascular load, energy consumption and burning, heart rate recovery, and cardiovascular health data.
    - Exercise Analysis - Detailed interpretation of each workout performance. Features include heart rate zone color charts, current heart rate zone, effort score and intensity levels during workouts, aerobic and anaerobic analysis, and more. Post-workout, view more detailed analysis including cardiovascular fitness, heart rate recovery, and the impact of training on HRV.
    - Sleep Trend Insights - A good night's sleep helps you quickly enhance your athletic performance. Visualize all aspects of your sleep, including sleep performance, sleep stages, restorative sleep analysis, sleep debt, sleep consistency, sleep latency and efficiency, heart rate dip during sleep, and detailed charts of HRV, heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood oxygen during sleep.
    - Multiple Watch Face Options - Know your body status at a glance.

    # Contact Us
    Instagram: @getPeakWatch
    We look forward to hearing your suggestions. Your support and feedback are the driving forces behind our continuous improvement!

    # Subscription and Terms
    PeakWatch is available for free with the option to upgrade to PeakWatch PRO with an auto-renewing subscription. You may switch off auto-renew in your Apple ID Account Settings.

    Purchases of PRO subscriptions will be charged using your Apple ID upon confirmation of purchase. Subscriptions renew on a monthly or yearly frequency unless canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. If canceled, subscriptions remain valid until the end of the current period, and any unused portions are not valid for a refund.

    PeakWatch reads data from HealthKit. All data is processed locally on your device.

    By completing your purchase, you affirm your understanding of the following:
    Terms of Service:
    Privacy Policy:

    # Disclaimer
    PeakWatch provides informational content only and is not intended to be medical or treatment advice. Users should not rely on this App for medical diagnosis or as a recommendation for medical care or treatment. The information provided by this App does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content on or available through this App, including text, graphics, images, and information, is for general informational purposes only.
  • 版本: 1.1.14



    PeakWatch: AI Personal Trainer

    PeakWatch: AI Personal Trainer


    - Bug fixes

    Stay tuned by following us on instagram @getPeakWatch
    Get in touch via


    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图
    PeakWatch:AI 運動助手 App 截图


    PeakWatch reads health data such as heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV), resting heart rate (RHR), sleep, and respiratory rhythms to analyze and calculate your current recovery status and exercise levels, providing exercise recommendations. It helps you gain insights into your body, achieve a balance between life and exercise, and find your peak performance state.

    ◎ Features of PeakWatch
    - Body Battery measures your cumulative energy level throughout the day, integrating data from Recovery, Sleep, Strain, and Stress into one comprehensive metric.
    - Body Recovery Tracking - By analyzing your heart rate variability and resting heart rate, we calculate your recovery status for the day, helping you decide whether to push hard or rest.
    - Daily Exercise Monitoring and Recommendations - By analyzing all-day heart rate data to calculate the cardiovascular load, you get real-time updates on your exercise levels. It also provides a target exercise range based on your recovery status. Comparing real-time exercise levels with the recommended range helps prevent overtraining and reduces the risk of injury, while also ensuring adequate training for optimal results.
    - Long-term Exercise Balance - A robust trends section with colorful and detailed charts includes visualizing long-term and short-term exercise loads to help assess the reasonableness of your exercise plan, recovery and load analysis, weekly cardiovascular load, energy consumption and burning, heart rate recovery, and cardiovascular health data.
    - Exercise Analysis - Detailed interpretation of each workout performance. Features include heart rate zone color charts, current heart rate zone, effort score and intensity levels during workouts, aerobic and anaerobic analysis, and more. Post-workout, view more detailed analysis including cardiovascular fitness, heart rate recovery, and the impact of training on HRV.
    - Sleep Trend Insights - A good night's sleep helps you quickly enhance your athletic performance. Visualize all aspects of your sleep, including sleep performance, sleep stages, restorative sleep analysis, sleep debt, sleep consistency, sleep latency and efficiency, heart rate dip during sleep, and detailed charts of HRV, heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood oxygen during sleep.
    - Multiple Watch Face Options - Know your body status at a glance.

    # Contact Us
    Instagram: @getPeakWatch
    We look forward to hearing your suggestions. Your support and feedback are the driving forces behind our continuous improvement!

    # Subscription and Terms
    PeakWatch is available for free with the option to upgrade to PeakWatch PRO with an auto-renewing subscription. You may switch off auto-renew in your Apple ID Account Settings.

    Purchases of PRO subscriptions will be charged using your Apple ID upon confirmation of purchase. Subscriptions renew on a monthly or yearly frequency unless canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. If canceled, subscriptions remain valid until the end of the current period, and any unused portions are not valid for a refund.

    PeakWatch reads data from HealthKit. All data is processed locally on your device.

    By completing your purchase, you affirm your understanding of the following:
    Terms of Service:
    Privacy Policy:

    # Disclaimer
    PeakWatch provides informational content only and is not intended to be medical or treatment advice. Users should not rely on this App for medical diagnosis or as a recommendation for medical care or treatment. The information provided by this App does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content on or available through this App, including text, graphics, images, and information, is for general informational purposes only.