Pip and Tim Stage 3

Pip and Tim Stage 3

Little Learners decodable book

开发者: Learning Logic

  • 499天9小时


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  • 2014-03-06


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  • 版本: 3.1



    Pip and Tim Stage 3

    Pip and Tim Stage 3

    Little Learners decodable book


    Fixed an issue that was causing pages to appear stretched on larger screen sizes.


    Pip and Tim Stage 3 App 截图
    Pip and Tim Stage 3 App 截图
    Pip and Tim Stage 3 App 截图
    Pip and Tim Stage 3 App 截图


    Little Learners Love Literacy® is a sequenced phonics reading program to give children confidence and success. Letters and sounds are introduced in stages. Each stage has 5 beautifully illustrated books with real stories about Tim and Pip and their adventures.

    The Little Learners Apps are enhanced with professionally recorded and produced audio. Each story can be read aloud, and most importantly, the words are highlighted as they are read. In addition, children can tap a word which is then highlighted and spoken. The audio can be turned off from the book home screen.

    They are Australia’s favourite learn-to-read books. Created by reading experts and based on best practice teaching, the lively stories and sequenced progression will ensure children learn to read. Little Learners Love Literacy® is perfect for home or in the classroom.

    Evidence-based research has shown that the explicit teaching of phonics is the most effective way of teaching children to read. Learning to read is too important not to use these Little Leaners Love Literacy books. Once children know 8 sounds, they can blend these together to start reading our first 5 books in Stage One.

    Each book has a fun story about Tim and Pip and their adventures. Children become engaged with the characters, their family, friends and pets.

    This app is true to the books and focuses on learning-to-read in a modern and enjoyable way with audio support:

    • child reads the sounds and Heart Words (high frequency words that cannot be sounded out at this stage)
    • or tap each sound to hear it pronounced
    • child reads the story using ‘sounding out’ as their first strategy
    • tap on a word to hear it being read

    Hints and Tips:

    Each book provides vocabulary and comprehension questions.
    Encourage children to run their fingers under each word as they read
    All words, except for Heart Words, in these books can be ‘sounded out’. To do this, children point to each letter or digraph, saying the sounds and then blending the sounds together to read the word.

    Little Learners Love Literacy Stage 3

    • Ned
    • Big Ted and Meg
    • Tim’s quiz
    • Dad and his hot dog
    • The rat

    Stage 3 sounds include m, s, f, a, p, t, c, I, b, h, n, o, d, g, l, v plus new sounds y r e qu z

    New Heart words: of are too for her

    There are NO tricks in reading these stories as children are practising their knowledge of the sounds and letters.
    These books are enhanced with audio – tap on a word to have it read aloud.
  • 版本: 3.0



    Pip and Tim Stage 3

    Pip and Tim Stage 3

    Little Learners decodable book


    Updated content


    Pip and Tim Stage 3 App 截图
    Pip and Tim Stage 3 App 截图
    Pip and Tim Stage 3 App 截图
    Pip and Tim Stage 3 App 截图


    Little Learners Love Literacy® is a sequenced phonics reading program to give children confidence and success. Letters and sounds are introduced in stages. Each stage has 5 beautifully illustrated books with real stories about Tim and Pip and their adventures.

    The Little Learners Apps are enhanced with professionally recorded and produced audio. Each story can be read aloud, and most importantly, the words are highlighted as they are read. In addition, children can tap a word which is then highlighted and spoken. The audio can be turned off from the book home screen.

    They are Australia’s favourite learn-to-read books. Created by reading experts and based on best practice teaching, the lively stories and sequenced progression will ensure children learn to read. Little Learners Love Literacy® is perfect for home or in the classroom.

    Evidence-based research has shown that the explicit teaching of phonics is the most effective way of teaching children to read. Learning to read is too important not to use these Little Leaners Love Literacy books. Once children know 8 sounds, they can blend these together to start reading our first 5 books in Stage One.

    Each book has a fun story about Tim and Pip and their adventures. Children become engaged with the characters, their family, friends and pets.

    This app is true to the books and focuses on learning-to-read in a modern and enjoyable way with audio support:

    • child reads the sounds and Heart Words (high frequency words that cannot be sounded out at this stage)
    • or tap each sound to hear it pronounced
    • child reads the story using ‘sounding out’ as their first strategy
    • tap on a word to hear it being read

    Hints and Tips:

    Each book provides vocabulary and comprehension questions.
    Encourage children to run their fingers under each word as they read
    All words, except for Heart Words, in these books can be ‘sounded out’. To do this, children point to each letter or digraph, saying the sounds and then blending the sounds together to read the word.

    Little Learners Love Literacy Stage 3

    • Ned
    • Big Ted and Meg
    • Tim’s quiz
    • Dad and his hot dog
    • The rat

    Stage 3 sounds include m, s, f, a, p, t, c, I, b, h, n, o, d, g, l, v plus new sounds y r e qu z

    New Heart words: of are too for her

    There are NO tricks in reading these stories as children are practising their knowledge of the sounds and letters.
    These books are enhanced with audio – tap on a word to have it read aloud.
  • 版本: 2.0



    Pip and Tim Stage 3

    Pip and Tim Stage 3

    Little Learners decodable book


    Fixed some small bugs and added better support for newer devices


    Pip and Tim Stage 3 App 截图
    Pip and Tim Stage 3 App 截图
    Pip and Tim Stage 3 App 截图
    Pip and Tim Stage 3 App 截图


    Little Learners Love Literacy® is a sequenced phonics reading program to give children confidence and success. Letters and sounds are introduced in stages. Each stage has 5 beautifully illustrated books with real stories about Tim and Pip and their adventures.

    The Little Learners Apps are enhanced with professionally recorded and produced audio. Each story can be read aloud, and most importantly, the words are highlighted as they are read. In addition, children can tap a word which is then highlighted and spoken. The audio can be turned off from the book home screen.

    They are Australia’s favourite learn-to-read books. Created by reading experts and based on best practice teaching, the lively stories and sequenced progression will ensure children learn to read. Little Learners Love Literacy® is perfect for home or in the classroom.

    Evidence-based research has shown that the explicit teaching of phonics is the most effective way of teaching children to read. Learning to read is too important not to use these Little Leaners Love Literacy books. Once children know 8 sounds, they can blend these together to start reading our first 5 books in Stage One.

    Each book has a fun story about Tim and Pip and their adventures. Children become engaged with the characters, their family, friends and pets.

    This app is true to the books and focuses on learning-to-read in a modern and enjoyable way with audio support:

    • child reads the sounds and Heart Words (high frequency words that cannot be sounded out at this stage)
    • or tap each sound to hear it pronounced
    • child reads the story using ‘sounding out’ as their first strategy
    • tap on a word to hear it being read

    Hints and Tips:

    Each book provides vocabulary and comprehension questions.
    Encourage children to run their fingers under each word as they read
    All words, except for Heart Words, in these books can be ‘sounded out’. To do this, children point to each letter or digraph, saying the sounds and then blending the sounds together to read the word.

    Little Learners Love Literacy Stage 3

    • Ned
    • Big Ted and Meg
    • Tim’s quiz
    • Dad and his hot dog
    • The rat

    Stage 3 sounds include m, s, f, a, p, t, c, I, b, h, n, o, d, g, l, v plus new sounds y r e qu z

    New Heart words: of are too for her

    There are NO tricks in reading these stories as children are practising their knowledge of the sounds and letters.
    These books are enhanced with audio – tap on a word to have it read aloud.
  • 版本: 1.2



    Pip and Tim Stage 3

    Pip and Tim Stage 3

    Little Learners decodable book


    - Added a new way to change the audio reading mode. You can now select: "Read to me", "I will read" or "No audio".
    Full explanations of these modes can be found by touching the help icon on the reading mode page.

    - Added a more information page where you can easily read more information on how to use the app to best teach your child to read.

    - The home button now goes straight back to the bookshelf to make things easier to use

    - Fixed a couple of areas where the words were out of order or the wrong word was being said when tapped

    - Fixed some other small bugs and issues



  • 版本: 1.0



    Pip and Tim Stage 3

    Pip and Tim Stage 3

    Little Learners decodable book



