Match Family: Triple Match 3D

Match Family: Triple Match 3D

Aidez & Exercez votre cerveau

开发者: Topsmart Mobile Ltd.

  • 6天2小时


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  • 2024-03-23


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  • 版本: 1.7.0



    Match Family: Triple Match 3D

    Match Family: Triple Match 3D

    Aidez & Exercez votre cerveau


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    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图


    Plongez dans un monde de puzzles parfaits avec "Match Family" - votre destination ultime pour un plaisir de correspondance sans fin !

    Avec un mélange de niveaux captivants et de défis exaltants, ce jeu de puzzle promet des heures de gameplay engageant qui non seulement divertit, mais affine également vos prouesses de tri.

    Saisissez l'opportunité de devenir un maestro de l'association en naviguant à travers une série de missions diverses, tout en profitant d'une expérience de jeu détendue et satisfaisante.

    Stimulez votre cerveau, profitez d'un moment relaxant mais amusant en triant les objets, en les associant par trois, et en vous lançant dans diverses missions.

    Avec ses mécaniques conviviales, ce jeu est parfait pour les débutants comme pour les joueurs chevronnés cherchant à affiner leurs compétences en stratégie et en logique.
    Que vous soyez à la maison ou en déplacement, "Match Family" offre la commodité du jeu hors ligne, vous permettant de plonger dans le monde des puzzles à tout moment et n'importe où.

    Comment jouer :
    Gardez l'œil ouvert et tapez sur trois tuiles identiques pour les connecter et créer des triplés dans une démonstration délicieuse de prouesse d'association.
    Plongez-vous dans le processus satisfaisant de tri et d'association, avec l'objectif d'éliminer tous les éléments cibles de l'écran pour progresser à travers les niveaux.
    Relevez le défi en atteignant les objectifs uniques fixés au début de chaque niveau, vous propulsant vers le sommet de la maîtrise des jeux de puzzle 3D !
    Le temps est une denrée précieuse ici ! Chaque niveau est une course contre la montre, vous incitant à élaborer rapidement une stratégie pour atteindre les objectifs du niveau.
    Vous vous trouvez dans une impasse sur un niveau particulièrement difficile ? "Match Family" est équipé d'une série de boosters puissants conçus pour vous aider à naviguer dans les situations délicates. Déployez ces aides extraordinaires pour progresser dans le jeu et dévoiler une gamme d'objets passionnants, y compris des fruits, des animaux, des bonbons, et bien plus encore !

    Caractéristiques principales :
    Exploitez la puissance de boosters incroyables pour surmonter facilement les scénarios difficiles.
    Découvrez des niveaux de match 3D magnifiquement conçus qui captivent et défient.
    Lancez-vous dans des missions stimulantes d'entraînement cérébral conçues pour aiguiser vos capacités cognitives de manière amusante et interactive.
    Profitez d'un jeu de triple correspondance relaxant et facile à jouer, parfait pour se détendre.
    "Match Family" est entièrement gratuit, offrant la possibilité de profiter du jeu en ligne et hors ligne. Pas besoin de Wi-Fi ou de connexion Internet !

    Préparez-vous à être captivé par une expérience de jeu qui vous tiendra en haleine pendant des heures.
    Et n'oubliez pas, bien que les publicités Triple Match 3D donnent un aperçu du jeu, le gameplay réel est rempli de encore plus d'excitation et de défis.
    N'attendez plus - votre ultime aventure de puzzle vous attend !

    Partagez vos commentaires avec nous pour nous aider à continuer à nous améliorer !
    Privacy Policy:
  • 版本: 1.6.0



    Match Family: Triple Match 3D

    Match Family: Triple Match 3D

    Aidez & Exercez votre cerveau


    Bug Fix & Some new stories - Thank you for Playing Match Family!



  • 版本: 1.5.3



    Match Family: Triple Match 3D

    Match Family: Triple Match 3D

    Aidez & Exercez votre cerveau


    Bug Fix & Improvements - Thank you for Playing Match Family!



  • 版本: 1.5.2



    Match Family: Triple Match 3D

    Match Family: Triple Match 3D


    Bug Fix & Improvements - Thank you for Playing Match Family!


    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图


    Dive into a world of puzzle perfection with "Match Family" – your ultimate destination for endless matching fun!

    With a blend of captivating levels and exhilarating challenges, this puzzle-matching game promises hours of engaging gameplay that not only entertains but also sharpens your sorting prowess.

    Embrace the opportunity to become a matching maestro as you navigate through a series of diverse missions, all while enjoying a leisurely and satisfying gaming experience.

    Engage your brain, enjoy a relaxing yet fun time as you sift through goods, matching them into triples, and embark on various missions.

    With its user-friendly mechanics, this game is perfect for both beginners and seasoned players looking to refine their strategy and logic skills.

    Whether you're at home or on the go, "Match Family" offers the convenience of offline play, allowing you to dive into the puzzle world anytime, anywhere.

    How To Play:
    - Keep your eyes peeled and tap on three identical tiles to connect and create triples in a delightful display of matching prowess.
    - Immerse yourself in the satisfying process of sorting and matching, with the goal of clearing all target items from the screen to progress through the levels.
    - Rise to the occasion by meeting the unique objectives set at the start of each level, propelling yourself towards the pinnacle of 3D puzzle game mastery!
    - Time is a precious commodity here! Each level is a race against the clock, urging you to strategize swiftly to fulfill the level's objectives.
    - Finding yourself in a bind on a particularly tough level? "Match Family" comes equipped with a suite of powerful boosters designed to help you navigate through sticky spots. Deploy these extraordinary aids to progress through the game and unveil an array of exciting items, including fruits, animals, candy, and much more!

    Key Features:
    - Harness the power of incredible boosters to overcome challenging scenarios with ease.
    - Experience beautifully crafted match 3D levels that captivate and challenge.
    - Embark on engaging brain-training missions designed to sharpen your cognitive abilities in a fun and interactive way.
    - Enjoy a relaxing, easy-to-play triple-matching game that's the perfect remedy for unwinding.
    - "Match Family" is entirely free to play, offering the convenience of enjoying the game both online and offline. No need for Wi-Fi or an internet connection!

    Prepare to be enthralled by a gameplay experience that keeps you glued to your screen for hours on end.

    And remember, while Triple Match 3D ads provide a glimpse into the game, the actual gameplay is packed with even more excitement and challenges.
    Don't wait any longer – your ultimate puzzle adventure awaits!

    Share your feedback with us to help us continue improving!
    Privacy Policy:
  • 版本: 1.5.1



    Match Family: Triple Match 3D

    Match Family: Triple Match 3D


    Some New Stories & Improvements - Thank you for Playing Match Family!



  • 版本: 1.4.0



    Match Family: Triple Match 3D

    Match Family: Triple Match 3D


    Some New Stories & Improvements - Thank you for Playing Match Family!


    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图


    Dive into a world of puzzle perfection with "Match Family" – your ultimate destination for endless matching fun!

    With a blend of captivating levels and exhilarating challenges, this puzzle-matching game promises hours of engaging gameplay that not only entertains but also sharpens your sorting prowess.

    Embrace the opportunity to become a matching maestro as you navigate through a series of diverse missions, all while enjoying a leisurely and satisfying gaming experience.

    Engage your brain, enjoy a relaxing yet fun time as you sift through goods, matching them into triples, and embark on various missions.

    With its user-friendly mechanics, this game is perfect for both beginners and seasoned players looking to refine their strategy and logic skills.

    Whether you're at home or on the go, "Match Family" offers the convenience of offline play, allowing you to dive into the puzzle world anytime, anywhere.

    How To Play:
    - Keep your eyes peeled and tap on three identical tiles to connect and create triples in a delightful display of matching prowess.
    - Immerse yourself in the satisfying process of sorting and matching, with the goal of clearing all target items from the screen to progress through the levels.
    - Rise to the occasion by meeting the unique objectives set at the start of each level, propelling yourself towards the pinnacle of 3D puzzle game mastery!
    - Time is a precious commodity here! Each level is a race against the clock, urging you to strategize swiftly to fulfill the level's objectives.
    - Finding yourself in a bind on a particularly tough level? "Match Family" comes equipped with a suite of powerful boosters designed to help you navigate through sticky spots. Deploy these extraordinary aids to progress through the game and unveil an array of exciting items, including fruits, animals, candy, and much more!

    Key Features:
    - Harness the power of incredible boosters to overcome challenging scenarios with ease.
    - Experience beautifully crafted match 3D levels that captivate and challenge.
    - Embark on engaging brain-training missions designed to sharpen your cognitive abilities in a fun and interactive way.
    - Enjoy a relaxing, easy-to-play triple-matching game that's the perfect remedy for unwinding.
    - "Match Family" is entirely free to play, offering the convenience of enjoying the game both online and offline. No need for Wi-Fi or an internet connection!

    Prepare to be enthralled by a gameplay experience that keeps you glued to your screen for hours on end.

    And remember, while Triple Match 3D ads provide a glimpse into the game, the actual gameplay is packed with even more excitement and challenges.
    Don't wait any longer – your ultimate puzzle adventure awaits!

    Share your feedback with us to help us continue improving!
    Privacy Policy:
  • 版本: 1.3.5



    Match Family: Triple Match 3D

    Match Family: Triple Match 3D


    Bug Fixes & Improvements - Thank you for Playing Match Family!


    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图


    Dive into a world of puzzle perfection with "Match Family" – your ultimate destination for endless matching fun!

    With a blend of captivating levels and exhilarating challenges, this puzzle-matching game promises hours of engaging gameplay that not only entertains but also sharpens your sorting prowess.

    Embrace the opportunity to become a matching maestro as you navigate through a series of diverse missions, all while enjoying a leisurely and satisfying gaming experience.

    Engage your brain, enjoy a relaxing yet fun time as you sift through goods, matching them into triples, and embark on various missions.

    With its user-friendly mechanics, this game is perfect for both beginners and seasoned players looking to refine their strategy and logic skills.

    Whether you're at home or on the go, "Match Family" offers the convenience of offline play, allowing you to dive into the puzzle world anytime, anywhere.

    How To Play:
    - Keep your eyes peeled and tap on three identical tiles to connect and create triples in a delightful display of matching prowess.
    - Immerse yourself in the satisfying process of sorting and matching, with the goal of clearing all target items from the screen to progress through the levels.
    - Rise to the occasion by meeting the unique objectives set at the start of each level, propelling yourself towards the pinnacle of 3D puzzle game mastery!
    - Time is a precious commodity here! Each level is a race against the clock, urging you to strategize swiftly to fulfill the level's objectives.
    - Finding yourself in a bind on a particularly tough level? "Match Family" comes equipped with a suite of powerful boosters designed to help you navigate through sticky spots. Deploy these extraordinary aids to progress through the game and unveil an array of exciting items, including fruits, animals, candy, and much more!

    Key Features:
    - Harness the power of incredible boosters to overcome challenging scenarios with ease.
    - Experience beautifully crafted match 3D levels that captivate and challenge.
    - Embark on engaging brain-training missions designed to sharpen your cognitive abilities in a fun and interactive way.
    - Enjoy a relaxing, easy-to-play triple-matching game that's the perfect remedy for unwinding.
    - "Match Family" is entirely free to play, offering the convenience of enjoying the game both online and offline. No need for Wi-Fi or an internet connection!

    Prepare to be enthralled by a gameplay experience that keeps you glued to your screen for hours on end.

    And remember, while Triple Match 3D ads provide a glimpse into the game, the actual gameplay is packed with even more excitement and challenges.
    Don't wait any longer – your ultimate puzzle adventure awaits!

    Share your feedback with us to help us continue improving!
    Privacy Policy:
  • 版本: 1.3.3



    Match Family: Triple Match 3D

    Match Family: Triple Match 3D


    Bug Fixes & Improvements - Thank you for Playing Match Family!



  • 版本: 1.3.2



    Match Family: Triple Match 3D

    Match Family: Triple Match 3D


    Bug Fixes & Improvements - Thank you for Playing Match Family!


    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图
    Match Family: Triple Match 3D App 截图


    Dive into a world of puzzle perfection with "Match Family" – your ultimate destination for endless matching fun!

    With a blend of captivating levels and exhilarating challenges, this puzzle-matching game promises hours of engaging gameplay that not only entertains but also sharpens your sorting prowess.

    Embrace the opportunity to become a matching maestro as you navigate through a series of diverse missions, all while enjoying a leisurely and satisfying gaming experience.

    Engage your brain, enjoy a relaxing yet fun time as you sift through goods, matching them into triples, and embark on various missions.

    With its user-friendly mechanics, this game is perfect for both beginners and seasoned players looking to refine their strategy and logic skills.

    Whether you're at home or on the go, "Match Family" offers the convenience of offline play, allowing you to dive into the puzzle world anytime, anywhere.

    How To Play:
    - Keep your eyes peeled and tap on three identical tiles to connect and create triples in a delightful display of matching prowess.
    - Immerse yourself in the satisfying process of sorting and matching, with the goal of clearing all target items from the screen to progress through the levels.
    - Rise to the occasion by meeting the unique objectives set at the start of each level, propelling yourself towards the pinnacle of 3D puzzle game mastery!
    - Time is a precious commodity here! Each level is a race against the clock, urging you to strategize swiftly to fulfill the level's objectives.
    - Finding yourself in a bind on a particularly tough level? "Match Family" comes equipped with a suite of powerful boosters designed to help you navigate through sticky spots. Deploy these extraordinary aids to progress through the game and unveil an array of exciting items, including fruits, animals, candy, and much more!

    Key Features:
    - Harness the power of incredible boosters to overcome challenging scenarios with ease.
    - Experience beautifully crafted match 3D levels that captivate and challenge.
    - Embark on engaging brain-training missions designed to sharpen your cognitive abilities in a fun and interactive way.
    - Enjoy a relaxing, easy-to-play triple-matching game that's the perfect remedy for unwinding.
    - "Match Family" is entirely free to play, offering the convenience of enjoying the game both online and offline. No need for Wi-Fi or an internet connection!

    Prepare to be enthralled by a gameplay experience that keeps you glued to your screen for hours on end.

    And remember, while Triple Match 3D ads provide a glimpse into the game, the actual gameplay is packed with even more excitement and challenges.
    Don't wait any longer – your ultimate puzzle adventure awaits!

    Share your feedback with us to help us continue improving!
    Privacy Policy:
  • 版本: 1.3.1



    Match Family: Triple Match 3D

    Match Family: Triple Match 3D


    Bug Fixes & Improvements - Thank you for Playing Match Family!

