With the Letras.com app you will be able to see more than 2.6 million songs and find releases and the most played songs of the moment.
Access to lyrics of all styles, like pop, rock, reggaeton, jazz, blues, electronic, indie and more.
Find artists like Beyoncé, Ed Sheeran, Kanye West, Ariana Grande, Hillsong, Shawn Mendes, BTS and thousands of others!
Besides that:
- A super player
A music player to play the tracks you have on your device. With our player, the lyrics will be displayed automatically when you start listening.
- Translations in several languages
Do you listen to music in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Japanese and do not know what they mean? No problem! Just turn on the device and we'll show you the translation.
- Videos of your favorite songs
Within the app you will find a selection of videos of the songs on YouTube. It has the clip, versions and even shows.
- Lyric of the song you are listening to
When you listen to a song on another player, just open the Letras app and it will show you the lyrics of the song you are playing.
- Listen to your style
Choose your favorite musical style and get a selection cool of artists, songs, playlists and news of the genre.
- Playlists
Created by our specialists to listen at all times: to study, celebrate, travel, relax, cure bad mood and much more. In addition, you will find the soundtrack of dozens of series and movies!
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letrasmusbr
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letrasmusbr
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/letras
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/letrasmusbr