Sueca Drinking Game

Sueca Drinking Game

King's Cup Drinking Game

开发者: Roger Oba

  • 1868天9小时


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  • 2014-07-28


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  • 版本: 1.6.0



    Sueca Drinking Game

    Sueca Drinking Game

    King's Cup Drinking Game


    New in version 1.6.0:
    - Support for iOS 13.
    - Bug fixes, and creation of new bugs, like always.

    Like our facebook page and you send us messages calling us names. We like it.


    Sueca Drinking Game App 截图
    Sueca Drinking Game App 截图
    Sueca Drinking Game App 截图


    We'd like to thank every Sueca player, which made us reach #1 position on the App Store, for several consecutive months!* ;) Thank you!

    If you're here, it's because you know what you want. You don't have playing cards, but you have some drinks, and want to have fun with your friends, right?

    So, while the app is being downloaded, read these almost useless information:

    - Play Sueca (or King's Cup, however you wanna call it heh) with the official rules, or create your own customised deck, with your own rules!
    - Review the app and maybe you are selected to take part in our promotions and giveaways, which the winner win prizes like bottles of liquor! ;)

    Attention: you must have legal drinking age to use this app.
    Drink responsibly.
    Don't drink and drive.

    *In its category: Food & Drink.
  • 版本: 1.5.2



    Sueca Drinking Game

    Sueca Drinking Game

    King's Cup Drinking Game


    New in version 1.5.2:
    - Bug fixes, and creation of new bugs, like always.

    New in version 1.5:
    Okay guys, let's expose the truth: those drawing and shuffling buttons were horrible, right?!

    So we completely changed the way to present the cards: now you just have to swipe or touch the card, that it goes away!

    Like you asked, we added the Joker to the custom decks!

    Among many small things that we improved that probably no one's gonna notice, we'd like to highlight the fact that now if you run out of drinks while using the app, you just have to press a button and one of our guys is going to deliver cold drinks in your house!!
    Okay, it's not that easy, but soon enough we'll be hosting a few giveaways that may guarantee some free drinks for your weekend ;) So stay tuned and turn on the...

    Notifications! To be alerted when new drinking promotions are available. Who doesn't enjoy free drinks, tell me? But it's just available for a group of selected users (the most engaged and interactive ones), so if you are invited to join the promotions, don't miss the chance!

    So that's it folks. If you liked the news, MAYBE the first promotion will become active only when we have enough app reviews in this version of the app, so even if you have already reviewed, do it again ;) Who knows if the promotions become available faster...

    And, last but not least, like our facebook page and you may send us messages calling us names too. We like it.



  • 版本: 1.5.1



    Sueca Drinking Game

    Sueca Drinking Game

    King's Cup Drinking Game


    Okay guys, let's expose the truth: those drawing and shuffling buttons were horrible, right?!

    So we completely changed the way to present the cards: now you just have to swipe or touch the card, that it goes away!

    Like you asked, we added the Joker to the custom decks!

    Among many small things that we improved that probably no one's gonna notice, we'd like to highlight the fact that now if you run out of drinks while using the app, you just have to press a button and one of our guys is going to deliver cold drinks in your house!!
    Okay, it's not that easy, but soon enough we'll be hosting a few giveaways that may guarantee some free drinks for your weekend ;) So stay tuned and turn on the...

    Notifications! To be alerted when new drinking promotions are available. Who doesn't enjoy free drinks, tell me? But it's just available for a group of selected users (the most engaged and interactive ones), so if you are invited to join the promotions, don't miss the chance!

    So that's it folks. If you liked the news, MAYBE the first promotion will become active only when we have enough app reviews in this version of the app, so even if you have already reviewed, do it again ;) Who knows if the promotions become available faster...

    And, last but not least, like our facebook page and you may send us messages calling us names too. We like it.



  • 版本: 1.5



    Sueca Drinking Game

    Sueca Drinking Game

    King's Cup Drinking Game


    Okay guys, let's expose the truth: those drawing and shuffling buttons were horrible, right?!

    So we completely changed the way to present the cards: now you just have to swipe or touch the card, that it goes away!

    Like you asked, we added the Joker to the custom decks!

    Among many small things that we improved that probably no one's gonna notice, we'd like to highlight the fact that now if you run out of drinks while using the app, you just have to press a button and one of our guys is going to deliver cold drinks in your house!!
    Okay, it's not that easy, but soon enough we'll be hosting a few giveaways that may guarantee some free drinks for your weekend ;) So stay tuned and turn on the...

    Notifications! To be alerted when new drinking promotions are available. Who doesn't enjoy free drinks, tell me? But it's just available for a group of selected users (the most engaged and interactive ones), so if you are invited to join the promotions, don't miss the chance!

    So that's it folks. If you liked the news, MAYBE the first promotion will become active only when we have enough app reviews in this version of the app, so even if you have already reviewed, do it again ;) Who knows if the promotions become available faster...

    And, last but not least, like our facebook page and you may send us messages calling us names too. We like it.



  • 版本: 1.2



    Sueca Drinking Game

    Sueca Drinking Game

    King's Cup Drinking Game


    Sometimes I wonder if people even read these texts. Anyways, here it is:

    Small improvements on app usability! Now you can:
    - Get higher than ever
    - Have an unforgettable hangover
    - Be publicly embarrassed
    …and there’s more!

    Now if you tap on the card rule while playing, you’ll see the detailed description of it :] And even be able to share it with your friends ;]

    Now you can rename your decks! (There’s innovation, huh?)

    The option to shake to draw a card was removed, based on user feedbacks. Continue giving feedbacks to ask for whatever you want in your whole life!

    When it comes to beer, which country is the first to come to your mind? Ok, it doesn't matter, but now Sueca is available in German! Yaay, pretend like you care about it please!

    Bug fix: iPhone 4S users were experiencing app crashes, so we told them to buy newer iPhones so they could enjoy Sueca with no problems!

    Prepare yourself for the insertion of new bugs in this version, and on the future ones too! Thank you for comprehension and have a great hangover.



  • 版本: 1.1



    Sueca Drinking Game

    Sueca Drinking Game

    King's Cup Drinking Game


    We’d like to inform that because of the intense use of this app, and the excess of full bottles available, the developers took longer than expected to release this update.
    But what matters is that the wait is over, and now you can play Sueca as you’re used to, with your own rules!
    So no excuses anymore! Just invite your friends and #drinkItAll

    In this version you can also see the description of each card, so you can remember what each one means, in case you’re not able to remember things anymore…

    Now you can share this app with those friends that have iPhone 4, or 4S, 5, 5S, 6, Plus and so on…

    Did you know? You can draw a card shaking your device! Just hold it strong, who knows…

    Don’t forget: if you like playing sueca, and drinking with friends, rate this app! Tell us what you’d like to see in the next update!

    Thanks, that’s all folks!



  • 版本: 1.0.1



    Sueca Drinking Game

    Sueca Drinking Game

    King's Cup Drinking Game





  • 预订版本: 1.0




    Sueca Drinking Game

    Sueca Drinking Game

    King's Cup Drinking Game



