Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés

Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés

Guía del Camino de Santiago

开发者: Michael Matynka

  • 271天16小时


  • 1


  • 2015-04-10


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  • 版本: 5.8.2



    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés

    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés

    Guía del Camino de Santiago


    Gran actualización en anticipación al próximo año.
    La función de comentarios se ha corregido, gracias a todos por enviar informes de errores, fue invaluable para solucionarlo.


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    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图


    Sin registro. Sin inicio de sesión. Celebrando su 12º año como aplicación móvil, y su 14º en línea, las Wise Pilgrim Guides son la fuente de referencia de información actualizada sobre el Camino de Santiago.

    La aplicación se actualiza regularmente con nuevos contenidos y nuevas funciones y te ofrece la posibilidad de dejar consejos para los peregrinos que te siguen.

    Esta guía cubre el Camino Inglés desde Ferrol y La Coruña e incluye todas las rutas alternativas a lo largo del camino. Ha sido rediseñada y ahora funciona casi exclusivamente sin conexión (para compartir tus comentarios con otros se requerirá una conexión de datos).

    Directorio de Alojamientos: Un directorio completo de Albergues, campings, hoteles, pensiones, paradores y casas rurales. Más de 900 en total, con especial atención a los que se pueden reservar online.

    Guía sin etapas: Se acabó la "ansiedad escénica" o los cuellos de botella creados por la guía.

    Mapas: Las versiones en línea y fuera de línea de un hermoso mapa topográfico le darán una buena vista del terreno por delante.

    Fotos: Fotos de albergues, monumentos y otros puntos de interés a lo largo del camino. Actualmente 900+ imágenes y creciendo.

    Mapa de elevación desplazable: Este es difícil de mostrar con solo una captura de pantalla, pero la elevación que aparece en la parte superior de cada página de la ciudad se desplaza de este a oeste. Un alzado completo, desde St. Jean Pied de Port hasta Santiago, ininterrumpido por pliegues de página.

    Comentario: ¿El albergue cierra temprano por la temporada? ¿Tienes un restaurante que quieras compartir, o tal vez uno sobre el que advertir a los demás? Cada ubicación en la aplicación te da la oportunidad de dejar un comentario y leer los comentarios dejados por otros. No es necesario registrarse.

    ¡Buen Camino y gracias por tu apoyo!
  • 版本: 5.7.5



    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés

    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés


    Improved navigation between villages.
    Minor bug fixes.


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    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
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    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图


    No account necessary.
    No hidden costs.
    Update always free & the content is the same as the printed guide, with lots of tips and practical advice from point to point.

    Now in their 10th year as a mobile app, and their 12th online, the Wise Pilgrim Guides are the go-to source of up-to-date information on the Camino de Santiago.

    The app is updated regularly with new content and new features and offers you the ability to leave tips for pilgrims following behind you.

    This guide covers the Camino Inglés from both Ferrol and La Coruña and includes all of the alternate routes along the way. It has been redesigned and now works almost exclusively offline (to share your comments with others will require a data connection). As more an more albergues share their WiFi this becomes less of an issue, and the guide will tell you which ones offer WiFi.

    Accommodation Directory:
    A full directory of Albergues, camping, hotels, pensions, paradors, and cases rurales.

    Stageless Guide:
    No more "stage anxiety" or guide created bottlenecks.

    Offline and online versions of a beautiful topographical may will give you a good view of the terrain ahead.

    Photos of albergues, monuments and other points of interest along the way.

    Scrollable Elevation Map:
    This one is hard to show with just a screenshot, but the elevation that appears at the top of every city page scrolls East to West. One complete elevation, from León to Oviedo, uninterrupted by page folds.

    Albergue closed early for the season? Have a restaurant that you want to share, or perhaps one to warn others about? Every location in the app gives you the opportunity to leave a comment and to read the comments left by others. No registration necessary.

    ¡Buen Camino and thank you for your support!
  • 版本: 5.7.3



    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés

    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés


    Fixed some mixed up distance around Betanzos, and the sum of distances to Santiago.
    Improved navigation between places!


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    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图


    No account necessary.
    No hidden costs.
    Update always free & the content is the same as the printed guide, with lots of tips and practical advice from point to point.

    Now in their 10th year as a mobile app, and their 12th online, the Wise Pilgrim Guides are the go-to source of up-to-date information on the Camino de Santiago.

    The app is updated regularly with new content and new features and offers you the ability to leave tips for pilgrims following behind you.

    This guide covers the Camino Inglés from both Ferrol and La Coruña and includes all of the alternate routes along the way. It has been redesigned and now works almost exclusively offline (to share your comments with others will require a data connection). As more an more albergues share their WiFi this becomes less of an issue, and the guide will tell you which ones offer WiFi.

    Accommodation Directory:
    A full directory of Albergues, camping, hotels, pensions, paradors, and cases rurales.

    Stageless Guide:
    No more "stage anxiety" or guide created bottlenecks.

    Offline and online versions of a beautiful topographical may will give you a good view of the terrain ahead.

    Photos of albergues, monuments and other points of interest along the way.

    Scrollable Elevation Map:
    This one is hard to show with just a screenshot, but the elevation that appears at the top of every city page scrolls East to West. One complete elevation, from León to Oviedo, uninterrupted by page folds.

    Albergue closed early for the season? Have a restaurant that you want to share, or perhaps one to warn others about? Every location in the app gives you the opportunity to leave a comment and to read the comments left by others. No registration necessary.

    ¡Buen Camino and thank you for your support!
  • 版本: 5.7.1



    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés

    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés


    In this update, the last major one of the season, I have improved the way to navigate between adjacent towns along the way.

    I have also fixed some map-related bugs, thanks to all of you who have written to help me diagnose them.


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    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图


    No account necessary.
    No hidden costs.
    Update always free & the content is the same as the printed guide, with lots of tips and practical advice from point to point.

    Now in their 10th year as a mobile app, and their 12th online, the Wise Pilgrim Guides are the go-to source of up-to-date information on the Camino de Santiago.

    The app is updated regularly with new content and new features and offers you the ability to leave tips for pilgrims following behind you.

    This guide covers the Camino Inglés from both Ferrol and La Coruña and includes all of the alternate routes along the way. It has been redesigned and now works almost exclusively offline (to share your comments with others will require a data connection). As more an more albergues share their WiFi this becomes less of an issue, and the guide will tell you which ones offer WiFi.

    Accommodation Directory:
    A full directory of Albergues, camping, hotels, pensions, paradors, and cases rurales.

    Stageless Guide:
    No more "stage anxiety" or guide created bottlenecks.

    Offline and online versions of a beautiful topographical may will give you a good view of the terrain ahead.

    Photos of albergues, monuments and other points of interest along the way.

    Scrollable Elevation Map:
    This one is hard to show with just a screenshot, but the elevation that appears at the top of every city page scrolls East to West. One complete elevation, from León to Oviedo, uninterrupted by page folds.

    Albergue closed early for the season? Have a restaurant that you want to share, or perhaps one to warn others about? Every location in the app gives you the opportunity to leave a comment and to read the comments left by others. No registration necessary.

    ¡Buen Camino and thank you for your support!
  • 版本: 5.6.4



    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés

    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés




    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图


    No account necessary.
    No hidden costs.
    Update always free & the content is the same as the printed guide, with lots of tips and practical advice from point to point.

    Now in their 10th year as a mobile app, and their 12th online, the Wise Pilgrim Guides are the go-to source of up-to-date information on the Camino de Santiago.

    The app is updated regularly with new content and new features and offers you the ability to leave tips for pilgrims following behind you.

    This guide covers the Camino Inglés from both Ferrol and La Coruña and includes all of the alternate routes along the way. It has been redesigned and now works almost exclusively offline (to share your comments with others will require a data connection). As more an more albergues share their WiFi this becomes less of an issue, and the guide will tell you which ones offer WiFi.

    Accommodation Directory:
    A full directory of Albergues, camping, hotels, pensions, paradors, and cases rurales.

    Stageless Guide:
    No more "stage anxiety" or guide created bottlenecks.

    Offline and online versions of a beautiful topographical may will give you a good view of the terrain ahead.

    Photos of albergues, monuments and other points of interest along the way.

    Scrollable Elevation Map:
    This one is hard to show with just a screenshot, but the elevation that appears at the top of every city page scrolls East to West. One complete elevation, from León to Oviedo, uninterrupted by page folds.

    Albergue closed early for the season? Have a restaurant that you want to share, or perhaps one to warn others about? Every location in the app gives you the opportunity to leave a comment and to read the comments left by others. No registration necessary.

    ¡Buen Camino and thank you for your support!
  • 版本: 5.6.0



    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés

    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés


    This update does two things at the same time.
    It introduces the ability to send updates 'Over the air' meaning that if there is a change in telephone number, or price, or opening hours of your accommodation I can get them to you faster. The is important at the moment since the hiking season is beginning and many albergues are making last minute changes.
    New routes will still be delivered via app store updates.
    It eliminates a minor bug that annoyed me greatly.

    Everything else remains as awesome as always.


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    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图


    No account necessary.
    No hidden costs.
    Update always free & the content is the same as the printed guide, with lots of tips and practical advice from point to point.

    Now in their 10th year as a mobile app, and their 12th online, the Wise Pilgrim Guides are the go-to source of up-to-date information on the Camino de Santiago.

    The app is updated regularly with new content and new features and offers you the ability to leave tips for pilgrims following behind you.

    This guide covers the Camino Inglés from both Ferrol and La Coruña and includes all of the alternate routes along the way. It has been redesigned and now works almost exclusively offline (to share your comments with others will require a data connection). As more an more albergues share their WiFi this becomes less of an issue, and the guide will tell you which ones offer WiFi.

    Accommodation Directory:
    A full directory of Albergues, camping, hotels, pensions, paradors, and cases rurales.

    Stageless Guide:
    No more "stage anxiety" or guide created bottlenecks.

    Offline and online versions of a beautiful topographical may will give you a good view of the terrain ahead.

    Photos of albergues, monuments and other points of interest along the way.

    Scrollable Elevation Map:
    This one is hard to show with just a screenshot, but the elevation that appears at the top of every city page scrolls East to West. One complete elevation, from León to Oviedo, uninterrupted by page folds.

    Albergue closed early for the season? Have a restaurant that you want to share, or perhaps one to warn others about? Every location in the app gives you the opportunity to leave a comment and to read the comments left by others. No registration necessary.

    ¡Buen Camino and thank you for your support!
  • 版本: 5.5.1



    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés

    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés


    New feature shows whether an albergue is CURRENTLY open, closed, or about to open/close. Handy for pilgrims walking in the shoulder season and winter.
    MAJOR BUG fix on the map page, which was super annoying. My apologies to anyone that just wanted to explore beyond their immediate surroundings.


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    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图


    No account necessary.
    No hidden costs.
    Update always free & the content is the same as the printed guide, with lots of tips and practical advice from point to point.

    Now in their 10th year as a mobile app, and their 12th online, the Wise Pilgrim Guides are the go-to source of up-to-date information on the Camino de Santiago.

    The app is updated regularly with new content and new features and offers you the ability to leave tips for pilgrims following behind you.

    This guide covers the Camino Inglés from both Ferrol and La Coruña and includes all of the alternate routes along the way. It has been redesigned and now works almost exclusively offline (to share your comments with others will require a data connection). As more an more albergues share their WiFi this becomes less of an issue, and the guide will tell you which ones offer WiFi.

    Accommodation Directory:
    A full directory of Albergues, camping, hotels, pensions, paradors, and cases rurales.

    Stageless Guide:
    No more "stage anxiety" or guide created bottlenecks.

    Offline and online versions of a beautiful topographical may will give you a good view of the terrain ahead.

    Photos of albergues, monuments and other points of interest along the way.

    Scrollable Elevation Map:
    This one is hard to show with just a screenshot, but the elevation that appears at the top of every city page scrolls East to West. One complete elevation, from León to Oviedo, uninterrupted by page folds.

    Albergue closed early for the season? Have a restaurant that you want to share, or perhaps one to warn others about? Every location in the app gives you the opportunity to leave a comment and to read the comments left by others. No registration necessary.

    ¡Buen Camino and thank you for your support!
  • 版本: 5.5.0



    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés

    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés


    Updated content.
    Bug fixes here and there.


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    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图


    No account necessary.
    No hidden costs.
    Update always free & the content is the same as the printed guide, with lots of tips and practical advice from point to point.

    Now in their 10th year as a mobile app, and their 12th online, the Wise Pilgrim Guides are the go-to source of up-to-date information on the Camino de Santiago.

    The app is updated regularly with new content and new features and offers you the ability to leave tips for pilgrims following behind you.

    This guide covers the Camino Inglés from both Ferrol and La Coruña and includes all of the alternate routes along the way. It has been redesigned and now works almost exclusively offline (to share your comments with others will require a data connection). As more an more albergues share their WiFi this becomes less of an issue, and the guide will tell you which ones offer WiFi.

    Accommodation Directory:
    A full directory of Albergues, camping, hotels, pensions, paradors, and cases rurales.

    Stageless Guide:
    No more "stage anxiety" or guide created bottlenecks.

    Offline and online versions of a beautiful topographical may will give you a good view of the terrain ahead.

    Photos of albergues, monuments and other points of interest along the way.

    Scrollable Elevation Map:
    This one is hard to show with just a screenshot, but the elevation that appears at the top of every city page scrolls East to West. One complete elevation, from León to Oviedo, uninterrupted by page folds.

    Albergue closed early for the season? Have a restaurant that you want to share, or perhaps one to warn others about? Every location in the app gives you the opportunity to leave a comment and to read the comments left by others. No registration necessary.

    ¡Buen Camino and thank you for your support!
  • 版本: 5.4.0



    Camino Inglés : Wise Pilgrim

    Camino Inglés : Wise Pilgrim


    This release introduces a dark mode for lights out albergue users. And it greatly cleans up the UX to make more content more visible.
    There are a few new photos from a recent camino, and minor changes to prices and availability.

    Thank you everyone for all of the comments you leave within the app!


    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图


    No account necessary.
    No hidden costs.
    Update always free & the content is the same as the printed guide, with lots of tips and practical advice from point to point.

    Now in their 10th year as a mobile app, and their 12th online, the Wise Pilgrim Guides are the go-to source of up-to-date information on the Camino de Santiago.

    The app is updated regularly with new content and new features and offers you the ability to leave tips for pilgrims following behind you.

    This guide covers the Camino Inglés from both Ferrol and La Coruña and includes all of the alternate routes along the way. It has been redesigned and now works almost exclusively offline (to share your comments with others will require a data connection). As more an more albergues share their WiFi this becomes less of an issue, and the guide will tell you which ones offer WiFi.

    Accommodation Directory:
    A full directory of Albergues, camping, hotels, pensions, paradors, and cases rurales.

    Stageless Guide:
    No more "stage anxiety" or guide created bottlenecks.

    Offline and online versions of a beautiful topographical may will give you a good view of the terrain ahead.

    Photos of albergues, monuments and other points of interest along the way.

    Scrollable Elevation Map:
    This one is hard to show with just a screenshot, but the elevation that appears at the top of every city page scrolls East to West. One complete elevation, from León to Oviedo, uninterrupted by page folds.

    Albergue closed early for the season? Have a restaurant that you want to share, or perhaps one to warn others about? Every location in the app gives you the opportunity to leave a comment and to read the comments left by others. No registration necessary.

    ¡Buen Camino and thank you for your support!
  • 版本: 5.3.0



    Camino Inglés : Wise Pilgrim

    Camino Inglés : Wise Pilgrim


    Content Update: Updated opened/closed, as well as prices.

    Better maps: Now with the option to turn off map markers and a better selector for map types.

    Feature Update: Introducing the WhatsApp Message Maker: A simple tool to help you initiate a conversation with the albergue or hotel owner to check for availability and request a reservation. It automatically translates what you need into a short request, and from their you can finish the deal directly with the property owner.


    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图
    Wise Pilgrim Camino Inglés App 截图


    No account necessary.
    No hidden costs.
    Update always free & the content is the same as the printed guide, with lots of tips and practical advice from point to point.

    Now in their 10th year as a mobile app, and their 12th online, the Wise Pilgrim Guides are the go-to source of up-to-date information on the Camino de Santiago.

    The app is updated regularly with new content and new features and offers you the ability to leave tips for pilgrims following behind you.

    This guide covers the Camino Inglés from both Ferrol and La Coruña and includes all of the alternate routes along the way. It has been redesigned and now works almost exclusively offline (to share your comments with others will require a data connection). As more an more albergues share their WiFi this becomes less of an issue, and the guide will tell you which ones offer WiFi.

    Accommodation Directory:
    A full directory of Albergues, camping, hotels, pensions, paradors, and cases rurales.

    Stageless Guide:
    No more "stage anxiety" or guide created bottlenecks.

    Offline and online versions of a beautiful topographical may will give you a good view of the terrain ahead.

    Photos of albergues, monuments and other points of interest along the way.

    Scrollable Elevation Map:
    This one is hard to show with just a screenshot, but the elevation that appears at the top of every city page scrolls East to West. One complete elevation, from León to Oviedo, uninterrupted by page folds.

    Albergue closed early for the season? Have a restaurant that you want to share, or perhaps one to warn others about? Every location in the app gives you the opportunity to leave a comment and to read the comments left by others. No registration necessary.

    ¡Buen Camino and thank you for your support!